In the Lap of Luxury

Chapter 491 Stay True to What You Love
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Chapter 491 Stay True to What You Love

“What are you talking about? What does this have to do with me finding a wife in the future? Victor, speak clearly!" Caleb said."Bro, you've got to find out on your own!"

"No, you've got to explain this to me today."

Xander ignored Victor's teasing and went to the art room by himself.

He stood outside the window and spotted Grace. She was inside, practicing still-life art.

She held the pencil in her hand as she drew out the lines with each stroke of her pencil. Her movements weren't practiced, butshe was very focused.

Xander had never seen her like this before.

He stood there quietly, watching her in silence. Grace remained sitting there even after the end of the art class, completing theart assignment that she hadn't been able to finish in class.

After a long time, Grace finally stopped what she was doing. She raised her sore arm, and a flash of joy appeared on her face."Phew, I've finally finished drawing it."

She had just finished when Xander pushed the door open and entered. "Are you done?"Grace turned. At some point, she had gotten paint on her face, but she was completely unaware of it.When she saw Xander, she looked delighted. "Xander, what are you doing here?"

Xander walked toward her, a smile in his eyes. At last, he said, "Gracie, do you want to look in the mirror and see what's becomeof your face?"

"Huh? What?"

Grace hurriedly got up and approached the mirror to take a look. "Oh my, when did | get this on me? Xander, wait here for me. I'llgo wash it off in the restroom."

With that said, Grace slipped off in the direction of the restroom. When she came out, Xander handed her a handkerchief.“Wipe your hands.""Thank you!"

Grace took it and dried her hands. Then, she asked, "Xander, didn't you have class today? How did you have time to come andsee me?"

“Nothing much. | just came over to see you. | heard Victor and Caleb say that you plan to study fashion design.”Without trying to hide anything, Grace nodded in assent.

"| think studying design is pretty good. In the future, | can open a boutique, start my own brand, sell the clothes | design, and |can even join Fashion Week with my own designs ..."

As Grace spoke, her eyes shone as brightly as the stars. It seemed as if there was a light shining directly on her.

"| even thought of settling down in

the city where I'll work. gan have a); , Cc 2

b hoyse witha huge pond in the

backyard where | can raise fish."

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She continued, "It'll be best if | canhave a big garden and grow flowersand plants that | like. Andit would beAvis tHe vaaaswing that | couldston to read books and newspapersand watch dramas on sunnyafternoons, in early spring, in the heatof summer, in the depths of autumn,in winter ... Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

"| can be with the person | love for all four seasons of the year and all three meals of the day."She looked dreamy as she pictured her future.

Xander listened to her dreams of thefuture as he stood beside her: Shiel |oke lightly, parhe Kept every singlerd that she said in his heart.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He looked at her, and his eyes were full of tenderness. He couldn't help asking, "Is this what you want?"Grace looked back and assented vigorously. "Yes! It sounds pretty simple, but there's still a long way to go to make it a reality."

“No. It will come true," Xander said softly.

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