In the Lap of Luxury

Chapter 434 Emerging Industry
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Chapter 434 Emerging Industry

When Xander saw Grace, who wasn't far away, he immediately spoke into the phone. "Let's talk about this when I get back. Let'sleave it at that first.”

He then hung up the phone.Xander walked toward Grace. "Gracie, where are you going?"

Grace took a few steps forward and waved the room key card at him. "Mr. Thorne has already arranged everything. Are youdone here? Let's go there now."

"Okay."As soon as Xander finished speaking, he gave a wary look behind Grace. There was nothing. It was completely empty.His eyes darkened. "Gracie, you go ahead. Wait for me at the elevator."

Grace was curious. "What's wrong? Xander?"

"It's nothing. You go ahead." Xander gave her a reassuring look.

Grace followed his gaze. "Xander, what are you looking at?"

Instead of replying, he just walked over. After looking around, he didn't find anything.

Xander said, "Nothing. Maybe | saw it wrong."

Grace had her doubts. but she didn't think too much about it.

The two of them walked toward the hotel on the opposite side. After they had gone far enough, a man holding a camera on theother side breathed a sigh of relief.

Wayne had been waiting at the hotel entrance according to Matthew's instructions. Although he was now a popular streamer, hewas just an employee.

He followed the boss’ orders in everything.

Seeing Grace and Xander, Wayne hurriedly approached. "Ms. Lewis, Mr. Fulton, you're here. Mr. Thorne has already goneupstairs."

"Then, let's go up too."

Wayne gestured for them to walk ahead and took the initiative to press the elevator for them. Even after they entered theelevator, they were unaware that this scene had been captured.

In the hotel suite, Matthew arranged for his secretary to bring over some documents. "Mr. Fulton, Ms. Lewis, these are somehighlights of our short video projects at Byte Technologies. Please take a look."

The secretary handed the documents to both of them.Grace opened it and started reading it seriously.

Although she didn't know much about the short video industry, the enthusiasm of people around her indicated a promising trendfor the future.

Wayne took the initiative to introduce it to Grace.

"Ms. Lewis, you can also register a Byte account and share your daily life. | have an account, but I've never posted anything."

"The most basic thing in making short videos is to maintain regular updates. Only then will the system help you push traffic.

"When more people stay on yourprofile for longer durations, thesystem will copsistenth ive tictoyouddéd on algorithms. Thisresults in an increasing number ofviewers encountering your videos."Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

"| see.""When your fan base reaches a certain level, you can start setting up a shop and live streaming to sell products."At the mention of live streaming to sell products, Matthew turned confident.

"Ms. Lewis, don't underestimateselling products in a live stre dustduring th recent BIAKK Friday sales,Waline’ ive stream generated aturnover of 200 million dollars afterjust one session." Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Asmall live stream had a turnover of 200 million dollarS?This data was quite astonishing.

"Of course, only top streamers canachieve that. For regular stre ARSachievin tens qchuitditas fo)thdUs@hds of dollars in turnover inone session is quite easy." Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

Grace was still a little surprised. Achieving a turnover of tens or hundreds of thousands in traditional businesses might takeseveral months.novelbin

But it had been made possible with just a few hours of live streaming.

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