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Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Love Confession

I knew he would definitely come and confront me after listening to the recorder. But I didn’t know thathe couldn’t even wait till the morning.

“Have you listened to it yet?” I ask.

“Of course!” he huffs. “Why did you do it? Why did you go find my mom?”

I’ve expected him to be angry and confused. No one wants to be told that his fiancé is an evil personright before the engagement. But he doesn’t love Katherine, that I can be sure of, so he can take thebad news. I just need to break it down to him slowly.

“Your mom asked me not to tell anyone. But you have the right to know.” I sit down by my bed, taking ina deep breath before continuing. “Your mom is dating

Katherine’s father, which is why she has ganged up with them to steal your money. If you marry her,you will lose all your family wealth to them.”


Yet he remains silent. He just stands there, staring at me with a set of dark eyes.

I frown, frustrated. Doesn’t he trust me? The fact is so plain and simple. Why is he still doubting me?!

“Look,” I try to persuade him with a little more patience, “I know you don’t care whom you marry to, butat least you deserve to be with someone who values your hard work! You worked so hard foreverything! Don’t throw it away!”

He suddenly takes a big stride forward. My nightstand lights up his face and I finally get to see hisexpression clearly. To my surprise, he doesn’t seem angry and confused. Instead, he seems moreanxious and eager.

“I didn’t ask you about Katherine. She is irrelevant.” his voice is strained. “All I want to know is why youcare about me so much?”

Here it comes again. The same question he asked me in the jewelry store. What does he want me tosay!

Then I look into his eyes, which alight with eagerness and longing. Suddenly an almost absurd ideaflashes through my mind.

Oh god. Could he still-love me?

I’m scared by that fleeting thought. No way, impossible. He was going to marry someone else. How canhe marry another person when he is still in love with me?!

Just then, he crouches down in front me. He takes both of my hand and brings them to his lips. Helooks up at me, and murmurs in a way that almost sounds like pleading, Please Natalia…just give me areason. Stop torturing me.”

“Eason…” I swallow and continue carefully. “Are you do you still love me?”

He pauses, staring back into my eyes weakly. This is the first time in almost three years he doesn’t tryto mask out his emotions in front of me. I see so many things in those eyes, sadness, desperation,longing…and love.

He speaks up slowly, breathing hard. “If…if I’m still in love with you…what would you say?”

My heart almost stops beating.

He still loves me! God, he still loves me!!

“Fuck, say something!” he curses and buries his face into my palms. “You are killing me. Just say thatyou are disgusted and want me to get out of here. Come on, say it. I can take it…”

“Why do you think I will be disgusted?” I mutter in a low voice.

“I-I lied to you. I carried on with my stupid revenge plan without looking into the whole story. I know Idon’t deserve your forgiveness. And surely…I don’t deserve to love you.”

“But you’ve changed!” I can’t bear listening to him anymore. “I’ve forgiven you, a long time ago.Especially now that I know your mom set the both of us up. You are not the one to blame.”

He snaps his head up, his eyes brighter than usual. A smile lights up his face gradually, and I can’t helpbut smile with him.

“I must be daydreaming,” he squeezes my hand, breathing hard and fast. “But Nat, do you still havefeelings for me-even the slightest.”

“Yes,” I nod, giving him a clear and honest answer. We’ve wasted 6 years already. I don’t want us towait another second. ” Maybe I’m crazy…but I still love you.”

He lets out a joyful low growl, jumping up and cupping my face with both of his hands. The nextsecond, his hot lips are on mine. He kisses me, hard and deep, as if he wants to gobble me down. Iraise my head to welcome his lips and tongue while moaning in satisfaction. I miss this so much, thepassion. that no one else can give me.

“This feels like a dream…” he murmurs hoarsely between our kisses. “I’ve dreamed at least a thousandtimes that I didn’t make all those mistakes and you never left me. But then I open my eyes and youdisappear from my sight…”

I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I had the same experience when I left him. All those nightmares keptme from falling asleep.

But luckily, we are back together now.

“This isn’t a dream.” I hug him with all my might and whisper beside his ear. “We love each other.Nothing can keep us apart anymore.”

He buries his face onto my shoulder and tightens his arms around me. I think I hear a few low sobsfrom him.novelbin

We lie on the bed silently for a long time.

Even though none of us said a word, we can feel each other’s heartbeat and heat. I rest my head onhis chest, feeling my heart so peaceful and full right now.

“Why didn’t you tell me you love me when you first met me?” I break the silence first.

If I’m still mad at him for something, it’s the fact that he was going to marry someone else withoutletting me know how he really feels.

“I was terrified.” He whispers lowly. “I was afraid that if I told you, you would avoid me again. I can’tbear to lose you for the third time. I even made up my mind to keep my feelings to myself and just treatyou nicely like your brother, if that’s what I need to do to keep you by my side.”

My heart aches. He has really learnt his lesson.

“But what if I didn’t stop you? Are you really going to marry Katherine? Do you have any idea what kindof person she is?”

He pauses, and then shakes his head slightly. “Honestly, I don’t know…probably. I told you. If I can’tmarry you, it doesn’t matter whom I marry. I didn’t even ask my mom who is my fiancé. I just didn’t givea fuck. I was so desperate and lost.”

“And you just ruin your life like this?”

He kisses me on my forehead, his lips slightly trembling. “Yeah. That was the plan.

I’m so lucky to have you.”

I smile. “So? What are we going to do with Katherine and your mom?”

“I’ll call off this marriage first thing in the marriage. But I presume that you will want to vent your anger alittle bit yourself?”

I raise my eyebrow slightly, “I can do anything I want?”

“Anything,” says him determinedly.

“I might give each of them a hot slap,” I giggle.

“And they deserve it,” his tone turns cold. ” I’ll never forgive my mother for treating you like that.”

“What about your dad? He won’t be happy about this.”

“He is a reasonable man. I’m sure he will understand eventually. And if he doesn’t, I can take you withme and leave this family together. Let him live with his family honors and other craps. I’m financiallyindependent. I don’t need his money and approval anymore.”

“Right. You have your own business now.”

“I’ve been trying to become a better person after you left,” he hugs me tighter, like holding on to atreasure. “Guess I’ve been waiting for you to come back to me all along.”


We talked about a lot of things that night. Eventually I can’t fight my sleepiness and drift intodreamland.

I haven’t had such a good sleep in a very long time.

When I open my eyes again, I find myself lying on my side with Eason’s arms wrapped around me fromthe back.

He notices I’m wake almost instantly. ” Morning babe.”

“What time is it?” I rub my sleepy eyes.

“Almost 3 in the afternoon,” He says.

“What!” I sit up immediately, suddenly wide awake. “Today’s Christmas! Did my mom come and getme?”

“She did. But I locked your bedroom door and stayed quiet. You phone has been buzzing nonstop. Shemust think that you didn’t come home last night.”

I grab my phone and find at least 30 messages and missing calls from my mom. She thought I hadalready gone back to New York without telling her.

“I need to freshen up,” I jump off bed and stagger toward the bathroom. Eason follows behind me. Herests his chin on my head while I’m brushing my teeth. His hot breath spreads on my earlobe andmakes me itchy.

“Hey stop.” I giggle.

“No. I’m not letting go of you ever again, he hugs me tighter.

I kind of like this clingy version of him. So I let him be.

“Nat,” he says lowly behind me. “My mother and Katherine are here. Also some of my dad’s closefriends.”

Right. They are here for the Christmas party all those noble and important people gathered up for afancy party.

“Do you want me to spare them for this time?” I ask.

He snickers shaking his head, “God no. The more people the merrier. I’m just telling you that today isthe perfect chance for revenge. I’m doing it if you don’t.”

I laugh out, “Don’t take the fun away from me!”

He bends down and gives me a long kiss. Go kick their ass, babe. I’ll be right there with you.”

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