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Chapter 42

Chapter 42: Silver Dress

If she weren’t my mom, I’d throw the F bomb

“Are you out of your mind?” I ask sharply, “Why on earth did you invite her!” “I never invited her, OK? Youthink I like this arrangement?” mom says urgently. “Even though they were separated, she’s still Shawn’sbusiness partner. What can I do?” “Millions of things! Have you tried talking to Mr. Ramirez about this? Ithink he will be equally awkward if his ex-wife comes to his anniversary party that he’s having with hisnew wife!”

Mom sighs deeply, “I tried. But he said they ended on good terms so no one should feel weird about this.And recently he is negotiating a new partnership with her company, so he couldn’t really uninvite her.And I don’t want to jeopardize his work with our personal life.”

I want to tell her that this is bullshit. No normal person would invite his Ex to the anniversary.

But this is how high society works actually, full of fuck-ups and dramas. Since mom has absolutely nosay in the Ramirez’s family, the only thing she can do is to put up with all the humiliation and absurdity. Ibite my nails in anxiety, thinking of Eason’s mother, Caroline Griswold. novelbin

I’ve met her once, three years ago, when my mom just got married with Mr. Ramirez. She totallyintimidated me with her tailored Chanel suit, impeccable make-up, and the whole upper-class aura. Thatday she came to drop off a wedding gift for them. She hugged and kissed Mr. Ramirez goodbye right infront of my mom, like mom didn’t even exist. When I murmured a “nice to meet you” to her, she didn’teven look at me and just walked right pass by me in her high heels as if I was dirt.

Later I heard that she’s an Old Money. Her family is filthy rich and has some kind of royal lineage, seemslike that Eason’s grandfather is a British Duke. Funny story, he really is a “

So power plus money, Caroline Griswold is definitely a tough person to deal with. I’ve always had thefeeling that even though mom won over Mr. Ramirez’s heart, Caroline Griswold never took us seriously.And she has a special connection with Mr. Ramirez that mom will never be able to get. “Mom, seriously, Idon’t know what to say,” I say dryly. “You knew what you married into. So suck it up.”

Plus, I have my own problem to deal with.

If Caroline Griswold finds out that not only did mom steal Mr. Ramirez from her, but I’m also dating herson right now, she’s going to rip my face right off. “I know,” mom places her hand on my arm and pleads.“But that’s why I need you to be your best self at the anniversary. I know you hate all the dressing up andmingling, but can you just do this for me?”

I really want to her that it’s pathetic and that woman won’t give a damn about how I look. But

I know mom needs my support desperately.

So I nod my head with a heavy heart.

Mom forces out a faint smile, “thank you sweetie. Why don’t you go get those designers? See what’staking them so long?”

I rise up from my seat and walk outside. No one is around so I travel down the hall trying to findsomeone. Just when I walk pass by another VIP lounge, I hear a familiar voice coming from inside of thedoor.

“…Eason, what do you think?”

I freeze right on the spot, can’t believe my ears. And the next second, without second thought, I pushopen the door and barge in.

Valerie snaps her head back and screams out loudly when she sees me. She’s wearing a beautifulevening gown that greatly highlights her curvy figure. But all I can see right now is the man sitting on thecouch-Eason.

I grip my fists so tight that my palms hurt. Burning fury clouds my mind.

back together already? What the fuck is his deal?!

Eason’s eyes widen immediately as shock takes over his face. He stares at me in a daze, as if hecouldn’t trust his own eyes.

Valerie stomps her feet and barks, “What the hell are you doing here?” “Shut up Valerie,” I snarl. “Eason,you have anything to say?” He slightly squints his eyes. Then he gradually leans back in his seat, hisface going back to being arrogant and indifferent. A cold smile appears on his lips as if he’s enjoying myraging face.

“What do you want to hear?” he snorts.

I glare at him in silence with red eyes. So he doesn’t even care to explain, not now, not ever. Thinkingback to all those “good times” we had, I feel so stupid and played.

I bite my lower lip as shame washes over me. Whatever I do now won’t change the fact that I’m a fuckingidiot. So I turn around in silence and storm out of their room.

When I go back to our room, those designers are already back with a rack of sample clothes for us topick. Mom totally enjoys herself while flipping through those dresses and discussing it with designers,while I sit there quietly staring blankly at the air.

Eason is back with Valerie.

Or maybe. He never actually leaves Valerie. He has been playing me the whole time.

Or all women are like trash to him. I should have known, since he’s such a huge fuckboy. “Nat sweetie?”I hear mom calling me. Look up, and I find her showing a silver gown to me. “Don’t you think it’sabsolutely gorgeous?” she admires the gown in a dreamy tone. “I think it really matches your eye color.Why don’t you go and try it on?” I’m not in the mood to be mom’s barbie doll. Yet before I can say no, thedoor to the VIP

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lounge flies opens again and someone marches in the room.

It’s Eason, followed by Valerie. I jump up to my feet immediately. Fuck. Why can’t they just leave mealone! “Eason,” mom blinks in surprise. “I didn’t expect to see you here.” “I ran into Nat earlier. Figured Iwould come and say hi,” he answers mom, but his eyes find me directly. Why does he keep staring atme??? Valerie emerges from Eason’s back and walks up to mom with a fake smile, “nice to meet youMrs. Ramirez. I’m Eason’s girlfriend Valerie.” Girlfriend my ass. That piece of shit doesn’t take any of usas his girlfriend. Eason takes his seat beside me, giving no comment on Valerie’s declaration. I instantlymove away from him.

“And that is a killer dress!” Valerie gasps and takes over the dress from my mom without even asking herfirst. She turns to Eason and asks in a cheerful tone, “Eason, I think I’ve found the one. It really suits me,doesn’t it?”

I let out a loud snort, rolling my eyes. Mom frowns, “I’m glad you like it. But I’ve picked it for my daughter.There’re plenty of others for you to choose.”

“I understand, Mrs. Ramirez. But I just love it so much. Or—”Valerie looks at me giving me a vicioussmile,”—Natalia, maybe we can both try it on. And let Eason say which one deserves the dress. What doyou think?”

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