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Chapter 29

Chapter 29: Beer Pong “What are you doing here?” I blurt out.

Katherine sticks her head out and seems very excited, “Hey you guys made it!”

Made it?

I shot her an angry glare. She is perfectly aware of the tense situation between me and Eason, eventhough I haven’t given her all the details. As my friend, shouldn’t she respect my decision and not invitethem over without checking with me first?

I’m probably overthinking this. But still, I taste a sense of betrayal.

James leans on our car and grins at us, “Katherine told us about your plan. So I figured, why not join youguys and make it into a party?”

I snap, “didn’t you and Eason have other plans?”

He doesn’t even blush as he replies with a wide smile. “Change of plan. We figured this would be morefun. Unless Natalia…are you shutting the door on us?”

Obviously, I am.

“There may not be enough rooms for you guys,” said I sternly. “In fact—” Katherine begins but I manageto shut her up with my angry glare. The atmosphere becomes a little awkward among us. Right at thismoment, Eason speaks up. “In fact, dad also owns a beach house and it’s just down this street. So if youdon’t have enough rooms, me and James will sleep over there.”

Oh how convenient is that!

My perfect weekend is completely ruined so I stop holding my anger and ask him sarcastically, “Ohreally? So if we decided to fly to England for the weekend, do you also happen to own a house there?”

Eason slowly raises an eyebrow at me and sneers, “As the matter of fact, yes. But you won’t be able toknow that since…you are NEW to the family.”

We scowl each other in silence. If eyes could kill, we would both have gone to hell hand by hand.

Eventually, Alex breaks the awkward silence and says, “OK. Let’s get inside first. It’s getting late and therain is coming.”

We were planning on visiting a restaurant. But at this point, everyone has lost their appetite. So while theboys are helping us with our luggage, I simply order pizza. The beach house is beautiful, decorated inMediterranean style with its arched windows, exposed beams, and hardwood floor.

But I’m not in the mood for room tour. As they are talking in the living room, I quietly grab a bottle of beerand wander over to the terrace.

The terrace has an open view of the sea. But since it’s already late and the storm is approaching, thesea view isn’t really pleasant at this moment.

As I pop open my can of beer, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and find it’s Katherine.

“Hey,” she walks up to me and studies my face. “Are you mad?” I am caught off guard by her bluntquestion. After a short pause, I speak up sternly, “You think?”novelbin

“I figured you would be mad. But James said he really wanted to come, and I couldn’t say no to him-”

“He told you he was coming?” I cut her off. “When?”

“Umm…in the car? While we were driving here?” she smiles nervously at me. “I was meant to tell you.Really! But I saw you were having a really good time with Alex, and I just couldn’t find the right time. I’msorry, Nat, really.” I don’t know what to say. I was really pissed at her. But she’s being so honest with me

right now and it seems petty to keep holding a grudge against her. Plus, she doesn’t know thecomplicated history between me and Eason so I can’t fully blame her for inviting them.

“Fine,” I sign eventually. “Next time just let me know first, ok?”

“Of course!” She promises and then gently nudges me. “And hey, you are doing great with Alex. So justforget about Eason for now and focus on your thing with Alex.”

“Sure,” I smile absently. “Let’s get inside. It’s going to rain.”

The pizza arrives an hour later. After we feed ourselves, James enthusiastically propose that we shouldplay Beer Pong.

Katherine is immediately on board and Eddie follows right after her. Alex takes a look at me first andshakes his head hesitantly, “I’m not sure…”

“Oh come on! It’s raining outside so we can’t really go swimming in the sea right now. We also can’t sitaround and do nothing while waiting for the storm to pass. So you guys are playing. I’m not taking no foranswer.” He basically drags us to the table and starts laying out cups and pouring beers. I’m verycautious about these wine games because that’s how they got me to kiss Alex the last time. So whilethey are busy with the cups, I lean towards Alex and whisper to him, “Are you good at this game?”

“I won’t call myself a pro, but I’m not bad either,” he grins at me. “Relax. I got your back.” There areprecisely six of us. So we are divided into two groups. Me, Alex and Eddie, versus Eason, James andKatherine. “OK!” James eagerly announces. “First up, Eason.” He hands the ball to Eason.

Eason takes the ball. His eyes fall upon me as an evil smile lurks on his face. “Taking shots is boring.The loser has to do something else for punishment.” Bad memories from the past floods back to me as Iquickly protest, “I’m not doing Dares!”

“Sure,” he casually shrugs. “You can do Truths.”

Before I can say no, he raises his hand and throws the ball. He doesn’t even have to aim-and the ballfalls directly into the cup in front of me. “Wow! Drink up, Nat!” James claps cheerfully. “And one questionfrom Eason.” The evil smile on Eason’s lips grows wider. “OK, I’ll start with an easy one… Nat, when wasthe last time you had sex?”


I’m clenching my fist so hard that my nails are digging into my flesh. But I’ve managed to keep my facestraight and look directly into his eyes while answering, “…A year ago.” “Is that so?” Eason raises hisbrows and sneers. “You know you have to be honest right? It’s called Truths for a reason.” I ignore himand drink up the beer in my cup. It’s my turn to throw again. I aim carefully at my target and, luckily, theball falls right into Eason’s cup. “OK my turn.” I stand up straight as a smile of revenge plays around mylips. “Eason. When was the last time someone slept with you and never called you back?”

The easy smile on his face disappears. He narrows his eyes at me and his nostrils flare. “No that’simpossible,” Katherine seems to find my question amusing. “Who would do that to Eason?”

“In fact, someone just did that to me a few days ago,” Eason picks up his cup and drinks up the beer.“But she’s a bitch. So I’m not bothered by it at all.”

I want to slap him so much. The game goes back and forth for a few rounds, and we manage to reach atie. Eventually, Eason takes over the ball again. And not surprisingly at all, he throws the ball to meagain. “OK Nat,” he raises his eyes and looks at me. “Have you ever let someone fuck you in therestroom?”

My heart stops at that. Everyone around the table is also shocked beyond words. This question is sooffensive, explicit, and vicious. One dares not to think about the implicated meaning behind it…and Ihope with all my heart that none of them would overthink this. “Eason, w-why are you…” Katherine

moves uncomfortably on her spot. “I don’t think this is ok. You are her brother nevertheless.” “Oh I don’tthink she thinks of me as her brother,” Eason snorts. “Do you? Natalia?”

I throw my cup on the ground and walk away. I can’t look at him anymore. One more look, I’ll


definitely lose it.

As I storm out of the living room, Alex catches me up from behind and grabs my elbow. “Hey Nat, waitup. Are you ok?”

I’m forced around to face him. He seems genuinely concerned about me. I take in a deep breath andlook at him, suddenly finding my eyes become glossy. “I-…” I tail off. I want to tell someone abouteverything so bad, but I can’t. The frustration is killing me. Alex is startled. This is the first time he seesme get all teared up. “Hey, hey…it’s ok. Comes here,” he pulls me into his arms and gently pats my back.I bury my head in his chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

Alex strokes my hairs and comforts me. He was about to ask me something when another personappears from behind him.

It’s Eason.

The devil who had caused all my misfortune. He glances at us calmly and heads toward the door. Alexturns around and asks, “are you leaving?”

“I’m going for a swim,” Eason shrugs and walks right pass us. I can’t believe my ears. There’s a fuckingstorm outside! “Are you losing your fucking mind?!” I can’t help but yell at him, my voice high andsqueaky.” It’s raining like hell out there!” Eason pauses for a moment by the door. He turns his headhalfway back, but he still doesn’t look at me directly. Eventually, he simply lifts the corner of his lips into acold smile. “Why do you care?” he asks sarcastically and then leaves through the door.

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