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Chapter 1577

“Nonsense,” Ashton snapped. Realizing that he had spoken too harshly, he immediately lowered his

voice and asked patiently, “What did we lie to you about?”

“You asked Summer to convince me that Shaun was having the time of his life with his parents, but it

isn’t true! He’s not doing well! Look at all his injuries! You don’t care about him at all, just like how you

don’t care about me! You’re nothing but liars!”

As Audrey spoke, tears streamed down her cheeks. Her pitiful sobs were both heart-wrenching and


How could she compare herself to an orphan boy? She’s our flesh and blood! We were protective of

her in the past, so she hasn’t experienced much. When she meets anyone that she likes now, she

thinks the world of them and cherishes them whole-heartedly. That kind of behavior will only hurt her.

However, that’s something we’ll have to worry about later. I can’t deny that we are at fault in the current


Embarrassment flashed in Ashton’s eyes. He turned his gaze toward Shaun and pondered silently for a

while. Just as he was about to say something, the door to the ward swung open. Then, Yuna and

James walked in, carrying an insulated lunch box.

“Oh, you’re here, Mr. Fuller,” Yuna greeted amiably. Holding up the lunch box, she walked toward

Shaun and said, “Shaun, I’ve made you some chicken soup and congee. Why don’t you eat some?”

As she spoke, she placed the lunch box on the table and was about to serve the dishes she had


“It’s fine. I’ve already eaten,” Shaun refused flatly. There was even a tinge of loathing in his tone.

Yuna stiffened, and the smile froze on her face. It took her a while to return to her senses and compose

herself. She continued smiling as she packed up the lunch box and said agreeably, “That’s all right. You

can eat it when you get hungry later. Your father bought this insulated lunch box when he was

overseas. It can keep the food warm for one whole night, so there’s no rush.”

From the moment Yuna and James entered the ward, Shaun had been frowning. He looked


From the looks of it, they’re responsible for Shaun’s injuries.

James seemed to be in a hurry to divert our attention. As Yuna packed away the food, he motioned

toward the door. “We’re so sorry for causing you so much trouble today. We’ll stay and watch over

Shaun. It’s getting late, so you should go back and rest.”

Ashton lowered his gaze and nodded. “It’s rather late indeed.”

“Ashton…” I began, unable to stop myself. My brows furrowed. He’s not really thinking of leaving things

like this, is he? Although Shaun doesn’t have anything to do with us, we were the ones who brought

him out of the orphanage. Whatever it is, we should help him seek redress! It wouldn’t hurt us to give

them a warning. In fact, it might even make things easier for Shaun. As to what’s going to happen after

this, we can discuss it when we get back.

Suddenly, Ashton walked over to the couch in the ward and sat down. Crossing his legs, he placed one

arm on the armrest and picked up the remote control for the television. “Let’s get this over with quickly,

then. Joseph, come in!”

The moment he called Joseph’s name, Joseph entered the ward and bowed slightly in greeting. Then,

he took out his phone and fiddled with something on the television.

After a few seconds, the television screen burst to life, and a clear image popped up.

The person recording walked through the front door and went to the master bedroom. Then, the person

opened the doors to the wooden wardrobe swiftly and pushed aside the men’s clothes hanging inside.

Everyone immediately saw a large, jagged hole in the back. Strangely enough, something shiny

covered the part of the wall that should have been exposed.

The person recording shoved the wooden boards out of the way, revealing a secret room concealed

behind the wardrobe.

The camera panned over the room, showing an assortment of torture devices made from leather andnovelbin

metal, wooden sticks with chains, and many more.

The video had no audio, but the shrill shrieks of a child in pain reverberated through my mind.

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