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Chapter 1397

The woman took a step closer to us and started speaking to us in Ustranasion. “Mr. Hall has the best of

the children in mind. They are the family’s heirs. They need special care and upbringing to ensure they

grow up to be capable members of the family. I’m sure you can understand why…”

“Speak your native language,” Ashton interjected her impatiently.

The woman stared at him and continued speaking in Ustranasion. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what


“It seems like you don’t even know your mother tongue. How can someone like you teach my children?

Get out of my sight, now,” Ashton threatened, not bothering to give her a chance to explain.

“How dare you!” Before the woman could continue, Joseph had already stepped in between them. He

cast a severe glare at the woman and gestured at her to leave. “This way, please.”

Upon seeing everyone so adamant about her leaving, the woman stomped out in a fury.

Once the commotion died off, Ashton walked over to the children to check on them. When he was sure

Gregory and Audrey were alright, his tense face relaxed.

“All of you may leave first.” I felt I had to talk to Ashton alone after some consideration.

Joseph and the nanny left without any objection, closing the door behind them after they left.

I went closer and squatted down beside Audrey, toying restlessly with her chubby hands. “Do you think

it’s worth it, Ashton?” I blurted out anxiously.

My husband read my face and understood my concern almost immediately. “I’m not losing any one of


I understood what he meant. It would not be a complete family anymore without me. He was willing to

undertake great risks to keep the family intact.

“But it’s only the second day, and I’m already gripped by fear. What if something happens? I know the

Halls will never harm the children, but what if…”

Armond would do whatever it took to get rid of us. What will happen to the children if something

happens to us? The Halls are only gonna groom them into cold-hearted beasts.

As for Nathaniel, he might seem harmless, but God knows what he’s planning in his head.

I was so lost in all these worrying thoughts that I did not realize Ashton staring at me for some time. Henovelbin

circled his arms around me from behind, causing a familiar scent to waft around me and invade my


“It won’t take long. My men are already on the island. I’ll bring you, the children, and the cure home

safely. Summer is still waiting for us at home. You need to stay strong,” he whispered in my ears in a

low voice.

My hard look softened instantly when I looked at my children.

Macy left and entrusted her daughter to me. There was no way I could leave Summer behind. Besides,

how could I let Gregory and Audrey grow up without their mother?

I held on to Ashton’s hands around my waist and pursed my lips in determination. “I’ll stay strong.”

I knew there was no turning back since the day I fell in love with Ashton.

A week went by peacefully after Ashton sent the nanny away.

His men, who had already located the most possible spot where the antidote was hidden, were already

planning on how to break in to acquire the cure.

But Ashton received a text from Armond the next day, asking him for a meet-up at the golf course on

the island.

I obviously would never let him go alone. I started packing my clothes as the hour of their meeting

approached, getting ready for whatever was to come.

As usual, Ashton looked calm and composed as he sat on the couch reading some documents.

I could not wrap my head around how he could remain unflustered under such a circumstance.

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