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Chapter 1264

No one was ever really ready for death. The nearer the moment loomed, the more chilling it felt.

When he noticed the fear on my face, Ashton took my hand and placed it over his heart.

“I will always be with you, for better or worse. And I promise to get you treated no matter what. Do you

trust me, Scarlett?”

Even though he was almost whispering, Ashton’s voice reverberated loudly through my heart.

Ashton was someone who made me feel like I could take on the whole world. With him around, I never

needed to fear.

I gripped his hand tight, all my worries vanishing in that instant as I whispered, “I trust you.” Even if it

was my last day on earth, I wanted to spend it with no regrets.

Ashton stayed with me at the Stovall residence until the wee hours of the morning. I couldn’t help but

feel a sense of helplessness and insecurity as I watched him leave. Without him around, the world

seemed a little harsher and colder.

I was starting to space out when I got pulled back into reality by my phone’s ringing.

It was odd that anyone would call at two in the morning. But since I couldn’t fall asleep, I picked up my

phone to check who the caller was.

Alas, it was Zander. Not quite the call I had expected, I decided to let him wait for a while more before


“What’s the matter, Mr. Hoffman?” I asked harshly.

Ever since I found out that Zander was in cahoots with the people who poisoned me, I had lost all

respect for him. As such, I saw no need to be polite toward him.

“What happened today was my fault. You were right. I’ve indeed gone too far. I hope you won’t take it

to heart.”

An apology? Is that necessary? Did he want to make peace because he’s worried about me leaving

Tinsel Group and ruining their plan?

“Oh, that? I don’t remember it anymore. But Mr. Hoffman, are you sure it’s appropriate to call your

female coworker this late at night? Aren’t you afraid of gossip?” I was on the brink of death and didn’t

care if I offended anyone. Besides, after everything Zander had done, he deserved to feel my wrath.

As if pondering his choice of words, Zander replied after some hesitation, “I’ve been most

inconsiderate. I’m sorry for disturbing you.”

“Get out of my life if you’re really sorry. Oh, by the way, you’re fired. Goodbye.”

With that, I hung up the phone before he could even react or protest against it.

In my current condition, neither John nor Ashton would want me to return to Tinsel Group to fish for

information. The work intensity there would be too much for my body to bear.

The next day, Emery called to ask if I could accompany her to a ribbon-cutting ceremony. She didn’t

know about my poisoning incident and just wanted to hang out with me. Naturally, I agreed.

The Moores were born entrepreneurs, and Emery was no exception. She was a talented trader who

always knew what stocks to buy. Rather than continue being in the employment of her previous

company, she decided to start her own, which turned out to be the best investment decision she ever


Indeed, all entrepreneurs were scheming. Emery wouldn’t have gotten to where she was today if she

wasn’t crafty enough.

When I arrived at her office, Emery was in a meeting with her staff. The flair of a young, successful

leader came naturally to her as she mentored and instructed her team.

Upon seeing me, Emery dismissed them and made her way toward me. “Where’s Emma? Didn’t I invite

her too?”

“Oh, she got called back for an urgent meeting by her editor. She said she’s very sorry about missing

the opening ceremony.”

The truth was Emma wanted to avoid Emery at all costs. She was worried that her tongue might slip

and spill the beans about Hunter.

“Which magazine publisher is she in again? The audacity of them to snatch her away from me,” she

muttered. However, she soon got over it as she dragged me around the office to make introductions.

It was almost ten when everyone gathered downstairs for the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Even though he was slightly late, Hunter still confidently strode through the crowd toward Emery. After

planting a kiss on Emery’s forehead, he looped his arm around her and smiled at the reporters whonovelbin

were eagerly waiting for them.

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