In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 79: Her Groom Changed
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Chapter 79: Her Groom Changed

Chapter 79: Her Groom Changed

"Darling, you look absolutely stunning today," Sophia gently touched Isabella's gown while keepingher gaze soft. "If your father could see you like this today, he'd be overjoyed, I'm sure."

As Sophia spoke, she couldn't help but wipe away a tear. She was currently immersed in mixedemotions, a blend of happiness and sadness.

How did things end up like this? Isabella looked at herself in the mirror. The makeup artist had donean excellent job of hiding her swollen, red eyes, a result of frequent secret tears in recent times.

Isabella felt like she had been living a dream these past few days. It had all passed by in the blink ofan eye. Every night, she'd cry silently under her blanket, especially last night. She had cried so hardthat she needed medication to even make it to today.

She had taken her meds earlier in the day, as she might encounter Chloe at the wedding, and herdosage might end up excessive.

She hoped that Chloe's absence meant she couldn't attend, as contacting Isabella in this mannerwasn't typical of her. She didn't want her to show up, as it could spell disaster.

The courage she had mustered to deal with Chloe had nearly been exhausted due to theseconsecutive blows.novelbin

"Isabella, today is your wedding day; try to smile a little," Sophia affectionately stroked Isabella'shair and spoke softly.

Isabella looked at Sophia and replied, "Mom, I can't smile. I don't like Clark. Right now, I feel like I'mjust a commodity being traded."

"Shh," Sophia immediately hushed Isabella, preventing her from continuing. "Clark is a very gentleman. I believe that you will be happy with him."

But Isabella couldn't make herself feel happier. She hated her appearance, being dressed up like adoll, with heavy makeup, thick mascara, and sparkling lipstick. Even her hair was curled into largewaves.

She was beautiful, delicate, and fragile, but she was also filled with sadness.

She wished to escape from the wedding venue immediately. This dreadful place was making herstomach cramp.

"Today, there will be many guests at the wedding, including Clark's friends and family, Leo, andEmanuele. Darling, try to put on a good show and think about us," Sophia said.

Upon hearing Sophia's words, Isabella felt even more shattered. Think about them? But had theyever thought about her?

If they made her marry someone she didn't like, it would be better for her to die right now.

Isabella suddenly realized that during this period, she had constantly made sacrifices for Sophia.Yet, Sophia had never thought about her.

In the end, Sophia covered Isabella's face with a veil, concealing her emotions.

Then, Isabella was led through the corridor, stopping in front of a closed door. Happy, cheerfulmusic filled the air around her, but Isabella's heart grew heavier.

She felt like crying again.

Soon, the door opened, revealing the aisle leading to the groom.

Watching Clark in the distance, Isabella felt her legs growing weak. Nevertheless, she had to be leddown the red carpet by Sophia and move towards Clark.

Surrounded by guests, some whispered to each other. Even though Isabella couldn't hear what theywere saying, she had to hold her head high, giving herself a more poised appearance. She knewthat Emanuele must be seated somewhere down there. She could imagine how satisfied he wouldbe when he saw her marrying Clark, considering himself the game's winner, easily having her underhis control.

But she couldn't afford to show any signs of desolation in front of Emanuele. It would only make himeven more triumphant.

Isabella bit her lip, feeling the pain; it helped her regain some composure. With her head held high,she looked toward Clark in the distance. Even though she was already teary-eyed beneath her veil,she needed to present herself proudly.

Emanuele, the devil, might be able to take away her physical freedom, but he would never strip herof her inner pride.

"I hope this ends soon," Isabella wished. She couldn't stand this environment. It felt like she wasgoing insane.

Despite her efforts to restrain herself, Isabella couldn't help but weep. She was overwhelmed by adeep sadness, as if she'd been thrown into a black hole. At that moment, she couldn't control heremotions.

Thankfully, the music at the venue was loud, drowning out her crying.

The closer Isabella got to Clark, the more uncomfortable she felt. She sensed that everything wasfalling apart.

"Isabella, take a pill. It will make you feel better," Sophia slipped an Estazolam tablet into Isabella'shand. She lifted Isabella's veil and kissed her on the cheek.

Then, Sophia escorted Isabella to the altar, where she would sit with Leo. Isabella, already feelinglonely and helpless, now found herself even more despondent.

She chose not to take the pill and instead discarded it at her feet. At this moment, she hoped thatan episode of her fear of confinement might disrupt the wedding's integrity, and she wouldn't have tomarry Clark.

Just then, a pair of shiny shoes came into her view, and Clark's voice rang out, "Isabella, let's go.Walk with me."

He placed her hand in the crook of his arm, leading her to the priest.

Isabella's body trembled uncontrollably; she felt as if she had plummeted into an endless abyss.The fear and despair were so overwhelming that it seemed as though they would only cease at themoment of her death.

Though a veil separated her from the audience, she could sense everyone's gaze fixed upon them.Despite the loud music, she could distinctly hear the thumping of her heart, as if it were trying toescape her throat.

Desperation made Isabella feel as if she could be shattered at any moment. She kept her gazefirmly on the priest, anticipating his verdict of her death.

When the time came, she was determined to bravely reject the priest's judgment. She had to.

"Hello, everyone. We are gathered here today to celebrate the holy union of Emanuele Lombardiand Isabella Gould," announced the priest.

Isabella couldn't believe her ears when she heard the priest's words. Her face was still wet withtears, but the overwhelming shock had replaced her sadness. Her ears buzzed, and she couldn'thear a word of what the priest was saying. She was completely stupefied.

Oh my God, what had she heard? Wasn't she supposed to marry Clark?

At this moment, Isabella felt the entire world shaking, and she could barely stay on her feet.

She turned to look at her groom, but it wasn't the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Clark. It was Emanuele,the man with light brown eyes, a stubble, and a strong, cold, demonic presence.

Yet, Isabella couldn't help but cry as her tears moistened her eyes, and the man in front of herbecame blurry.

She couldn't even begin to process what was happening. It felt as if she had suddenly beentransported from hell to heaven.

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