In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 76: A Kiss From Him
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Chapter 76: A Kiss From Him

Chapter 76: A Kiss from Him

Lilly returned with pasta and hot cocoa. "Clark, why don't you join us for a little snack? It's teatime."

"Thank you, I'd like a cup of coffee," Clark replied without hesitation.

"Alright, I'll prepare that for you," Lilly was as cheerful as a little bird. She set the dishes down andthen dashed into the kitchen.

"You've got a great chef," Clark remarked, looking at Lilly.

"She's my friend," Isabella said, truly considering Lilly as her friend. Despite the age gap, they had astrong connection. They could enjoy the same reality shows, have a crush on the same malecelebrities, and share personal matters. Lilly had always offered her valuable advice, and she hadbeen a source of comfort during Isabella's worst moments.

In the darkest times, Lilly had been there to uplift her spirits.

Clark chuckled. "You and Emanuele have something in common. He often treats his subordinateslike family."

He recalled Emanuele's sorrow and guilt after the loss of a driver. To be honest, he couldn'tcomprehend those emotions. He was the kind of person who had affection for everyone but neverallowed it to grow too deep. He believed that for a Mafia boss, developing deep emotional ties couldbe dangerous and make them a vulnerable target for enemies.

Given the constant dangers surrounding them, their enemies might target their loved ones despiteall precautions. He had prepared himself to lose family members, even his wife, if necessary.

Watching Isabella eat with such vitality, Clark, the woman soon to become his wife, was captivating.She was more spirited now than she had been before. When he had first seen her today, he hadalmost failed to recognize her. After some time apart, she had become incredibly frail, lying in bedas if she might pass away at any moment.

Yet here she was, quickly recovering her spirit, eating heartily, and indulging in sweets. Perhaps hecould take her to a dessert shop next time, Clark contemplated.

"After we finish eating, let's go shopping for some clothes you'd like," he suggested to Isabella.

"Can I go out now? Won't it be dangerous?" Isabella asked, the threatening message she hadreceived still fresh in her mind. She knew that staying in the apartment was the safest option.

"It's okay; I'll protect you, and I have the best security team with me," Clark assured her. The peoplearound him were among the top-tier bodyguards in Canada. If they couldn't ensure their safety, theentire apartment wouldn't be secure.

"Alright," Isabella agreed. She felt like she hadn't been outside for a long time. Ever since the seriesof assassination attempts, she had tried to avoid going out. Even when she did, she returnedquickly, afraid of encountering unforeseen dangers. Now that Clark said they could go out togetherand reassured her about safety, Isabella felt she could relax and enjoy a little outing.

After eating, Isabella felt much better, and Lilly brought her some medication. "To ensure yourcomplete recovery, make sure to take your medicine on time," Lilly told her with a warm smile.

"Thank you," Isabella replied, touched by Lilly's care.

Lilly also provided a khaki windbreaker for Isabella to wear. "You're still quite weak; be careful not tocatch a cold."

Isabella looked at Clark as he examined her. She couldn't help but smile. "Lilly seems like mymom."

"I wouldn't mind having a beautiful daughter like you," Lilly responded with a smile.

"That's great; I can also start calling you 'Mom' now," Clark teased Lilly.

After they walked out, just as Clark had promised, the security was extremely thorough. A total ofsix cars were part of their convoy, with two leading the way, one on the left and one on the right, andanother following behind their car, ensuring their protection.

"The mall belongs to our Campbell group. Today, it's closed to the public, and it's all our peopleinside. So, once we're in, you don't have to worry. You're safe to shop around," Clark reassuredIsabella.

Isabella had always known the Campbell Group was immensely influential, but she never expectedthat Clark would have the entire mall cleared just for her. Was he really opening an entire emptymall just for her?

Arriving at the mall's entrance, Isabella was met by heavily armed bodyguards. After getting out ofthe car, the security team escorted Isabella and Clark inside. It was a huge mall, but apart from thearmed bodyguards, there wasn't a single soul, not even store employees.

"Isabella, let's get started. What would you like to buy?" Clark asked with a gentle and warm tonethat brought forth feelings of guilt inside Isabella.

"I don't really need anything specific, just looking around is fine," Isabella initially declined.

"That's okay. This whole mall is mine. Whatever you want, just pick it out," Clark insisted.

With that encouragement, Clark led Isabella into the first store, a boutique that specialized inhandbags. He asked Isabella about her preferences.

Initially, Isabella wanted to decline, but Clark's brow furrowed, and he became serious. "If you can'tchoose, I'll have the entire store's inventory bought for you."

The whole store? That was too much!

Isabella looked at the exquisite handbags displayed in the cabinets, realizing that even one of themwould be equivalent to several months' worth of her salary. How could she possibly bring herself tochoose? Even if Clark said he would cover the costs, it was overwhelming.

In the end, she picked a classic and versatile black chain bag.

Afterward, they moved to the nearby clothing store. Clark had store employees assist Isabella inselecting clothes suitable for her.novelbin

The store clerks brought out several dresses for her to try on. "These dresses are all new arrivalsthis year, and they come in various styles. They should suit you very well," one of the clerks saidwith respect, recognizing Clark.

Isabella tried them on, and Clark found all of them to look great on her. He instructed the storeemployees to purchase all the dresses.

"That's too much," Isabella said, watching as Clark paid for the items with his card. The amount onthe bill was shocking. Just for these few dresses, it added up to thousands of dollars. She couldn'tbelieve it. With that much money, she could save up!

"It's okay, Isabella. Spend freely. Happiness is what matters most," Clark said as if he didn't careabout such a small amount. Seeing Isabella's surprised expression, he found it adorable. Unable toresist, he kissed her on the cheek.

Isabella was completely unprepared for it. After Clark's kiss, she felt a bit disoriented. She almostlost her balance. Quickly, Clark held her, and she found herself in his arms. "What's wrong? Are youtoo nervous?" he asked, gazing at her with a hint of a smile in his eyes. His handsome face shonebrightly, and his eyes sparkled, as if he was delighted by the fact that he had just stolen a kiss fromher.

Clark indeed felt elated. It seemed like he hadn't felt this way even during previous relationships. Atthis moment, he held Isabella in his arms, feeling her soft body and her fragrance like a flower, andhe felt like he wanted to kiss her again.

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