In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 58: Emanuele’S Wearied Expression
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Chapter 58: Emanuele'S Wearied Expression

Chapter 58: Emanuele's Wearied Expression

Isabella felt startled, and no matter how she struggled, it was futile. The man had her firmly in hisembrace, and his hands began to wander restlessly over her body. "Emanuele, stop!" Isabellaimmediately called out, but Emanuele had his own intentions. He didn't heed Isabella's words. Hishands explored her face, chest, waist, and lower regions. Fingers suddenly intruded into her body,making Isabella feel extremely uneasy. She squirmed and tried to break free from Emanuele'scontrol.

Memories of similar encounters raced through her mind. While physically pleasurable, they left herfeeling humiliated. Isabella didn't want to expose her shameful side in front of Emanuele.Nonetheless, Emanuele held her waist, rendering her powerless to resist his control.

She felt Emanuele's rough fingers press against her most sensitive areas, causing her to arch andcry out, "Emanuele, stop! I beg you to stop!" Tears streamed down her face. However, Emanuelenot only ignored her pleas but also intensified his actions. Isabella's hands, which were gripping hisshoulders, suddenly clawed him. Her body convulsed as if electrified, and she finally gave in to herdesires.

Isabella sat weakly on top of Emanuele, breathing heavily. At this moment, she found herselfcraving him, desiring his touch, which she considered terrifying.

As Isabella's thoughts veered toward an unsettling direction, Emanuele observed her with a senseof accomplishment. Meanwhile, he experienced his own overwhelming desire. He longed to takecontrol and make her experience both pleasure and discomfort. But he restrained himself becausehe didn't want to be consumed by his desires.

Nonetheless, seeing her reach climax gave him a sense of satisfaction. After all, it relieved some ofthe tension that had built up during this time, especially due to the Sicilian situation.

Emanuele released Isabella and taunted her, "Look at your lascivious appearance. In the future, willyou be even more wanton in bed?"

Already feeling humiliated, Isabella was further embarrassed by Emanuele's words. She gasped forbreath, her face still flushed from her earlier encounter. "Enough, Emanuele. Please don't tormentme in this way in the future."

Emanuele's lips curled as he replied, "As long as I like it, every inch of your body belongs to me,Isabella. Don't you understand this?"novelbin

Isabella locked eyes with Emanuele, and she noticed a weariness in him that didn't seemcharacteristic of him. Emanuele had always been arrogant and self-assured, placing himself aboveall others. But now, he appeared tired.

Moreover, Isabella spotted red veins in his eyes, a sign that he hadn't been sleeping well.

Isabella couldn't help but wonder what had kept Emanuele so busy. Was it related to the recentassassination attempts? She recalled Grazia telling her that she hadn't experienced such eventssince her childhood when she had been kidnapped a few times. Later, as her family took control ofChicago, security measures had improved, and such incidents had become a thing of the past. Itwas the first time in years that such a serious assassination attempt had occurred.

Encountering an assassination attempt on their own turf was a significant provocation forEmanuele, the Chicago Mafia boss. If he couldn't handle such a situation, it would make him appearweak, inviting more challenges.

Isabella began to feel sympathy for Emanuele. Being the head of the Mafia surely came with manyworries, and he had to protect this territory with great care. She reached out and touched hisfurrowed brow, as if trying to soothe his worries.

The moment their skin touched, both Isabella and Emanuele froze.

"What are you doing?" Emanuele asked in a low, intimidating tone. At that moment, he resembled alion ready to pounce.

"I... I just thought your furrowed brow didn't look good, and you need to relax," Isabella said, herheart racing. She couldn't understand why she had the audacity to touch Emanuele directly. Afterall, he was like a devil, and she had always avoided him. Why wasn't she afraid of him now?

Emanuele listened to Isabella's words, his expression cold. "Isabella, if you ever dare to do thatagain, I will twist your head off."

This twenty-two-year-old girl had indeed become somewhat audacious.

"Sorry," Isabella immediately apologized. She didn't want her head literally twisted off by Emanuele.

Emanuele turned and left, leaving Isabella standing there. She sighed, realizing how tired she wasof this life. Every day, Emanuele tormented her, and in the process, she felt an array of emotionsshe hadn't expected.

She was constantly accompanied by bodyguards and had to be vigilant about potentialassassination attempts. She had to navigate the social circles of the Mafia. She should have beenan ordinary girl, living a simple and exciting life. Yet, everything had changed.

This weekend, Isabella decided to defy her mother's wishes and not meet Chloe, at least not untilshe left town. She needed a rebellious moment.

Isabella headed out early because Pippo had invited her for a meal to discuss some work-relatedmatters. She wanted to continue working at the hospital, and as her internship period was ending,she hoped Pippo could guide her to secure a permanent position there.

The restaurant they chose was in a quiet part of the city center. It featured a bright, spacious hallwith spotlessly clean glass windows, high ceilings adorned with crystal chandeliers, and an overallluxurious ambiance.

Isabella knew Pippo came from a wealthy family, but she hadn't expected him to pick such a high-end restaurant. However, she couldn't ignore the fact that her two bodyguards stood close by, evenduring their meal.

"Isabella, your bodyguards are quite diligent," Pippo quipped with a smile.

"Unfortunately, this world is too dangerous, and they don't want anything to happen to me," Isabellareplied. The recent assassination attempt was still fresh in her mind, and Harry was yet to return,scheduled for tomorrow. Without her bodyguards, she shuddered to think how many times shemight have faced danger.

Pippo nodded and then shifted his attention to his food. Afterward, he raised his head and said,"Isabella, your academic performance at school and your work at the hospital have beenoutstanding. You can rest assured that if nothing major occurs during the coming period, you willdefinitely be retained after your internship ends."

Pippo's words comforted Isabella, calming her nerves. However, he went on to say, "But I thinkhaving two bodyguards follow you around while you work isn't good for you. Other colleagues at thehospital seem to have negative opinions about it."

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