In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 51: Your Body Belongs To Me
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Chapter 51: Your Body Belongs To Me

Chapter 51: Your Body Belongs to Me

In the room, no one dared to utter a word. Even though they were all Emanuele's family, they knewbetter than to interfere when he was in a rage. Attempting to stop him would only fuel his anger andlead to graver consequences.

Chloe had just finished her portion of pasta but couldn't suppress the urge to rush to the bathroomand vomit.

"What's going on, Emanuele? Was there something wrong with the pasta?" Sophia had a puzzledlook on her face. She hadn't shown any reaction when Isabella had her meal.

"Of course, something's wrong. She fed Isabella something even a dog wouldn't touch," Emanuelereplied, his temper still flaring. Thankfully, he holstered his gun and ordered the staff to prepare twosteaks.

"Maybe it's just because Chloe hasn't cooked before, and she made an accidental mistake," Sophiasuggested. She couldn't fathom why Chloe would sabotage Isabella, considering their goodrelationship.

Emanuele's lips twitched. He wasn't sure whether to believe Sophia's words, but no matter what,she was Isabella's mother, unlikely to harm Isabella to protect Chloe, though Chloe might be adifferent story.

"Isabella, I seriously doubt your intelligence right now. Even a child would vomit if they atesomething awful. Don't you know that?" Emanuele gritted his teeth, perplexed by the fact that shehad consumed something Chloe made, which tasted as terrible as dog excrement, and still put up afacade.

What was going on? Emanuele couldn't make sense of it. The woman who was fierce in hispresence now seemed as docile as a lamb. Ever since Chloe arrived, she had been actingstrangely.

"She made it for me, and I didn't want to be rude," Isabella explained, looking at the man who wascurrently defending her. For some reason, she felt less frightened in that moment.

Because he was standing up for her, she felt as though she was being protected.

Isabella found it strange. Even though this man had always bullied her, he would stand up for herwhen it mattered. Why was he doing that?

"Isabella, sometimes I genuinely want to open up your mind and see what's going on in there,"Emanuele bit his tongue and lightly tapped Isabella's head. He remembered the events ofyesterday, her fall and the bruised forehead, which made him cautious about using too much force.

He couldn't understand himself. Seeing this woman injured and vulnerable made him feel a desireto protect her. It was infuriating. He had always wanted her gone, so why couldn't he bear to see herhurt?

"From now on, you mustn't let this happen again, Isabella. You're the Mafia princess, and you havethe right to reject anything that makes you uncomfortable. If Chloe bullies you, you can tell me, andI'll take care of her," Emanuele whispered to Isabella.

"Thank you," Isabella couldn't understand how Emanuele had suddenly transformed into a kind-hearted man, but she was grateful. At least, in this moment, her previously turbulent emotions hadcalmed down.

As for punishment, she didn't think Emanuele was needed for that. If he took action, Chloe mightnot even survive.

She felt that it was easy for Chloe to lose her life, but what she truly desired was to defeat Chloeherself, conquering the fears and pains deep within her.

"Remember, your body isn't just yours; it's mine too," Emanuele added.

What? Isabella was astonished by Emanuele's words. She couldn't comprehend why he would saythat.

"Damn it, only I can decide whether you get hurt, not anyone else! You better understand that!"Emanuele's possessiveness had reached its peak. He believed that if anyone were to harm her, itshould be him and no one else.

He looked at Isabella's slightly parted lips, luscious and enticing, her mouth a seductive promise.The desire to thrust himself into her mouth, let her envelop him, and then make her swallow hisessence coursed through him. These thoughts tightened his muscles, and he became aroused, butnot here.

Emanuele averted his gaze from Isabella and said, "Enjoy your meal."

Soon, Chloe returned from the bathroom, her face as pale as a ghost, which added to her eerieappearance. Despite this, she managed to put on a smile and turned to Isabella, saying, "Isabella, Iowe you an apology. I shouldn't have served you pasta without even trying it."

At that moment, Isabella saw Chloe's vulnerability. This woman who had always been arrogant andtreated her like a slave also had moments of fragility. In Isabella's memories, her cousin, three yearsolder, was always like a princess, capable of beating her if she didn't like something or taking herfrustrations out on her. Being well-fed and older, she had always been much stronger than Isabella,leaving her defenseless. As a result, Isabella had preserved this image of her from her childhood,thinking that Chloe was invulnerable.

But now, Isabella knew better. She was disgusted to see Chloe, who looked like an abandonedstray dog, trembling in fear, seemingly forsaken by her owner.

Chloe's apology wasn't out of guilt but a show of allegiance to Emanuele. Isabella ignored her,concentrating on cutting a piece of steak with her knife and eating it slowly.

Chloe, feeling ignored, returned to her seat, offering an apology to Sophia, explaining her ignoranceof the situation. "It's alright, Chloe. Your parents have always pampered you, taking good care ofyou, and it's perfectly normal that you can't cook. But next time, you should taste the food beforeserving it," Sophia advised. "No worries, Chloe," she reassured.

Chloe also turned to Emanuele, saying, "I'm sorry, Mr. Lombardi. You know I didn't mean to hurtIsabella. She's too kind and doesn't want to damage our sisterly bond, even if the pasta is difficult toswallow."

Emanuele took a sip of whiskey, placed the glass back on the table with a heavy clink, creating adull sound. This startled Chloe, who tried to convey her plea with pitiful, tender eyes as she staredat Emanuele.

"Next time, you won't have the opportunity to make such a choice," Emanuele threatened, hisimplication clear - the next time, he might just shoot her.

"I understand," Chloe muttered and returned to her seat, relieved that the crisis was over.

She couldn't help but glare at Isabella, wondering how Isabella had earned Emanuele's favor tosuch an extent. What could he find appealing in her, with her obese body and unattractive face? Didhe find her different because he had encountered too many beautiful women? She swore that shewould take everything away from Isabella.

After the meal, seeing that Isabella was about to leave, Chloe grabbed Isabella's arm. "Isabella,can't you let me stay with you for a couple of days? I'll be going home in a few days, and I can't stayin Chicago for too long." She turned to Sophia, her tone filled with pleading. Isabella, however,couldn't control the shiver running through her body. That was because Chloe, at that moment, wassubtly pinching her arm, just as she used to do to force Isabella to lie in front of her mother. IfIsabella resisted, Chloe would pinch her arm, causing bruises and broken skin - something she hadexperienced all too often.

In this moment, Chloe's actions brought back the dread of those nightmarish days when she hadbeen under Chloe's control.novelbin

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