In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 170: Marrying Her
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Chapter 170: Marrying Her

Chapter 170: Marrying Her

Isabella could see that Evelyn was trying to be strong. Considering Evelyn's difficulty in hearing and her struggles to understand others, Isabelladecided not to disturb her much.

"I'll head back now, Evelyn. I'll come to see you again tomorrow," Isabella saidEvelyn nodded, watching Isabella leave. After a while, Pippo returned. He looked at Evelyn and asked, "Feeling better?”Evelyn nodded, "My hearing seems to be recovering a bit. but there are some gaps in my memory from the past.”

"It's okay, Evelyn. If you can't remember, don't force it. It might be because those memories were too traumatic, and you chose to forget selectively.Just focus on resting now,” Pippo reassured her.

Pippo cradled Evelyn's face in his hands and planted a kiss on her forehead. "You have no idea how worried I've been during this time.”

Evelyn hugged Pippo, recalling Isabella's words about him taking care of her. In these past days. Pippo had indeed been looking after her. Thinkingabout it, Evelyn felt a sweetness in her heart.

In truth, she had lied to Isabella. If possible, she also wanted to marry Pippo; she just didn't know if Pippo would be willing.

Now, leaning on Pippo's chest, Evelyn was shielded from view and didn't notice the change in Pippo's expression. While he tenderly embraced her,his eyes exuded a cold, ruthless, and dark aura.

"Pippo, you know, Isabella told me that during the time I was unconscious, you were worried and taking care of me. She said you were good to meand even suggested we get married soon,” Evelyn suddenly broke free from his embrace, her big eyes sparkling as she stared at Pippo

When Evelyn looked at him, Pippo's expression instantly turned back to its usual gentle appearance. He reached out, gently stroking Evelyn's hair,and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes, Evelyn. When can we get married? I believe you'll be happy after we're married,” he said."In my current state, would you still marry me?” Evelyn looked at Pippo, her eyes filled with sadness.

If it were her old self before the accident, she would have been confident in making Pippo marry her. However, now with her body in tatters and amissing chunk of memory, recalling which caused her brain pain, Evelyn felt miserable.

How could someone as broken as her match up to the perfect Pippo?Evelyn felt a bit inferior.

However, Pippo, like a gentle angel, cradled Evelyn's face, kissing her gently. Their lips pressed tightly together, his tongue invading her mouth,sucking forcefully. The passionate kiss left Evelyn breathless, and she finally collapsed in his arms.

Pippo hugged Evelyn tightly. "I like you, Evelyn. I like the persan you are, the soul inside you. No matter how you change, I will still like you.Whenever you're ready, I'm ready to marry you."

Evelyn threw herself into Pippo's arms, tears streaming down her face. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

Pippo's tenderness was reserved only for Evelyn.

But as soon as he stepped out of the ward, his face turned incredibly cold. His eyes were filled with a cruel, ruthless, and dark atmosphereWiping his mouth with his hand, as if disgusted, he lowered his head and sent a message.

Being with Evelyn was just a means to get closer to Isabella. Otherwise, he had no standing to accompany Isabella.

Now that Evelyn was awake, and the situation was stable, Isabella felt it was time to focus on her own affairs.

She came to work at the hospital Emanuele acquired, officially becoming one of the doctors there.

Initially, Isabella was worried that this hospital was just something Emanuele acquired for her to play with, and it might be very different from the kindof hospital she wanted.

However, upon her arrival, Isabella discovered that, apart from the hospital director, no one else was aware that she was the queen of the mafia.They treated her just like any other colleague. Even her colleagues working in the hospital had no idea that Emanuele was the one controlling it.

Everyone had been recruited through interviews, and the hospital's procedures were similar to the ones in her previous workplace. Moreover, therewas a decent number of patients coming to this hospital!

It was hard to imagine that a mafia boss would acquire a hospital to provide medical care to patients, all because of her. Isabella suddenly had anindescribable feeling.

She always felt that the gamebetween her aid Emanuele seemedto have changed flavor. She didn'tknow when ‘they had stopped <discussing their relationship as-a~game Emanuele didn't mention it,a she didn't ask. However:acéasionally, she rememberedEvelyn's suggestion abotit having achild soon. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org


Having a child...

Actually, Isabella found Evelyn's words resonating in her heart. Deep down, she wanted to have a child with Emanuele. He was so handsome, tall,and strong; their child would undoubtedly be good-looking, right? Plus, she was particularly curious about how Emanuele would be as a father.

However, Isabella didn't dare to tellEmanuele. What if he didn't want achild? Whati¥I he still thought that .their reladonship was just a game? ifshe suddénly expressed her desitefora child, Emanuele would surelyknow that she had fallen in love withhim, and in their game, she wouldlose. Would Emanuele thén discardher like trash? Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Isabella couldn't bear the thought. It was better to stay as they were now, not confessing her feelings. They played a game of cat and mouse, and aslang as she didn't know the final outcome, Emanuele would continue to be patient with her.

After spending so much time withEmanuele, Isabella had longunderstood that this man had a verystrong desire to win. Otherwise, whywould he} pay attention to such.anordinary girl like her and even unaryher? Perhaps, he wanted to. iScompletely conquer her, erase theresentment and vigilancé’she hadtowards him. Content belongs toNovelDrama.Org

Thinking this way, Isabella made up her mind not to mention having a child to Emanuele.

"Boss, the Madam is adapting well in the hospital. We've arranged experienced doctors to guide her. I believe she'll become a qualified doctor soon,”Phillip reported to Emanuele as soon as he gathered the information.novelbin

After hearing Phillip's words, Emanuele furrowed his brows, seemingly dissatisfied with how Phillip phrased it."What do you mean by becoming a qualified doctor? Isabella isn't qualified yet?" Emanuele's tone was icy.

This made Phillip involuntarily shrink his neck. Oh God, he didn't understand how their boss had changed into this. He was rarely seen defending hiswife like this, especially when he had previously only played around with any woman.

It's over, Phillip thought. He had considered that Emanuele liked Isabella, but he didn’t expect it to be this intense.

Just then, Emanuele’s phone rang, and when he saw that it was Isabella calling, his initially cold expression softened.

"Isabella, what's up?" Emanuele's tone suddenly eased, leaving Phillip feeling bewildered

Was it necessary to be this out of character? Phillip wondered. Weren't his words just now different? Why was he so gentle with Isabella?

"Okay, I'll come home for dinner tonight. I can't wait.” Emanuele said after hanging up the phone. Phillip watched as Emanuele's face instantlyreturned to its usual icy demeanor.

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