In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 145: Insisting On Returning To Chicago With Emanuele
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Chapter 145: Insisting On Returning To Chicago With Emanuele

Chapter 145: Insisting on Returning to Chicago with Emanuele

"I quite like it."

Isabella had never been abroad before. She had always focused on working hard and makingmoney, planning to travel when she had the opportunity in the future. Now, being in Italy, in anenvironment completely different from Chicago, Isabella's mood had relaxed considerably.

"Well, how about staying here for a while? I'll talk to Grazia and Rocco."

Isabella immediately looked at Emanuele, and her smile disappeared. "Are you abandoning me?"

He actually wanted her to stay in Italy? While she liked Italy, she had never been abroad before andwanted to experience the feeling of being in a foreign country. However, what was the point of herstaying alone here? Living with Grazia and Rocco? They were a married couple on theirhoneymoon, and it would be unreasonable for her, an outsider, to stay and disturb them.

Looking at Isabella's pitiful expression and the gaze she gave him, like a poor puppy about to beabandoned, Emanuele's once hardened heart suddenly felt a twinge of pain.

If he could, he certainly wouldn't want Isabella to stay, but he had no choice. The situation inChicago was becoming increasingly complicated. Just today, before Grazia's wedding, Emanuelereceived news of an attack on one of their warehouses, resulting in heavy losses.

Frederick sent him a message, stating that it was a wedding gift for his sister and hoping he wouldenjoy it. Damn Frederick. Emanuele swore that if he found him, he would tear him apart.

He now had to be a hundred percent focused on work. He didn't want to be distracted by otherthings. In such a dire moment, Emanuele felt that Isabella staying in Italy would be safer than in


But looking at Isabella's pitiful expression, Emanuele sighed. "Isabella, you have to understand,Chicago is very dangerous right now."

"I'm not afraid. If you think it's dangerous, just leave me in the apartment. Tony and Harry willprotect me, and I won't go anywhere."

Staying in the apartment was an option, but it was close to Emanuele. At least, Emanueleoccasionally returned home and she could see him. However, if she stayed in Italy, the only personshe knew well was Grazia. Grazia had just remarried and needed time to develop her relationshipwith her new husband. Staying here might disturb them.

Seeing Isabella insisting on going back, Emanuele couldn't refuse her request.

"Are you really not afraid of danger? Isabella, you've been targeted."

"I'm not afraid." Isabella shook her head. "Besides, you promised to teach me shooting. Once Ilearn, I'll have the ability to protect myself. I've killed before, and now, if the other person is anenemy, I won't hesitate to shoot them."

At that moment, her eyes sparkled like the sun, illuminating every corner of Emanuele's innermostthoughts.

Emanuele had always liked Isabella's stubborn and never-give-up spirit. No matter what difficultiesshe encountered, she could swim against the current in adversity. Now was no different. She knewhe faced a great challenge, understood the strength of the enemy, and she might be afraid. Butafter the fear, she would think about solving the problem. She was more than worthy of the positionof Mafia Queen.

"Alright, I'll teach you."

The day after Grazia's wedding, Emanuele and Isabella prepared to return to Chicago.

Grazia was reluctant to part with Isabella, hugging her repeatedly. "Isabella, in the future, if youhave time, can you come to Italy to visit me?"

"I will, Grazia. We can also chat on our phones, and you can come to Chicago to see me. But fornow, you should stay in Italy."

Rocco had faced troubles before; his wife had been killed. Now, his position was stable, and no onedared to challenge him. Grazia staying in Italy was very safe.

Isabella suddenly thought, did Emanuele arrange Grazia's marriage to Rocco for her safety as well?With Emanuele facing significant troubles, his ability to protect his family might be compromised,leading to occasional negligence.

On the plane back to Chicago, Grazia lay beside Emanuele. It was their private plane, spaciousenough to adjust the seats into a bed for a more comfortable long flight.

"Emanuele, arranging Grazia's marriage to Rocco was also for her safety, right?"

He was certainly worried that Grazia might face dangers similar to what Andrew had experienced.Marrying Rocco not only served as a deal but also ensured Grazia's safety.

Emanuele remained silent. He hadn't planned to discuss this with Isabella, but she unexpectedlyguessed it.

Seeing Emanuele's silence, Isabella knew she had guessed correctly. He wasn't heartless or cruel;he carried too many burdens and responsibilities. Now, with the safety of his loved ones and friendsat stake, he had a lot to consider. He chose to act in silence, even if misunderstood, rather thanexplain.

Isabella remembered Grazia's previous assessment of Emanuele: he was under tremendouspressure, carrying too much. Now, it seemed accurate.

Seeing Emanuele not speaking, Isabella continued, "Emanuele, don't worry. Although ourrelationship is just a game, I won't become your burden."

This time, she took the initiative to return to Chicago with Emanuele, aware of the risks. She wasprepared to face those risks with him because she knew she couldn't be without him. She'd ratherstay with the risks by Emanuele's side than leave him.

"I'll work hard to learn shooting, acquire self-defense skills, and ensure that I can protect myself incase the bodyguards can't save me when I'm in danger."

Hearing Isabella's words, Emanuele couldn't help but smile. "Aren't you afraid of death? What if Ican't protect you?"

"That means you've become the winner of the game, Emanuele. You should be happy."

Isabella said this lightly, but it didn't bring any happiness to Emanuele. Their relationship wasn't justa game, and he didn't want anything to happen to Isabella. However, for now, he couldn't say thesethings. As long as his troubles persisted, he couldn't tell Isabella how much he loved her.

At this moment, he could only reach out and hold Isabella tightly in his arms, almost as if he wantedto meld her into his body. He greedily absorbed the sweet fragrance from Isabella, and his innerturmoil calmed slightly.

"Very well, Isabella. I enjoy having a worthy opponent. So, I hope you'll live for a long time. Ifanything happens to you, my life will lose a lot of its joy. Don't disappoint me, okay?"

"I won't." Isabella was also inspired by Emanuele's fighting spirit.

They returned to Chicago, rested for a night, and the next morning, Emanuele went to work. In theafternoon, he returned to the apartment to take Isabella to the shooting range.

They had their dedicated practice grounds. When Isabella arrived at this secret location, she wasstunned. There wasn't just a shooting range but also areas for combat training. The variety ofweapons available was impressive, with a diverse array of guns in the shooting range.

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