In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 122: Pleading
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Chapter 122: Pleading

Chapter 122: Pleading

Emanuele's hand gently caressed Isabella's cheek. "Isabella, I won't allow her to hurt you anymore,"he declared. His patience had reached its limit.novelbin

Chloe, however, was cunning. She avoided hitting Isabella's face to prevent visible damage thatcould give her away. But the rest of Isabella's body bore the marks of countless injuries, all inflictedby Chloe.

When Emanuele learned about Isabella's numerous old bone fractures from a doctor, his angerflared up like a roaring lion, desperate to break free from within him.

"Are all your injuries done by Chloe?" he asked, his voice strained.

Isabella nodded. There was no need for secrets any longer. In her fear and dread, she might haveheld back, but now, she had overcome her psychological trauma. So, she answered Emanueletruthfully.

Chloe deserved to rot in hell. A monster like her had no place in this world.

Emanuele, after receiving Isabella's confirmation, pressed on. "The doctor said you have many oldbone fractures. Were they all caused by Chloe?"

Isabella looked at Emanuele, her mind replaying painful memories. Even though she had recoveredfrom her trauma, recalling those moments was still agonizing. But she knew that facing her pastwas the only way to heal her wounds more quickly.

"Yes, they were all Chloe's doing," Isabella replied.

Emanuele couldn't bear to see Isabella in pain. His heart clenched, feeling as though an invisiblehand was squeezing his chest, causing excruciating pain. He couldn't explain why, but hearingabout Isabella's past suffering made him feel as if he had lived through it too.

The emotional pain was a thousand times worse than any physical injury he had ever experienced.His heart ached for her.

"Why did she treat you this way? What methods did she use to hurt you?" Emanuele needed toknow everything, no matter how painful.

Isabella continued to recount her traumatic past. "I don't know why she treated me that way. It feltlike she hated me from the very beginning. When I was a child, she forced me to eat grass andbugs. As I grew older, she pushed me down the stairs, tied me to trees and let me fall, causing mybones to break."

"Did she threaten you not to tell your mother?"

"Yes, she said that if I ever told anyone, she would kill me. Her cruelty made me believe she wascapable of it."

"Did she do anything else?"

"She told me I was fat and that no one would ever like me. She said that men who were with meonly wanted to sleep with me and would eventually abandon me."

Emanuele felt an intense surge of anger and an overwhelming desire to confront and kill Chloe. Hecouldn't fathom how Isabella had survived all these years.

She had suffered not only physically but also mentally. It must have been incredibly challenging forher to survive all of this.

She even had mental health issues. Thinking about Isabella taking medication and how he hadmanipulated her emotions in the past, causing her to live in constant anxiety, Emanuele felt a deepsense of remorse and guilt. He couldn't believe he had inflicted such harm on Isabella.

After Isabella finished speaking, she felt a sense of relief. When she looked at Emanuele, whoappeared ready to take action, she knew he was upset and angry about her past. This showed howmuch he cared for her.

Isabella made an effort to reach out and held Emanuele's hand. "Emanuele, don't be sad. I'm fine."

"Fine? Look at yourself now. Do you call this fine?" Emanuele struggled to control his emotions toavoid frightening Isabella further. She was already severely injured and lying in a hospital bed. Hedidn't want to scare her, especially knowing about her damn mood disorder. He realized he couldn'tintimidate her like he had in the past.

Emanuele took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions. "You said you would handle Chloeyourself, but I didn't expect it to be like this, Isabella. You've disappointed me."

"I'm sorry."

"So, can you let me handle Chloe?"

"Are you going to kill her?"

"She hurt you. Regardless of her gender, she won't survive in this world."

Right now, she was locked up because he didn't have the time to deal with her. "But she's a woman.Are you going to kill a woman?" Isabella was surprised, thinking that Emanuele would at least sparewomen.

"Isabella, our enemies have no gender distinctions. If they cross me, even if they're women, I won'thesitate to kill them. Your injuries are severe. When the police come, tell them it was an accident.Remember, our mafia has its own rules."

If they handed Chloe over to the police, she might end up in jail. But he needed to ensure thatChloe paid a more significant price.

"I understand," Isabella assured him.

Soon, the police arrived. They questioned Isabella, who claimed the injuries were self-inflicted. Aftera brief investigation, they left.

With only Isabella and Emanuele left in the hospital room, Emanuele, looking at her battered body,knew that Chloe needed to face consequences equal to Isabella's suffering.

At that moment, Emanuele sent a text message to Phillip.

Just then, Sophia walked into the room. Seeing Isabella awake, she rushed to her side. "Isabella,are you okay?"

Isabella nodded. "I'm fine."

Although her body was in pain in various places, there were no major issues. At least there were nofractures this time, right?

"I can't believe Chloe hurt you so badly, Isabella. Why didn't you tell me before?" Sophia cried.

Seeing her mother so upset, Isabella also felt a sense of sadness. "I just thought there was nothingto say, Mom. You were working so hard back then, taking care of both of us. If we left your brother'splace, we'd have nowhere to stay."

If she told Sophia, they would have had to move to a different city, with no money, and they couldn'tafford to rent a place. Isabella was likely to end up living in a dorm with her mother.

Her mother was already working so hard, and Isabella didn't want to become a burden.

Sophia cried for a while, and her emotions gradually calmed down. She wiped the tears from thecorners of her eyes and said to Isabella, "Your uncle and aunt found out that Emanuele put Chloe inthe dungeon. They asked me to release her, but I don't have the power to do that."

Isabella was stunned. So, Sophia intended to forgive Chloe?

"Isabella, even though Chloe treated you badly, she's still your cousin. Can you consider letting heroff this time? If she hurts you again, you can let Emanuele deal with her."

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