In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 102: Emanuele Gets Shot
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Chapter 102: Emanuele Gets Shot

Chapter 102: Emanuele Gets Shot

After meeting with Evelyn and returning home, Isabella messaged Emanuele, sharing the details ofher meeting today. However, she waited for a long time, but Emanuele didn't reply.

He had indeed been extremely busy recently, so busy that Isabella couldn't reach him. But sheasked Tony, and the answer was the same: Emanuele was caught up with something important.Isabella didn't dwell on it anymore.

Perhaps Emanuele was dealing with an urgent matter, and her constant messages might disrupt hiswork.

At that moment, Emanuele was indeed involved in a critical mission. He wore an armored vest andcrouched behind Frederick's house. James led a group on the left side of the house, preparing toattack, while Phillip's team was in charge of setting up explosives around the building.

Emanuele checked all his guns, ensuring they had been fully loaded. He watched James' convoyslowly driving towards the house where Frederick was located, while Phillip's team was plantingexplosives around the premises. When Emanuele gave the command through his radio, they woulddetonate the bombs.

"Get ready..." Emanuele said into the radio, slowly counting down with his subordinates.

Moments later, with a loud bang, the door and one side of Frederick's house were blown open. Hisguards scattered like rats, fleeing in every direction. Emanuele grabbed a machine gun andmercilessly opened fire on them.

These men fell to the ground, blood seeping out of their wounds. Emanuele felt a tremendoussense of satisfaction in this living hell.

Frederick, you never expected I'd bring hell right to your doorstep, did you? You killed my brother-in-law, my men. I will make you pay today.

"If you find Frederick, don't kill him. He must be dealt with by me," Emanuele instructed Phillip andJames.

Then he pulled the pin from a hand grenade and threw it at the group of guards who had beenshooting at them.

Just as he did that, a shot rang out, and Emanuele felt a searing pain in his arm. The intense agonycoursed through his arm, making it difficult for him to hold his gun steady. But Emanuele took adeep breath, trying to stay calm.

He shot at the person who had hit him multiple times before dropping his machine gun and quicklyswitching to a pistol to continue the attack. Hate consumed his body; he knew he couldn't backdown. He was here for vengeance, to exterminate these wretched vermin and protect his family.

Soon, Emanuele, James, and Phillip had cleared out the guards inside the house. But Frederickwas nowhere to be found.

Emanuele searched Frederick's room and found it empty. James also searched all around but foundno trace of Frederick.

Looking at the huddled servants who were crying and begging for mercy, they didn't seem like mafiamembers at all; they were just ordinary people.

Upon seeing Emanuele approach, they fell to their knees, repeatedly kowtowing.

"Spare us, please! We don't know anything."

"Where's Frederick?" Emanuele asked.

"We... we don't know, maybe he's already escaped."

Escaped? Emanuele's face turned dark and intimidating. He had surrounded the place thoroughly,front and back, left and right. How could Frederick have escaped?

At that moment, James called out, "Boss, there's a hidden tunnel in Frederick's room!"

Emanuele immediately walked over and saw James lift the bed board, revealing an undergroundtunnel. Emanuele's face turned even darker, realizing that Frederick must have fled when hesensed something was wrong.

Damn it!

Emanuele's fist smashed fiercely into the nearby wall. His arm still had a gunshot wound, and theforce caused it to start bleeding, appearing particularly frightening.

"Boss, your wound needs treatment," Phillip said, looking concerned.

Frederick's men were well-trained, and although they were well-prepared, casualties were inevitablein the heat of battle.

Emanuele nodded. Since there was no sign of Frederick here, he believed there was no purpose forhim to stay.

"So, how should we deal with these people?" James pointed his gun at the trembling servants.

Emanuele glanced at them, saying, "Lock them up for a few days and observe them. If they checkout, release them. Maybe, we can get some information from them."

He wouldn't harm innocent people, but at the same time, he wouldn't let any of Frederick'shenchmen go free. If these individuals were indeed hired by Frederick merely to look after him, he

would release them. Otherwise, he'd eliminate them without mercy.

Emanuele returned to the car, and Phillip helped stop the bleeding from his wound. "The bulletneeds to be removed. I think we should go to the hospital."

"If we go to the hospital, doctors might start asking questions. Let's head back to Chicago; we'll dealwith it there."

They were currently in New York, not Emanuele's territory, and it wasn't conducive to theiroperations. In Chicago, he had a private doctor who could handle such matters.novelbin

"Alright," Phillip said, immediately driving the car toward the airport.


These days, Isabella had been staying in, passing the time watching TV shows, movies, andplaying games with Grazia. Although Isabella wanted to watch her favorite reality show, she wasafraid it would make Grazia emotional, so she decided against it.

Watching TV shows still had its charm, and she and Grazia could still make fun of the characterstogether and burst into laughter over the actions of those fictional characters.

These were happy days without worries, but Isabella couldn't help but worry about Emanuele. Shedidn't know what he was doing right now, and it had been so long without a phone call or even amessage from him.

Late at night, while Isabella lay in bed, she heard her phone ringing.

"Madam, Boss is back. Could you come downstairs and see him?" Tony's voice came over thephone.

Isabella immediately woke up, hastily putting on a coat over her pajamas before headingdownstairs.

There were many people downstairs, all of them Emanuele's subordinates and her bodyguards. Theair was heavy with the scent of blood.

"What's going on?" Isabella asked, her face tense.

Phillip, upon seeing Isabella coming downstairs, said, "He got shot in the arm. Madam, can you helpremove the bullet?"

They had also contacted their private doctor, but he would take some time to arrive. Thinking aboutIsabella being a doctor, they hoped she could give it a try.

Isabella, seeing the fresh blood on Emanuele's arm despite the makeshift bandage, felt a rush ofpanic. Even though they'd managed to stop the bleeding with a cloth, it was soaked red and lookedparticularly alarming.

The task of removing the bullet reminded Isabella of the first time she met Emanuele when shehelped him extract a bullet. She never thought there would be a second time.

Back then, Emanuele had been ruthless, like a devil, wanting to eliminate witnesses. Now, she washis wife. Isabella found it strange and fascinating.

"I need alcohol, a towel, forceps, and some gauze. It's even better if we have sutures," Isabellainstructed Phillip.

Phillip immediately went to find the supplies. Fortunately, due to Emanuele's position, they had acomplete medical kit at home. Phillip returned with the equipment, and when Isabella opened thekit, she was astonished to find that it contained everything one needed for a minor surgery.

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