In His Grasp: A Mafia Romance

Chapter 100: Ready For The Attack
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Chapter 100: Ready For The Attack

Chapter 100: Ready for the Attack

Emanuele immediately called Isidoro. "Are you sure Frederick is inside that building?"

"Believe me, he's in there," Isidoro replied. The environment on his end was noisy, with musicplaying, seemingly hosting a party. "Our satellite images confirm it."novelbin

"Was his place quiet when you investigated?"

"Yes, someone like him has to keep a low profile. He delegates the dirty work to his henchmen."

"I understand."

Emanuele said and prepared to end the call.

Isidoro asked quickly, "Are you planning to attack?"


"Do you need our support?"

"If needed, I'll let you know in time," Emanuele smiled. He knew Isidoro's capabilities; he wasreliable, and with his help, dealing with Frederick would be much easier.

After ending the call, Emanuele turned to Phillip. "Proceed with the plan. First, confirm the layout ofthe house, then decide on the attack route. I want to move as quickly as possible."


Emanuele then glanced at the surveillance feed. There was some movement in and out of thebuilding, but the frequency seemed normal, and none of the faces were familiar to him.

However, there was one person who seemed vaguely familiar. Emanuele squinted at a manwearing a hat in the corner. They hadn't captured him entering the building, but Emanuele felt thathe had seen that face somewhere before.

Maybe it was just because the man's appearance was so ordinary?


Isabella felt like she was going crazy inside the apartment. Even though she hadn't gone out sincethe incident where Emanuele had killed someone, it had been a week, and she still couldn't bringherself to ask Emanuele to take her out.

She missed the outside world, the bustling streets, and even the butterflies fluttering in the grass.The apartment was spacious and well-equipped, but looking at the world through the glass madeIsabella feel like she was trapped in a gilded cage.

As beautiful as it was, the lack of freedom was driving her to despair. The desire to go outside, tointeract with other people, crawled through her like an ant, an itch she couldn't scratch.

Today, Evelyn had initiated a video call with Isabella.

"Isabella, both Pippo and I miss you a lot. How are you? During the time you've been away from thehospital, the doctors there have been saying how much they miss you. They haven't seen a studentas intelligent and hardworking as you in a long time. It's such a shame."

Looking at Evelyn in the video, Isabella, who hadn't seen her friend in a while, felt like Evelyn'sappearance was somewhat unfamiliar.

They had known each other for so many years, used to have meals together, and Evelyn was herbest friend. But now, they hadn't met for a long time.

Isabella smiled and replied, "Emanuele said I'd be free once things settle down, and I can go backto the hospital to work."

That was indeed what Emanuele had told her, but Isabella wasn't sure when things would actuallycalm down. If there were further delays, she might forget the medical knowledge she had learned.To avoid that, Isabella had been taking online courses to reinforce her knowledge. However,textbook theory was quite different from hands-on practice, and merely studying theory wouldn'tmake her a competent doctor again.

"That's great," Evelyn sighed in relief.

"But, Isabella, it's been so long since I've seen you, and I really want to invite you out for a coffee.Do you think it's possible?"

"I want to as well. How about this? I'll ask Emanuele, and if he agrees, it should be fine."

She just wasn't sure if Emanuele would agree. He had been extremely busy lately, and shesuspected that his only relaxation was in bed.

"Alright, but, Isabella, your safety is the top priority. Considering your current situation, there may bequite a few people who want to assassinate you."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful, and you should be careful too."

After ending the video call, Isabella walked by the balcony to clear her mind. There were no tallerbuildings around their apartment, indicating that Emanuele was meticulous in selecting a safelocation. Isabella didn't have to worry about potential enemies hiding nearby with sniper rifles aimedat them.

However, even so, Emanuele had used bulletproof glass for all the windows, a thick layer that didn'tobstruct the view outside.

Isabella later shared her thoughts with Emanuele. At that moment, Emanuele was in his officeplanning the next steps of the operation, instructing James to lead three squads to flank the housefrom the rear and both sides. He wasn't sure how many people Frederick had inside, but he neededto ensure a successful mission by surrounding them with enough of his own men.

"Boss, are you going too?" James asked.

"Of course, I need to go. I want to see Frederick die with my own eyes so my brothers can rest inpeace."

Just thinking about how many of his subordinates had died in Frederick's attack, including thetorture his brother-in-law had suffered, Emanuele couldn't wait to spill the blood of these enemies asvengeance for Andrew and his subordinates.

At that moment, Emanuele received a text message from Isabella. She wanted to go out for a walk?

He planned to complete his mission as soon as possible, so he didn't have much time to worryabout Isabella. He told her, "If you want to go out, tell Tony your meeting location in advance, andyou can go out with enough bodyguards."

Although he wanted Isabella to stay in the apartment all the time, he knew her personality. Shewasn't someone who could stay quietly at home without going anywhere. He knew she would feelstifled.

He had no choice but to allow Isabella to go out, but the condition was that she had to have enoughbodyguards and clear the area in advance to ensure the surroundings were safe. He didn't wantanything to happen to Isabella.

He also had to rush to New York.

Isabella didn't expect Emanuele to agree. She was very happy and immediately told Evelyn about it.

Evelyn was delighted too. For safety, Isabella chose to meet at a nearby cafe not far from theirapartment. She informed Tony about this plan.

"I think that place is pretty safe, ma'am. You can meet your friend there."

Isabella agreed to meet Evelyn two days later, on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock at the cafe.

After receiving this message, Evelyn quickly told Pippo, "Isabella said she's meeting us on Sundayafternoon. I haven't seen her in a long time, and I miss her."

Pippo hugged Evelyn and said softly, "Yeah, I miss her too. I'll go with you to see her."


Evelyn agreed, and a smile graced Pippo's lips as his eyes turned as cold as ice.

Isabella, why don't you listen? Why do you have to marry Emanuele?

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