I'm Someone Else

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

Before meeting Thomas, Zoe Ginger had thought about what she would say to him and how she woulddeal with him. The only thing she failed to foresee was his openness.

“Let me introduce myself. I’m Zoe Ginger, the boss of Twilight Bar.”

“Zoe? That’s a great name!” He politely praised.

“You’re flattering me.”

She was polite to him for a great reason. When she received news about Thomas beating up Harvey atthe bar, she had specially ordered someone to keep an eye on the matter. She thought Thomas wouldhave to suffer an unfavorable consequence after offending Harvey.

To her surprise, Harvey suddenly quieted down, and upon further investigating, she discoveredThomas had even taught Harvey’s father, Joe, a lesson! Even more shockingly, the people who helpedhim were the young masters from the Morton and Peralta Families!

The man before her was best buddies with those two young masters, and with support from those two,Thomas could be said to rule Irieson. No wonder he had the guts to offend the Pattons! Besides anapology, she invited him here today because she needed his help!novelbin

Zoe took out a check from her pocket and placed it before Thomas. “Mr. Clifford, I invited you herebecause I want you to help me get revenge on someone. Here’s 750 thousand. Take it as a thank-yougift for helping me out.” Once she was done, she stared fixedly at him.

His brows tightened at that request. After everything, she wants me to get revenge for her?

“Mr. Clifford, I know it’s impolite of me to ask for your help right after we’ve just met…”

She knew that being friends with those two young masters meant Thomas would not take her offerseriously, but she never intended to soften him up with the money. She only wanted to show him hersincerity.

Meanwhile, Thomas remained in confusion. Zoe would not be able to sustain such a huge businesswithout connections, so why did she turn to him when she could easily ask those big shots she wasfamiliar with for help?

Feeling her heart racing, she became conflicted at his lack of response. It would already be impoliteenough to ask that from someone close, let alone one she just met. Then, she gritted her teeth andpleaded, “Mr. Clifford, as long as you help me get my revenge, I will wholly submit to you. I… I’m still avirgin, so if you can help me…”


After she spoke, she knelt before Thomas. She was not a frivolous woman, but she had no choicebecause only people like Sean Morton and William Peralta could do whatever they wanted in Irieson.Moreover, she was just a mere bar owner, so how could she compete with people like them?

Twilight Bar was her painstaking effort for many years, which she gradually brought up by establishinga good reputation. Thanks to the public assumption that she had backing and connections, it helpedTwilight Bar to get to where it was today. More importantly, she would not be in her current situation inthe first place if she had strong connections.

Zoe’s actions startled Thomas. I don’t even know you, but you gave me a big check right after we met.Then, you say you will wholly submit to me? Is this even necessary?

“Give me a reason to help you.”

He did not reject her immediately because Lester was kind to Chloe when she worked there. Also, thismeeting was made possible because Zoe pleaded with Lester, who asked Chloe for help. Therefore, hesaw no harm in listening to what Zoe had to say.

When she heard that, her eyes instantly filled with hope as she quickly retrieved a picture from herdesk and gave it to him. Subsequently, he saw a crowd having a meal together in the photograph.

“This group of b*stards killed my brother and wanted to purchase my bar. I refused to sell, so they keptcoming here to cause trouble. My brother was in the military. There was a year when he came home onvacation and saw them causing trouble at my bar. My brother was so angry that he fought with themand injured one of them. That guy only suffered superficial injuries and seemed fine, but that guymysteriously died the next day! My brother was implicated in that matter, causing him to get fired fromthe military and sentenced to three years in jail. After that…”

At that point, tears ran down her cheeks as she continued, “After that, my brother got released from jailand got killed!”

“Oh, no!” Thomas sighed.

Zoe and Chloe had similar experiences, and he was also a former soldier, so it was upsetting to hearsomeone with the same occupation dying so unjustly. However, that could not become the decidingfactor on whether he agreed to help Zoe. Injustice lay in every corner of the world, so how could hestick his nose in all of them?

After recalling that devastating incident, Zoe was crying her eyes out. Those men had become moreinsistent day after day, and she was only left with three days. By then, they would forcefully take overher bar, and she would become a plaything for the group’s leader. At that point, she would rather giveherself to Thomas than live such a horrible life. Perhaps this man, who knew Sean and William, couldhelp her get her revenge!

“What’s your brother’s name?” Thomas put out his cigarette, asking casually.

“Dominic Ginger.”

“What? Come again?” His eyes widened in disbelief.

His tone stunned her. Why is he suddenly so worked up? And his eyes… seemed murderous.

“Answer the question!” he yelled out of anxiousness upon receiving her lack of response.

“Dominic Ginger…” She looked at him with terrified eyes.

That answer resembled a blow to his head before he froze. How could it be Dominic Ginger? That’simpossible! Maybe it’s just someone with the same name. Droycore is so densely populated, so thathas to be the case…

“Do you have a picture? Show it to me!”

“Okay…” Without caring why Thomas would suddenly ask for a picture of her brother, Zoe rummagedthrough her desk to find one.

When Thomas just began his military career, there was a fellow soldier named Dominic Ginger. Thatman was forthright, humorous, and a bundle of joy during their dreadful days there. Not long after that,Thomas was transferred to a secret military base because of his excellent abilities and made a pactwith Dominic, who was also from Irieson, that they would have a drink together once they retired.

Thomas begged that the person was not his buddy, but things did not go as he wished when he sawthe picture. It’s him, Dominic. My comrade, my buddy!

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