I'm Someone Else

Chapter 397
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Chapter 397

“It’s nothing!” While saying this, Thomas shook his head dejectedly and trudged back to his bedroom.With a heavy heart, he listlessly let go of the stuff in his hand onto the floor, reached for the glass ofwater on the bedside table, and swiftly emptied its contents in one desperate gulp.

Aligned with his discerning nature and keen sense of priority, he settled comfortably on the bed,crossed his legs, and began to cultivate. The significance of enhancing his strength to protect those hecherished resonated deeply within him. Hence, the weight of this responsibility fueled his focus andintensified his commitment.

Meanwhile, Chloe stood in the hallway on the first floor, her mind reeling with disbelief. Her eyebrowsslightly furrowed, prompting her to mutter softly, “How can it possibly be nothing?”novelbin

Even though she hadn’t been in a relationship before, she could tell that Thomas and Olivia hadengaged in an argument. Since Olivia was her love rival, she should have felt a surge of satisfaction ortriumph. Contrary to her expectations, a disquieting lack of happiness overcame her, and instead, adeep concern engulfed her thoughts, casting a cloud of anxiety over her mind. “Ugh! I should check onOlivia.”

On the other hand, after greeting Olivia and knocking on the door, Ophelie entered her sister’s room.As she walked in, her attention was drawn to Olivia lying face down on the bed with her head coveredby the blanket and sobbing uncontrollably. “What happened, Olivia? Say something! Did you quarrelwith Thomas?”

Despite her sister’s persistent probing, Olivia remained silent and continued to cry and lament hersituation.

Meanwhile, at precisely midnight, four uninvited guests arrived at Villa No. 66 of Northpine Villa. Theywere the Four Ghost-Faced Demigods of War hired by Abel at a substantial price.

During their flight to Irieson, the four meticulously scrutinized Thomas’ profile. No matter how theylooked at it, Thomas appeared to be an unremarkable young man. Despite acknowledging his modestabilities, they found no reason to fear him. After all, when the four men combined their powers, theywere confident in their ability to overpower and eliminate Thomas!

In their minds, Thomas was a defenseless fish on a cutting board, seemingly awaiting their ruthlessslaughter. However, a perplexing thought nagged at them. Why don’t the Flynns deal with Thomaspersonally if he is as ordinary as he appears? Why did they have to go to all the trouble and expense ofhiring us to kill Thomas? Could the Flynns be aware of our recent financial struggles, which promptedthem to engage in this peculiar act of apparent charity?

Since the Flynns had provided the Four Ghost-Faced Demigods of War with Thomas’ address, theyarrived at Northpine Villa. Confidently, they burst through the door without hesitation, expecting toconfront their target head-on, but their arrogance was replaced by astonishment. They saw the villa’sfurniture was meticulously wrapped in plastic to prevent dust accumulation. Hence, the four men stooddumbfounded, realizing their target was absent, and showed no intention of returning anytime soon!

Soon after, the four men reluctantly searched the villa again but couldn’t find a single soul, not even aghostly figure!

“Boss, there’s no one here! What’s going on? Do you think that brat knew about our whereabouts inadvance?”

When the group leader heard this, he entered a state of deep contemplation. We’d never disclose ourlocation; if there is a leak, it’s only because the Flynns leaked it first. Also, their intel could be wrong, orthis might not even be Thomas’ current residence! Regardless of the likelihood, this is the Flynns’problem!

“Call the Flynns and convey to them that if it is indeed their fault that we were unable to eliminate thetarget, we cannot be held accountable! Also, let them know that the deposit will not be refunded!”

In the meantime, Abel was equally astounded upon receiving the news. Two days ago, my menwitnessed Thomas leaving Northpine Villa. So, how did he manage to vacate the villa before the FourGhost-Faced War Demigods arrived?

He then ordered his men to look into Thomas’ whereabouts, but after an exhaustive search, theirefforts proved fruitless. With no other viable options, Abel reluctantly disclosed the address of KeyshireProperty to the four men and instructed them to wait for Thomas there. He was resolute in his decision,unwilling to let his money go to waste.

Such was the peculiar dynamic with the Flynns. If it were any other employer, the Four Ghost-FacedDemigods of War would have abandoned the mission long ago. However, given the Flynns’considerable power and influence, they were compelled to tread cautiously and avoid provoking them.Reluctantly, the four men positioned themselves near Keyshire Property, meticulously planning theirnext move. Their strategy was clear— they would barge in and take his life upon Thomas’ arrival in themorning!

“Hah! Hah!”

At 5.00AM, Thomas was already practicing military boxing in the manor. The intense encounter with theTwin Demons had placed tremendous strain on him, highlighting the inadequacy of his close combatskills compared to his opponent. Despite the old man imparting numerous martial arts techniques,mastering them within a limited timeframe proved challenging. At least until he obtained the EssenceFruit, he found himself devoid of the time to thoroughly study and refine those techniques. Dedicated tohis practice, he persisted with his boxing practice until 7.00AM before finally making his way back tothe villa.

In the meantime, Chloe had diligently prepared breakfast, and Adam, Olivia, and Ophelie had takentheir places at the dining table, eagerly awaiting Thomas’ return.

“Thomas, come and have breakfast.” Chloe hurriedly greeted the man as he walked in.

After hearing this, he shook his head and declined, saying, “You guys go ahead and have breakfast.Don’t wait for me.” With that, he proceeded upstairs, determined to take a refreshing shower to cleansehimself from the sweat accumulated during his intense training.

Of course, it wasn’t that he wasn’t hungry. In fact, his stomach had been audibly rumbling for sometime now, craving sustenance after his exertions. However, the prospect of sharing breakfast with Oliviamade him uneasy, prompting him to decide that avoiding her for the time being was the better course ofaction.

On the other hand, as Olivia watched Thomas’ figure leave her sight, a pang of profound sadness anddisappointment washed over her, causing her to bow her head in contemplation.

In the meantime, Adam’s gaze shifted from her to the direction Thomas had left, sensing a palpableshift in the atmosphere. With his seasoned experience, he could tell something was amiss when henoticed her reddened eyes earlier that morning. However, considering that no one had broached thesubject, he felt it was not his place to inquire further.

“Never mind. Let’s eat,” Chloe declared, and with her words, everyone eagerly began digging in.

Deprived of a restful night’s sleep, she was informed of the unfolding events due to Ophelie’s relentlessquestioning of Olivia. The moment the mischievous girl unraveled the truth, she swiftly sought outChloe to resolve the conflict between her sister and Thomas. In Ophelie’s mind, Chloe had known himthe longest, so she must have possessed the most profound understanding of his nature.

After discovering this, Chloe was torn inside. On the one hand, she couldn’t help but feel reluctantabout Olivia and him getting together, but on the other hand, she genuinely liked Olivia due to herbeauty and kind-hearted nature. Despite this, she felt profound empathy and sincerely desired to spareOlivia any distress.

“Miss Pearson, I’m not trying to criticize you, but you’re being too impatient.” She pondered for amoment and finally spoke up. “Thomas is not like other men. If you want to win his heart, you must takeit slowly. The more you push him, the less likely he will meet your expectations.”

When Adam heard this, he finally understood what had happened. After all the commotion, it turns outthat Thomas has rejected Olivia. Then, he also chimed in, saying, “She’s right. You’re a beauty. As longas you have some patience, Thomas won’t be able to escape from the palm of your hand.”

“Really?” Olivia raised her head and looked at the father-daughter duo before her. The genuineencouragement in their words reignited the flame of hope in her heart.

“Of course, Olivia. I can tell that myself, so why can’t you?”

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