I'm Someone Else

Chapter 390
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Chapter 390

But isn’t Thomas the enemy of our family? So, why would Dad want to give him a gift on his specialday? Reuben couldn’t understand what his father was actually getting at as he expressed hisdissatisfaction, grumbling, “Dad, don’t tell me you actually want to seek peace with Thomas! Have youforgotten that he was the one who had severely injured Gunnar?!”

“What the hell do you know?!” Abel glared at his son and added, “I will give him a coffin on the day heholds the Clifford Family’s founding ceremony!”

“I see! So, that’s what it is! Excellent idea, Dad!” Reuben smiled, finally apprehending what his fathermeant at last. There’s no doubt it will spoil Thomas’ good mood if he sees the coffin on his special day!

“I will have it arranged right away, then!” Reuben got up and left to instruct someone to get the thingsready.

“Thomas, one year is too long for me! I’m sorry, but I fear I can’t wait any longer, for I wish for yourdeath, here and now!” A bloodthirsty gleam flashed across Abel’s eyes as he spoke. He had initiallyplanned to kill Thomas to avenge the insult he had hurled at the Flynns in the Ancient Martial ArtsFamily Ranking Competition, which would take place a year later. Nonetheless, the more he thoughtabout it, the more he lost his confidence. Thomas is only 25 years old, yet he already possesses suchterrifying strength. I couldn’t even kill him with a single punch the other day. If I allow him to nurture hisstrength, he will certainly be a thorn in my side, especially after he boldly stated that he wouldmassacre the Flynn Family a year later at the Travis Residence that day. That is precisely why I can’thelp but feel unprecedented pressure to eliminate him once and for all. There is no way an ordinary 25-year-old young man can possess such a regal aura. Given such circumstances, I shall act first and killhim while he has yet to grow into his power!

After a few minutes, Reuben walked in and reported with a grin on his face, “Dad, I have passed theorder to Jax. He will have someone deliver the coffin to Thomas on the day he holds the ceremony.

Also, the four important guests have arrived.”

“Well, don’t just stand there! Hurry up and bring them in!” Then, Abel swiftly rose to his feet and lookedin the front door’s direction.

Reuben turned around and rushed out. A minute later, he entered with four men whose faces were fullof scars. It was so ghastly that not even one part of these men’s faces was in good condition. Theirappearances were so menacing that it would make a child weep in terror if they saw their faces.Furthermore, the four of them exuded a murderous aura. Coupled with their grisly looks, they actuallysent a chill down one’s spine.

“Gentlemen, I have heard a great deal about you. Please take a seat!” Abel greeted them with aprofessional smile.

With that, the four sat on the couch while Reuben personally poured them tea.

Then, the leader of the four asked, “Old Mr. Flynn, what is your purpose in asking us to make this triphere?”

“Here. Take a look at this information.” Abel took out a stack of documents that he had long preparedfor this meeting and respectfully handed them to the four men.

They immediately picked up the document file and started browsing through the information. After awhile, all four had puzzled expressions as they wondered about the likelihood of this matter. “Old Mr.Flynn, please tell us if we’re arriving at the wrong conclusions here. You want us to kill this guy namedThomas Clifford?” Since they were well aware of the Flynn Family’s strength, they firmly believed thatno one in Capitalis dared to pick on the bunch of crazies. Not to mention, the Flynn Family had thehidden sect as their backer. It could be said that the Flynn Family had the power to easily strike terror inDroycore with a flick of their finger. It was precisely because of that reason that the four of them were ina state of disbelief that Abel would seek their help in killing a man.

“That’s right!” Abel smiled and it was not a pretty smile. These four are highly influential in their field.They are famous for making a living by helping their clients hunt down and kill their enemies. Althoughthey aren’t on the World Assassin Ranking’s list, no one dares to underestimate their strength, for theyhave never failed a mission since their debut.

The four of them looked at each other upon hearing his confirmation. Since Abel was the one whoreached out to them, they honestly weren’t interested in probing further as to why the Flynns haddecided to seek their help instead of carrying out the assassination themselves. For them, the profitwas enough of a reason to take on this mission.

Thus, their leader said, “Okay, Old Mr. Flynn. We agree to take this mission, but what are yourconditions?”

“How many days do you need to kill the target?”

Once again, the four looked at each other. “Three days is more than enough,” the leader statedconfidently.

Abel waved his hand as he added, “Actually, I don’t mind you guys taking more time. All I demand isthat you execute this task efficiently. Ensure that no one can trace this back to the Flynn Family.” Itdidn’t matter how he disdained Thomas, he still had to pay attention to Thomas’ connections. Kyrie,Quincy, John, and Samuel; each of them is a bad*ss! If they ever find out that I have sent someone toassassinate Thomas, they will definitely come straight at me in person to avenge him, even if he dies.Of course, I don’t fear them. Still, it’s always good to avoid unnecessary troubles.

“Don’t worry, Old Mr. Flynn. We have always been efficient in our mission.”

“Brilliant!” Abel slapped his thigh, feeling satisfied with the answer. Then, he took out a pin-protectedbank card and slid it in front of the four men. The card held 1 billion Droylers and not a penny less.novelbin

Frankly, if it were any other families, they might not be able to take out such a large sum of money soeasily.

As renowned assassins, the remuneration these four men charged was also astronomical. To use theirservice, the lowest fee one had to pay was 560 million. Still, since they were dealing with Abel, theydidn’t bother beating around the bush and charged him 1.6 billion. Even so, this amount was simply adrop in the ocean for the Flynn Family. The 1 billion in the card was merely a deposit and they would bereceiving their full payment as long as they succeed in their task. In these four men’s minds, theyfigured that this 1.6 billion was already in the bag.

In addition, rumor had it that these four men scarred their faces while executing their mission. Amongthem, the ancient martial arts skill of the weakest member was Yellow Tier Eight, whereas the strongesthad reached Profound Tier One. Hence, in Abel’s opinion, the four of them were more than capable ofdefeating Thomas.

Moreover, they were the type who would achieve their goals by any means necessary. They wouldcommit all manner of crimes like assassination, poisoning, and instigating car crashes just so theycould get the job done. Due to their cruel approaches, they were nicknamed the Four Ghost-FacedDemigods of War.

The Four Ghost-Faced Demigods of War left the Flynn Residence with Abel’s bank card and the stackof documents. They needed to rush to Irieson that very night in order to prepare for Thomas’assassination.

A bad feeling faintly emerged in Reuben’s heart as he watched the back silhouettes of the four leavingthe Flynn Residence. “Dad, are you confident that the Four Ghost-Faced Demigods of War can actuallykill Thomas?” Somehow, he constantly had a feeling that Thomas seemed to be shrouded in a layer ofmystery, which made it difficult for one to gauge his true abilities.

Abel pursed his lips as he replied, “Of course, I am! The Four Ghost-Faced Demigods of War hasnever failed. Now, all we have to do is wait for the good news!”

One could state that Abel gambled at high stakes in order to kill Thomas. 1.6 billion Droylers was reallyno small amount, yet he spent it all without blinking an eye. Regardless, if the Four Ghost-FacedDemigods of War failed to kill Thomas after all that… Well, Abel surely would choke with resentment.

As the moon fell and the sun rose, Sean drove his Cherokee to the Northpine Villa and waited at thegate early the next morning. Although Thomas’ Maserati was a good ride, it was too small to fit in alltheir luggage.

After they stuffed all the belongings Olivia had packed into Sean’s Cherokee, Thomas drove her andOphelie as he followed the Cherokee and left the Northpine Villa area.

The villa, which the Morton Family had given to Thomas, was one that John had carefully picked out. Itwas located on the borderland of Irieson, and not only was it near a mountain and a river, but it wasalso exceptionally tranquil. It was a place highly suitable for martial arts practitioners to cultivatethemselves.

Since the villa was built on a mountain slope, it resembled an ancient castle in the clouds when viewedfrom a distance in the early morning. For that reason, John named this villa Serenity Clouds Villa andexplained, “Serenity Clouds Villa has to be gifted to someone with soaring ambition, and Thomas fitsthe bill.”

Rockeries, a gazebo, and an artificial lake came into sight as soon as the car drove into the estate.

“I-Is this where we will be living from now on? This place is simply out of this world!” Ophelie gushed,for she had never seen such a beautiful villa, even when she lived with the Pearson Family.

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