I'm Someone Else

Chapter 388
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Chapter 388

“You being at home is all that matters,” Thomas sighed with relief upon hearing Olivia’s response. Hehung up the phone and rushed back to the Northpine Villa. He needed to be by Olivia’s side. What ifthe Crimson Moon had sent someone to target her too? What if they had, but the person hadn’t arrivedor made a move yet? “You being at home is all that matters,” Thomas sighed with relief upon hearing Olivia’s response. Hehung up the phone and rushed back to the Northpine Villa. He needed to be by Olivia’s side. What ifthe Crimson Moon had sent someone to target her too? What if they had, but the person hadn’t arrivedor made a move yet?

Fortunately, Thomas was merely paranoid. The Crimson Moon had only dispatched the Twin Demons.Their plan was straightforward—to kill Thomas first and then retrieve Olivia. There was no need to sendanother group for such a simple task.

Half an hour later, Thomas finally made it to the villa as he parked the car and walked inside.

“Hey, you’re back!” Olivia and her sister were sitting at the dining table, getting ready to eat. Theyturned their heads upon hearing the door open. Olivia was delighted to see Thomas, as she thought hewould return late at night, as he usually did.

“Come, join us for dinner.” She rose to her feet and went to get utensils like a homely wife.

Thomas went upstairs directly. He was still suffering from his injuries, and his shirt had been torn by theTwin Demons’ swords. Therefore, he needed to change his clothes immediately. Otherwise, she wouldget worried if she saw his injuries. So, he swiftly wrapped the wounds with gauze, put on a fresh set ofclothes, and then called Chloe to confirm her safety. Once he knew she was fine, he went backdownstairs.

Ophelie looked at Olivia with her big, teary eyes and asked pitifully, “Olivia, I’m hungry. Can’t we starteating?”

Olivia shook her head. “Wait a moment. Thomas will be here soon.”

“Pfft, Olivia, such favoritism,” Ophelie grumbled.

Alas, the poor girl wasn’t aware that more incidents that would make her unhappy were yet to come.From the moment Thomas sat at the dining table, she watched her sister continuously serving him,being so attentive and caring. On the other hand, she felt like an abandoned child, having to serveherself if she wanted to eat.

She felt a strange sense of déjà vu, recalling how she had moved from the villa to her grandfather’shouse precisely because she couldn’t bear witnessing this scene. She couldn’t believe she hadforgotten about it and rushed back here just to witness this lovey-dovey display again.

After dinner, Thomas took the initiative to wash the dishes in the kitchen. He thought things over whilescrubbing the plates. Since the Twin Demons were waiting for him at the villa’s entrance, it meant thathis location had been exposed.

If the Crimson Moon were to send someone else to cause trouble for him, that person’s strength wouldundoubtedly surpass that of the Twin Demons. He wasn’t sure if he could handle it in his current state.No, he couldn’t stay here anymore; he needed to find a new and secure place.

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, Olivia approached him. “Thomas, I’m sorry. This whole thing is myfault. Please don’t be angry.”

“Huh?” He looked at her with confusion. What happened? Why was she apologizing to him? “What’swrong?”

She lowered her head and replied softly, “I shouldn’t have gone to collaborate with the students fromIrieson’s University of Technology. If I hadn’t taken matters into my own hands, those students wouldn’t

have made an appearance at Keyshire Property. If I hadn’t done all those things, those troubling eventswouldn’t have happened.”

Thomas smiled helplessly. He was indeed a bit upset at the time, but not with Olivia. His anger wasdirected at those students. Olivia went to collaborate with the students to help clear his name, and heunderstood her good intentions.novelbin

“Olivia, you have misunderstood me. I was never angry with you. You had good intentions, and howcould I ever blame you?” he reassured her.

“What?” She looked at him and asked, “Is that really what you think?”

“Of course!” He nodded firmly. “Let’s forget about the university. We don’t need to go out of our way toplease them. They’re free to say whatever they want. They’re not that important to me, so I don’t carehow they see me.”

Thomas rinsed his hands after washing the last plate and dried them with a towel. He affectionatelypatted Olivia’s head; his eyes filled with tenderness. “Don’t overthink it. Didn’t I tell you before? I’llsupport you unconditionally regardless of what decisions you make.” Then, he headed upstairs.

She watched his retreating figure and curled her lips into a dopey grin. What a great man he was! Shewas so fortunate to have met him in this lifetime!

The sisters were sitting on the couch, watching a boring TV program when Ophelie pouted andquestioned. “So… Olivia, are you sure you’re handling it? You’ve been living together with yourhusband for so long, and yet, you two aren’t even sharing a bedroom? Really?”

Olivia flushed crimson. As someone who had never even dated before, being teased like this face-to-face was embarrassing. “Stop talking nonsense, you rascal. What do you mean ‘aren’t sharing abedroom’? You don’t understand anything!”

“Jeez. Thomas might even get ‘frustrated’ if you don’t take your relationship with him more seriously!Are you perhaps a bit indifferent in a certain aspect? He’s such a great guy, and you’re living under thesame roof. How do you resist his charms? No, really, tell me your secrets!” teased Ophelie.

“You little devil, stop spouting nonsense, or I’ll shut that mouth of yours myself!” Olivia couldn’t handlebeing teased by her little sister. So, she raised her hand, intending to tickle her to submission.

“Haha! Stop that! If you have the guts, you should get a bit more aggressive with your husband.Bullying a defenseless girl like me won’t make you a hero!” Ophelie laughed.

“I was never trying to be a hero!” replied Olivia playfully.

The two sisters playfully wrestled on the couch, both with happy smiles on their faces.

Thomas was laying on the large bed in his bedroom. He had already made up his mind; since healready planned to establish the Clifford Family, and a respectable family needed a mansion as itsheadquarters, it seemed like a good idea to start searching for one right away. Hopefully, he couldmove in as early as tomorrow!

He took out his phone and called Quincy.

“What’s up, Thomas?”

“Hey, Quincy, I’m looking for an unused mansion, preferably a bigger one. Do you have any? I’ll buy itfrom you,” Thomas said. He was planning on the Hahn Family living together with him.

“There’s no need for that. I’ll just give you one,” Quincy replied simply and hung up before Thomascould respond.

“No, I’d rather pay for it!” Thomas quickly insisted, but all he heard was a busy signal on the other endof the line.

In less than five minutes, Thomas’ phone was blowing up with calls. William, Samuel, Sean, John, andRaymond, all called him with the same purpose—to gift him a luxurious mansion.

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