I'm Someone Else

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

“Please, don’t!”

Thomas clung to the last shred of hope he had as he charged into the bathrooms.

No one was around!

Sh*t! I was too late.

A sense of despair rose in him. It seemed like he had been right. Those people had returned and takenOlivia away. Since they were capable of shooting at them while on the road, that meant she was indanger in their hands.

“Damn it!” At that thought, anger surged in him and he punched the door.

Immediately, the sturdy metal door had a dent. It was clear just how angry he was.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down as he searched hard through his memory for thenumber plate of the Cadillacs. “IA35888.”

Years of military experience had forced him to develop the habit of memorizing everything that he saw.Evidently, that habit had come in handy as he was able to recall the vehicle registration number of oneof the Cadillacs.

“Hey,” he barked out as he called William.

“What is it, Thomas?” William was currently enjoying his dinner.

“Look up a license plate number for me, Will. Be quick!”

“Okay.” William could hear the urgency in Thomas’ voice. Hence, he did not ask for more informationand swiftly left his dinner behind to pull out a pen and paper from his desk. He then jotted down the

license plate number Thomas recited.

“Don’t worry. I’ll get it done soon.” After hanging up, William contacted his father and asked him for helptracing the location of the Cadillac. However, the government servants had all clocked off. That meant itwould take at least ten minutes for anything to happen.

Hopefully, it would not be too late.

William was in no mood to eat his dinner anymore. Instead, he patiently waited by his phone.


Twenty minutes later, he received a message that he swiftly forwarded to Thomas.

Thomas was still in Olivia’s apartment. He was smoking while waiting on the couch for William’s news.When he saw the message come in, he hurriedly read it.

“Hind Group!” His eyes went icy cold when he read the message, particularly when he reached thesection that stated the Cadillac was a car reserved for the inner disciples of the Hind Group.novelbin

He was puzzled. What did Hind Group want with Olivia?

“Whatever the reason is, if they lay a single hand on her, I will kill them all!” he swore.

Standing in the middle of the living room with his phone in his hand, a spine-chilling look flashed in hiseyes. He grabbed a paring knife and charged out of the apartment toward Hind Group.

While he had not known Olivia for long, she had shown so much concern for him in that short time.When he faced financial troubles, she helped him out and even gave him a well-paid job. This wasespecially evident tonight as she showed just how much she cared for him. In his heart, she wasalready a good friend of his.

Anyone who tried to hurt his friends had better be prepared to be taught a lesson!

Furthermore, there was still the issue of the gunshot wound. He was the King of Marksmen. How couldhe be wounded by mere nobodies?

He drove to Hind Group’s office building using the GPS. The entire building was empty by now. It waspitch black with only lights on inside the security room on the first floor.

Where did they go? he wondered. In spite of his confusion, he charged into the security room andeasily took the two security guards out. He then held the knife against the older-looking security guard’sneck and ordered him to call the chairman of Hind Group.

“The call went through,” the security guard stammered.

What a truly cursed day. He was planning on enjoying the snacks and alcohol he had just bought whenthis demon barged into the room. The demon did not say a single word before beating them up. Whaton earth was going on? Could they not have talked? Why did they have to fight? Even now, he couldstill feel a sharp pain in his chest.

Thomas snatched the phone away and shouted, “Jake Hind! I’m warning you, have Olivia escorted toyour company office right now. If she’s hurt at all, your entire family is doomed! Remember, mypatience is finite. You only have thirty minutes. If I don’t see her by then, just you wait for death!”

The two security guards in the room held their breaths in fear when they heard that. Who was Thomas?What gave him the arrogance to threaten the chairman?

After all, the chairman was one of the most powerful men in the city. It was not an exaggeration to sayone of his sneezes could have the entire city trembling.

Thomas sat down and casually lit up a cigarette. With his knife in hand, he took a puff while looking atthe entrance of the office.

Tick. Tock.

Time slowly passed, and it was soon half an hour later. One final glance at the entrance of the buildingrevealed no one at the door.

Seeing that, he stood up and left the building.

“Thank goodness! The demon is finally gone!” exclaimed one of the security guards.

“I was so scared. I thought I was going to die today!” the other security guard said.

The moment Thomas disappeared from view, the two security guards went limp. Their clothes weresoaked with sweat.

Thomas drove straight to the Hinds Residence. He had given them a chance, but they did not cherishit. Unfortunately, that meant he had no choice but to kill them.

Soon, he arrived at the mansion. He stopped the car and got out.

The Hinds Residence was a European-style mansion with bright lights everywhere. It looked veryimpressive.

It was obvious that they were extremely powerful and rich. There was no way they could afford such aluxurious mansion otherwise.

It had been eight years since he had last been in Irieson. Hence, he did not know much about the HindFamily or the Hind Group. However, he did not need to know much about them anyway. It did not

matter how rich or powerful they were. The fact that they dared to plot against his friends meant theywould be beaten up regardless!


The doors were kicked open with a loud bang. He then strode into the house.

As he entered, he found two men sitting on the couch. None of them reacted to his entrance, as if theyhad been expecting him.

“Come, sit down. Let us talk.” The middle-aged man who spoke was Jake Hind, chairman of HindGroup. The young man sitting next to him was his son.

Thomas narrowed his eyes. He walked over to them and glared at them coldly.

“Who are you?” Jake curiously asked. “Why would you risk your life to save Olivia?”

He had just heard from his subordinates that an unfamiliar man had taken a bullet for Olivia. The newshad surprised him.

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