I'm Someone Else

Chapter 376
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Chapter 376

He pushed the door open and went in, followed by Sean. Together, they carried the briefcases one byone into the room before taking a closer look around.

The furniture in the room was old, and the bed was neatly made with the blanket folded into a square,which made Thomas even more well-disposed toward Veronica. After all, he had served in the militaryfor eight years, so it made him feel at home to see the blanket being folded into a neat square.

He wrinkled his nose and sniffed. There was a faint, refreshing fragrance wafting in the room, whichimplied that Veronica liked to keep things clean and tidy. Casually, he placed the title deed on the smalldesk, which also held some books. Surprisingly, a resume was placed on the most noticeable spot atthe center of the desk! “Hmm?” He quickly walked over and picked up the resume to take a look.“Pinewood High School of Irieson?” So, Veronica is planning to apply to be a teacher at Pinewood HighSchool of Irieson? Come to speak of it, it’s heart-rending that someone who used to be the head ofAdmissions Office at Irieson’s University of Technology now has to apply for a teaching position at ahigh school. This is really saddening.

“What’s the matter, Thomas?” Sean walked over to him curiously, seeing him standing there for a whilewithout moving. “Is this a resume? Pinewood High School of Irieson? Is Veronica planning to apply fora job there?” he asked.

Thomas nodded. If the first step was to help her reclaim what rightfully belonged to her, the secondstep would be to help her regain her freedom by getting divorced from George. After all, the documentshanded to me by Sean made it clear that she has always wanted a divorce, but George has stubbornlyrefused. Then, the next step would be to help her find a job she likes! Just the day before, I vowed inmy heart that I’d make sure that she lives the rest of her life without worries! “Sean, do you knowanyone from Pinewood High School of Irieson?”

Sean shook his head at first before nodding. “I don’t know anyone personally, but that’s okay. Will’sfamily is on good terms with the school’s principal. I’ll give Will a call and get him to make thearrangements.”

“Good to hear that!” Thomas nodded. Giving Veronica a job as a teacher should be easy, consideringthe power and connections of the Mortons and the Peralta Family.

Sean stepped out of the room with his phone in hand. He didn’t know Veronica personally, nor did heknow what she did for a living. That being said, since Thomas himself had asked for it, he would get itdone no matter what.

Thomas took out a bank card from his pocket and placed it on Veronica’s desk. The card contained the20 million he had asked from Olivia this morning. Taking a piece of paper, he wrote down the card’sPIN number and put it on top of the title deed. Only then did he turn around and leave.

After dropping Sean off at Morton Residence, he headed back to Keyshire Property. He wasn’t theleast bit worried about Veronica’s situation. With the Peralta Family’s connections, he believed shewould be well taken care of.

When he returned to the office, only Molly was there, whereas Olivia wasn’t around. “Welcome back,Thomas,” said Molly, greeting the man.

Thomas smiled and nodded in response. Inwardly, he felt that something was off. What’s wrong withMolly today? She’s wearing such a grave expression on her face. Instead of thinking more about it, hesat on the couch, sipping his tea.

Shortly after that, Olivia came into the office with six vice presidents of Keyshire Property followingbehind her. The positions of these six were second only to Olivia in the company, as they had beenworking for the company since it was founded by Rafael. Each of them was in charge of the affairs ofeach of the company’s six major departments.

Just like Molly, the six of them looked grave and serious.

Olivia ordered, “Just go ahead and do as I instructed. On one hand, find out who is targeting ourcompany; on the other hand, hold legally responsible those business partners who blatantly breachedtheir contracts. Make sure they pay us not a single cent less than the amount stated in their contracts! Iwant them to know that Keyshire Property is not to be trifled with!”

“Understood, Miss Pearson!” replied the six in unison. Then, they turned around and left to carry outher instructions.

Keyshire Property was in an unprecedented crisis. As soon as Olivia reached her office this morning,she received word that one-third of the company’s business partners had torn up their contractsovernight. It seemed as if these people had ganged up to turn against the company at the same time.Furthermore, the businesses involved covered almost the entire scope of Keyshire Property’s business!

Olivia had been busy dealing with the situation throughout the morning. The sudden betrayal of thesebusiness partners had inflicted incalculable losses upon Keyshire Property, and the exact figures werestill being calculated.novelbin

Olivia was no fool. Needless to say, she knew full well that these seemingly coincidental breaches ofcontract happening simultaneously must have a deeper meaning behind them. This was apremeditated and organized commercial war to bring down Keyshire Property in one fell swoop!

Thomas looked at the six vice presidents leaving the office, then at Olivia. He didn’t say anything. Heknew nothing about business, nor would he take part in it unless Olivia encountered something shecouldn’t solve. It won’t be too late for me to step in when that happens.

On the other hand, Molly’s response was totally different from the man’s. Looking at Olivia with starryeyes, she almost had the words ‘I admire you’ written all over her face.

Indeed, she couldn’t help brimming with admiration for Olivia. This lady is only two years my senior, yetshe actually faces such a major crisis without any hint of panic. As secretary to the company president,Molly was naturally well aware of all of Olivia’s arrangements. She could confidently say that Olivia wasmethodical and organized; even if Rafael Mazer, the legendary figure in the commercial world, wasbrought back, he might not necessarily handle this any better than Olivia did! We are the same age, butthe gap between us seems insurmountable, she thought.

A feeling of inferiority rose up within her. She had always been aware of the gap between her andOlivia, but it wasn’t until this very moment that she truly realized just how huge that gap was. We’resimply poles apart! When I heard about Keyshire Property’s situation, I felt like the world was going tocollapse, and I fell into a state of panic. But look at what Miss Pearson does! No wonder… No wonderThomas loves her and not me. Even a fool could tell who the better choice is.

“Molly? Molly!”

“Huh?” Molly was lost in her thoughts when Olivia’s call brought her back to reality. “I’m sorry, MissPearson. I spaced out just now.”

Olivia smiled at her, showing no sign of getting angry. She handed over the documents she washolding, saying, “Here, take these to the Finance Department and have them make all the necessarypreparations for the war that is to come!”

“Yes, Miss Pearson!” Molly took the documents before turning around to leave the office.

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