I'm Someone Else

Chapter 374
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Chapter 374

He took another look at George, who was lying on the ground. The man seemed to be on the verge ofdeath, his face all black and blue, his body badly battered.

Sean took out a cigarette and lit it for Thomas. “Calm down, Thomas. Didn’t I tell you to brace yourself?Why are you still so impulsive?”

Thomas stood there smoking on his own without saying a word. “Eight years ago, you lost your jobbecause of me. Eight years later, I’ll make sure that you live the rest of your life with no worries!” Hehad made up his mind to take charge of this. Whatever the actual reason was behind Veronica beingkicked out by Irieson’s University of Technology, the fact that he had stood her up was undeniable. Byhelping her now, he was in part trying to make up for his internal guilt.

Lifting George from the ground, he said to Sean, “Send him to Tucker Residence, and go there with metomorrow.”

“Okay!” replied Sean with a nod, knowing what Thomas was going to do.

After throwing George into the trunk of Sean’s car, Thomas said goodbye to Sean and drove away. It’sbeen a long time now. Olivia’s probably getting impatient with waiting.

In the living room of the rented house, Olivia waved to Chloe with her handbag in hand, saying, “I’m off,Chloe.”

“Uh-huh.” Chloe gave her a long stare before turning to glance at Thomas. How I wish I were the onewho stayed by Thomas’ side all the time!

Thomas and Olivia got into his car. “I can’t help feeling something’s off with Chloe,” said Olivia.

“What’s wrong?” asked Thomas without thinking.

Olivia shook her head. “I can’t put my finger on it, but I can’t help feeling that the way she looks at youis different. It’s not like how a sister looks at her brother, but more like how a woman looks at her man.”

“That’s impossible! You’re overthinking it!” Thomas let out a wry laugh. Chloe and I are just brother andsister! In his mind’s eye, Chloe was his own sister.

“Probably.” Olivia frowned slightly. I believe in my instincts. Everything was fine previously, but eversince Thomas showed up at the rented house, I can clearly sense the shift in Chloe’s emotions, whichcan’t be faked. However, since Thomas gave such a categorical answer, she thought it would beinappropriate to argue about it. “By the way, Thomas, it would’ve been great if you hadn’t gone outtoday. Chloe’s cooking skills are really impressive. She made so many tasty dishes. If you were here,you would’ve been so happy!” She had heard the saying, “The way to a man’s heart was through hisstomach.” Chloe’s cooking skills are so far superior to my own! Seems like I’ll need to consult her abouthow to make great dishes from now on.

Thomas smiled without saying a word. Although Olivia could cook, she had very little practice in it. Afterall, she was a daughter of the Pearson Family. Even if she wasn’t the family’s favorite, she nonethelesslived a pampered life where everything was readily provided for her, unlike Chloe, who had to bear theburden of her whole family at a tender age. And like driving, cooking was a skill that improved withpractice. The more one did it, the more experience and lessons they could learn from, so they wouldnaturally become better at doing it.

Soon, they returned to Northpine Villa. It was already close to midnight, so Olivia said goodnight to himand went upstairs to go to sleep.

On the other hand, Thomas sat on the couch, smoking his cigarette while contemplating the events ofthe day. No wonder Veronica ended up working as a waitress in a hotel. Turns out her husband hastaken away all her money! Now is the time for me to make up for what I owed her eight years ago.Naturally, the first step is to take back what rightfully belonged to her!

Returning to his bedroom, he sat cross-legged on the bed and once again practiced the Level 2Technique according to the nameless book. This time, he didn’t practice throughout the night as he hadyesterday. At about 3.00AM, he fell into a deep sleep.

Early the next morning, he first dropped Olivia off at Keyshire Property and watched her walk into itsentrance. Then, he took out his phone and called Sean. After deciding where they were going to meet,he drove off to meet up with Sean. Together, they headed to Tucker Residence.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Sean calmly suggested, “Thomas, I sent that George guy to them afterwe parted ways yesterday. Not only that, but I also had someone dig up some info about the TuckerFamily. Would you like to hear it?”

Thomas smiled. This buddy of mine really has everything well thought out ahead of me. Well, sincehe’s already found out all about the Tucker Family, it wouldn’t hurt to listen. “Go ahead and tell meabout it.”

“The Tuckers made their fortune in logistics and could be considered a middle-rank family in Irieson.Their main business is Tucker Logistics, with approximately 200 million in working capital and 1.4billion in assets. Its chairman is Keith Tucker, whose wife is named Qira Nelson, and their son is namedNathan,” explained Sean. He continued, “Keith also has a younger sister, who is George’s mother. AfterGeorge returned to Irieson, he handed a clothing company under his name over to George to manage.”

Truth be told, a family like the Tuckers wasn’t even worth Sean’s attention. They were too insignificantboth in terms of power and finances. Therefore, he didn’t even show up in person at Tucker Residencethe evening before; instead, he actually had his men deliver George there and send word to theTuckers, telling them to stay home and not go anywhere today. This wasn’t a notice at all. Obviously,this was an order!novelbin

Keith flew into a rage at seeing George battered out of shape. Whatever the circumstances, Georgewas his nephew. Now that George had been beaten up so badly, how could he possibly let it slide?They should’ve found out whose family George belongs to before beating him up! He was on the vergeof exploding then and there, especially after hearing the men say they were sending “word” from theirmaster. The Tuckers weren’t a very powerful family, but they nonetheless held some status andreputation in Irieson. There was no way he could let the ones who had beaten up his nephew get awaywith it!

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he hired four professional bodyguards at the rate of 1.5 millionper person per day. These four bodyguards were now stationed at the gate of Tucker Residence. Hewas already imagining how he was going to have the four bodyguards teach his enemies a harshlesson when they arrived. My nephew isn’t someone whom just anyone could beat up!


Thomas’ Maserati came to a stop in front of Tucker Residence. He and Sean walked toward the house,but as soon as they reached the gate, they were stopped by the four bodyguards. “Who are you guys?Do you have an appointment with Mr. Tucker?” They had been told by Keith that his enemy would becoming today, so they had to verify the identity and purpose of all visitors before allowing them inside. Ifthere were troublemakers, they would deal with them then and there.

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