I'm Someone Else

Chapter 365
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Chapter 365

It was the morning rush hour, and the roads were packed with cars. There was no way to avoid thetraffic.

Even the traffic police noticed the unusual situation and hurriedly approached the car, tapping on thewindow repeatedly.

However, the policeman was so infuriated he almost cursed in anger when he got no response nomatter how hard he knocked.

Thomas and Olivia completely ignored all the outside noise. Their kiss seemed to transcend time andspace as if they were meant to be together forever.

After a while, Olivia gently pulled away from Thomas, blushing as she returned to the passenger seat.

Thomas quickly adjusted his clothes, rolled down the window, and apologized to the traffic police. “I’msorry. There was a minor issue with the car, and it wouldn’t start. We just fixed it. I’ll start driving rightnow.”

Upon hearing Thomas’ words, Olivia felt her spirits lift. Who says that Thomas is a blockhead? He cancome up with such a lie so smoothly! It seems I have to be careful in the future and not let him deceiveme easily. But even if he deceives me, I am more than willing to be deceived by him for the rest of mylife!

Soon, the car stopped in front of Keyshire Property’s office building. As they both got out of the car,Olivia looked at Thomas solemnly. “Remember, you are my man from today onward!”

If Thomas hadn’t seen this with his own eyes, he would never have thought that the Most BeautifulFemale Entrepreneur in Irieson could have such a side.

Could she have been replaced again? Thomas wondered inwardly. But upon further reflection, heconcluded that no one would do something so pointless after the Six Greatest Families had beenutterly destroyed. No… This is definitely Olivia! No matter how tough her attitude is right now, her gazetoward me remains the same. The way it is filled with tenderness and affection is something that noone else can ever fake.

Thomas proceeded to feel out of sorts throughout the day. Whenever Olivia had a break, he wouldscurry off to the corridor’s window to smoke so that he could avoid direct contact with her.

That day, Olivia finished her work at 7.00PM. “Thomas, it’s time to go.”

“Sure!” Thomas, as usual, took Olivia’s handbag voluntarily.

Like a koala, Olivia immediately looped her arm through Thomas’. She was like a love-struck younglady.

Thomas felt extremely awkward. Linking arms with Olivia didn’t bother him before, but since sheconfessed her feelings to him today, he now felt uncomfortable with the gesture.

“Chloe is not here today. How about going out for a nice dinner?” Olivia suggested. It was a special daythat needed celebration.

“Alright,” Thomas replied, avoiding eye contact with her and keeping his head down.

Guided by Olivia, the two arrived at a nice-looking Western restaurant. However, upon entering, theydiscovered it was packed. There were no empty seats on the ground floor.

“Hello! Are you two dining with us?” A waiter approached them.

“Yes!” Olivia replied, still holding onto Thomas’ arm tightly. Although they had previously gone out to eattogether, they were just friends at that time. But now, since she confessed her feelings, she wanted to

act more like a couple in places like this.

“Please follow me upstairs. There are seats available there,” the waiter offered.

Olivia then led Thomas to a relatively quiet corner before they sat down. She picked up the menu andordered the food.

The food was served in no time.

Olivia sent a small piece of steak into her mouth and began, “Thomas, we’re entering a new seasonagain. Tomorrow, we should go—”

“Guests!” A waitress standing next to them harshly interrupted and attempted to chase them off beforeOlivia could finish her sentence. “We don’t welcome you here. Please settle your bill and leave!”

“Huh?” Both Thomas and Olivia turned their heads, looking at the waitress in confusion. What does shemean? We haven’t finished our meal, yet we are being asked to leave?!

“And why is that? There must be a reason, right?” Olivia asked. A tiny flame of anger sparked withinher. It was their first date after she confessed her feelings to Thomas. She even specifically chose aWestern restaurant to create a romantic atmosphere, but now, a waitress came to drive them away justafter she took a bite. It made no sense!

In a fit of annoyance, the waitress declared, “There is no reason. Just pay up and get out of ourrestaurant. We don’t welcome the likes of you!”

Why are you dilly-dallying? I’m already kicking you out, so why don’t you leave already? If you keepwasting time, I’ll have the security throw you out!

Upon hearing the waiter’s words, Olivia could no longer contain her anger.

Her tone turned icy and she demanded, “Tell your boss to come here. I want to know on what groundsyou’re kicking us out.”


The waitress only felt as if a massive weight fell on her shoulders. Olivia’s aura was overwhelming, andit was far beyond what she could handle.

After all, Olivia was generally acknowledged as the Most Beautiful Female Entrepreneur in Irieson.Having to manage a workforce of thousands at Keyshire Property, she couldn’t afford to lack this kindof presence and authority. It would be a disaster if she did.

“Stop wasting our time!” Before the waitress could respond, a middle-aged man in a suit and aprotruding belly approached.

“Manager!” the waitress respectfully called out.

The man pointed at Thomas and Olivia. “I’ll say it one last time. Pay up and get out! If you say anotherword, I’ll have the security throw you out!”novelbin

Olivia’s eyes blazed with fury. How preposterous! A mere general manager of a Western restaurantdares to kick me out? How in the world is he brave enough to do something like this? He is in thehospitality business, and I am willing to pay for the meal. If he wants me to leave, he needs to give mea valid reason. How could he do this without any justification? Do I look like a pushover?

“Don’t get angry.” Thomas patted Olivia’s shoulder, stopping her impending outburst.

He then pointed to a table by the window and asked the manager, “Did they ask you to kick us out?”

Thomas hadn’t noticed it earlier, but he eventually saw that the manager’s eyes occasionally glanced inthe direction he was talking about. He followed the gaze and indeed saw an acquaintance.

The manager didn’t hide the truth. “Hmph! Now that you know, let me be clear. You might walk outunscathed if I’m the one telling you to leave, but if the young master comes over to handle it himself,you would be dead before you know it!”

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