I'm Someone Else

Chapter 357
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Chapter 357

“It’s your turn!” As soon as the words fell, Thomas had arrived in front of the remaining four individuals,striking each one with his fists in rapid succession!

Enduring the same old formula and taste, Oscar Zane and Davis Yam fell to the ground, both piercedthrough the chest by Thomas’ fists.

“Run!” The only surviving Anthony Saunder and Caesar Xalmar could not even muster the courage toresist anymore. They saw Thomas as more than just a human; he was a grim reaper! They knew theywould meet their end today if they did not run now!

The two mobilized all their internal energy. Their Peak of Profound Tier Three strength was not to beunderestimated, and in an instant, they had already appeared outside the villa’s gate, moving at anastonishing speed!

Still, they could only run this far at best when the two suddenly felt their throats tightening. They lookeddown and were almost scared out of their wits!

Thomas had somehow blocked their path, his large hands firmly grasping their necks.novelbin

Crack! Crack!

Before they could even resist, the man snapped their necks, leaving them lifeless.

All six renowned old monsters, the true masters behind the Six Greatest Families, were swiftly killed byThomas. Moreover, it happened in an instant!

Even Thomas himself was puzzled. In theory, his cultivation should only be on par with these six oldmonsters, even if he had used forbidden techniques! However, he felt these six old monsters were nomatch for him! And indeed, it was true. The six were as weak as three-year-old children before him,utterly powerless to resist.

Unbeknownst to him, his strength could not be defined solely by the level of his ancient martial artsproficiency. His internal martial arts cultivated his qi, commonly known as internal energy, while hisexternal martial arts trained his body. He was different from other martial artists, pushing his body tothe extreme before delving into internal martial arts cultivation. In other words, his power did not solelycome from internal energy but also the terrifying strength of his body’s muscles. With the twocombined, he became invincible among his peers!

Thomas glanced at the time and realized that only five minutes had passed. Luckily, I still have plentyof time to spare. Enough to wipe out the remaining four families!

He took out his phone and dialed Samuel’s number, informing him that all six old monsters were deadand telling Samuel to wait for him, as he would be there soon. The Six Greatest Families? Today, I willpersonally send all of you to hell!

“The Xalmars and Yams are together. I’ll be waiting for you at the Yam Residence. Raymond and Johnhave gone to the Saunder Residence with their men, while the Zanes are also there,” Samuel said,trying to suppress his excitement.

“Good!” Thomas responded and hopped into the Maserati, driving swiftly toward Samuel’s location.

The martial arts experts of the Xalmar and Yam Families had been dealt with. At that moment, Samuelsat on the couch in the living room of the Yam Residence, gazing at the people gathered before him.Quentin and Harley, the latter in a wheelchair, along with Logan and Kirk, all glared at him.

They had gathered together, expecting news of Thomas’ demise. However, instead of good news,Samuel arrived with a group of elite members from the Peralta Family and launched a sudden attackwithout a word. Even their families’ martial arts experts were murdered, leaving only the four coremembers standing.

“Samuel, have you lost your mind?” Quentin questioned fiercely. In the past, he might have beensomewhat afraid of the Peralta Family. However, his master was now in Irieson, confident Samuelwould undoubtedly meet his end when his master returned!

“Oh, is that so?” Samuel sneered. “We’ll see who meets their end when the time comes! Don’t worry.We only need to wait a little longer!”

If it were not for Thomas’ insistence on personally dealing with them, he would have ordered his men tokill the four individuals before him long ago. He would not have waited until now, allowing them toargue.

“Keep on with the tough act, Samuel. Once my master is back, let’s see how you’ll fare!” Logan roared.Does he not know that our true master has returned? Otherwise, where does he get the courage tocause trouble for us? The masters of the Six Greatest Families are invincible existences in this world,far beyond the reach of your family’s martial arts expert!

At that moment, footsteps shuffled outside the villa’s gate. “Samuel, did you hear that? Our master isback. Death is the only thing that awaits you for daring to disrespect us!”

“That’s right! Not only you but your entire Peralta Family will be annihilated! That’s what you get forprovoking us!”

Samuel did not immediately retort to the two and instead looked at them with a condescendingexpression. Oh? Are they still thinking their masters have returned? How naive. They will never return!


The villa’s gate creaked open, and there stood Thomas, appearing before everyone.

“What?” The Yams and Xalmars were shocked. How is it possible? Shouldn’t Thomas be dead?

“Thomas! You…” Samuel’s heart trembled as he looked at Thomas, whose hair had turned gray, andthe wrinkles on his face were visible. He no longer looked like a 25-year-old man but appeared like anelder!

He intended to ask, but the words changed at the tip of his tongue. “John and his men are keeping aneye on the Saunders and Zanes. The martial arts experts of the Yams and Xalmars have already beentaken care of.”

While he was aware that discussing these matters was inappropriate at the moment, he could guess tosome extent why Thomas suddenly aged. He was also a martial artist, after all.

Thomas smiled faintly, his sharp eyes seemingly piercing through Samuel’s thoughts. He knew thatSamuel might be wondering about his sudden aging. To defeat the six old monsters, he utilized aforbidden technique that came at the cost of sacrificing forty years of his lifespan. Therefore, it was onlynatural that he looked slightly older now.

He walked straight toward Logan and the others, staring at them with a sneer.

Logan and the others were taken aback by his appearance. Is this Thomas? Are you sure he’s notsome elder relative of his?

“Do you all still remember? Back then, your two families sent people to assassinate Chloe, but instead,it led to the deaths of thirty-six innocent lives!”

At that time, Quincy, John, and Samuel each dispatched twelve elite members from their families toprotect Chloe, but they were all killed by the experts sent by the Yams and Xalmars.

Samuel was stunned when he heard Thomas’ words. He had thought that Thomas had long forgottenabout that matter and did not expect him to remember.

“I promised those thirty-six mates that sooner or later, I would slaughter you all to avenge them! Todayis the day you will pay for your crimes and apologize to the fallen.”

The words he spoke afterward did not register in their minds because their thoughts were overwhelmedwith questions. How can Thomas be standing before us? Weren’t our master supposed to go and killhim? Logically speaking, our master should have returned victorious! Could they be killed… byThomas?

No, that’s impossible! The six masters are invincible. How can Thomas kill them? He can’t even killCordan and only manage to injure him. There’s no way he could have defeated those six elders!

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