I'm Someone Else

Chapter 349
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Chapter 349

Originally, Taylor had no intention of getting involved in this matter, but the six old monsters personallyissued the order, so he had no choice but to comply.

“Okay.” His voice was filled with exhaustion as he made another phone call. “Come over now.”

Ten minutes later, eight individuals entered the villa. Their strength was formidable, with all of thembeing Yellow Tier Seven experts.

Taylor glanced at the eight of them. “Remember, I’ve already talked to the Zane Family. They have thesame objective as you, so don’t fight among yourselves. Follow the plan I’ve told you. If there’s achange of situation, you can cooperate with the Zane Family to eliminate the people from the other twofamilies. In any case, we must not let them capture Olivia.”

“Don’t worry, Old Mr. Saunder. We understand,” the eight individuals respectfully answered. Taylor hadpreviously briefed them on the specific plan.

“Go, and be careful.”

As Taylor watched the figures of the eight individuals depart, his mouth curled into a cold smile. Quincytold me that Keyshire Property changed ownership, and the current owner is none other than Olivia. Itwas even personally handed over by Rafael himself. Well, I wonder if the Xalmar Family and the YamFamily know about this.

Rafael is the business tycoon of Capitalis, with an unfathomable background. Even that man has somuch respect for Thomas, so how dare these people cause trouble for Thomas? Do they really thinkthey can abduct Olivia from Keyshire Property? Aren’t they just seeking their demise?

I hope that my eight men can accomplish their mission successfully. As long as Olivia doesn’t fall intothe hands of those six old monsters, Thomas will fight them with all his might. If he agrees to cooperate

with my operation, then the Saunder Family can completely break away from the camp of the SixGreatest Families.

“Who on earth is Thomas? Even Rafael bows down to him.” He felt that he had more and morequestions about Thomas.

At this moment, the forces of the four families gathered at the entrance of Keyshire Property. Eachfamily sent eight people, but only four individuals from each family came out of the vehicles. Theremaining four individuals stayed in the cars, responsible for providing support. After all, if too manypeople entered Keyshire Property at the same time, it would draw attention.

The leader of the Zane Family exchanged a glance with the leader of the Saunder Family as if giving asignal. With that, the group of 16 individuals entered the office building of Keyshire Property. Along theway, they encountered no obstacles, for they had prepared in advance. Each person held a KeyshireProperty employee identification card, so the security guards thought they were employees of thecompany.

The Xalmar Family and the Yam Family had already learned about the change in ownership ofKeyshire Property. If possible, they also didn’t want to come. After all, with Keyshire Property being thetop company in Irieson, it was absurd to forcefully abduct their president. Just thinking about it wasterrifying.

However, they had no choice. The six old monsters had directly issued the order, and they had no sayin the matter.

At this moment, the four members of the Saunder Family arrived at the top floor of Keyshire Propertyahead of the others. They walked around the corridor, observing the structure of this level.

“Go, change the president’s office sign to the adjacent data room,” the leader of the Saunder Familyinstructed.

“Yes, sir.” A man stepped forward and swapped the door signs of the two offices.

Soon, the other 12 men also reached the top floor and gathered in front of the ‘president’s office’ door.

The leader of the Yam Family took a deep breath and tried to push the door, but he found it to belocked and couldn’t open it at all.


The group looked at each other in confusion. It was working hours, and it was impossible for Olivia notto be there. According to the information received from their family, Olivia hadn’t left the company sincethe morning.

Just then, the leader of the Yam Family made up his mind and mobilized his internal energy from hiselixir field, forcefully breaking open the door.


The door was opened, but the scene inside left everyone stunned.

The room was neatly arranged with various documents, but there was not a trace of a person, let aloneOlivia.

From the layout of the room, it was evident that this was not an office. How can the esteemed presidentof Keyshire Property not even have a desk? Was our plan leaked? Did someone swap the president’soffice sign with the data room’s sign beforehand? Doesn’t that mean that our every move is alreadyknown to the other party?novelbin

“Damn it! Run!”

Meanwhile, someone muttered quietly, “If we don’t run now, Thomas will come.”

Without hesitation, the group started running. Their speed was comparable to that of a champion in theOlympic 100-meter race.

Quentin and Logan had given instructions that if they encountered Thomas, they shouldn’t bother withanything else; just run. The mission could be completed later, but if they lost their lives, then everythingwould be lost.

Thomas’ formidable reputation was well known among the Six Greatest Families. With his strengthalone, he trampled the Pearson Family and annihilated the Hind Family. What a terrifying power hehas! Even the martial arts experts of the Pearson and Hind Families were killed, let alone little minionslike us!

On the other hand, the people from the Saunder and Zane Families didn’t seem to be in a hurry. Theeight of them exchanged smiles and then pretended to be panicked, following the others and rushinginto the elevator, quickly leaving.

Fear was contagious, and it seemed like the members of the Yam and Xalmar Families scaredthemselves. Little did they know that the person who swapped the door signs was not Thomas but theircompanion.

However, even without interference from the Saunder Family, they were unlikely to complete theirmission today. Because at this moment, Olivia was holding a meeting with Molly in the conferenceroom downstairs. It would take a while, so she wouldn’t come back in a short time. If they kept waitingthere foolishly until Thomas returned, they wouldn’t have a chance to leave alive.

On the other hand, Thomas had already arrived at Irieson International Airport. After parking his car, hegot out and looked around while taking out his phone. He dialed the number given to him by Colby.

“Hello.” A clear and pleasant voice, as melodious as a lark, came from the other end of the phone,sounding exceptionally nice.

When he heard that, he was taken aback, for he didn’t expect that the person sent by the Travis Familyto deliver the medicine would be a woman. Judging from her voice, she’s a young woman.

“I’m Thomas Clifford. Where are you? I’ll come to pick you up.”

“I see you. I’m on your left.”

When he turned around, he saw a charming figure walking toward him. She was wearing whitesportswear and waving at him.

Emily had seen Thomas before. After all, the event at the arena match was quite sensational. As adirect descendant of the Travis Family, how could she not know?

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