I'm Someone Else

Chapter 347
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Chapter 347

For the whole morning, Thomas immersed himself in studying and cultivating internal martial arts.

He had already mastered the Level 1 Technique of the nameless book’s martial arts. As a result, hehad grown into a Yellow Tier Nine expert from a complete novice in internal martial arts. At Yellow TierNine, his punch could unleash 12,000 pounds of power. And all of this was achieved in just three hours.If others were to know the speed at which he cultivated, they would surely be shocked. Most peoplecouldn’t even reach such heights in their entire lives, but he achieved it effortlessly in just three hours.However, we shouldn’t compare apples to oranges.

The gas in his lower abdomen was his internal energy. If it hadn’t existed in his body before, hewouldn’t have been able to progress so quickly. Whenever his internal energy reached a bottleneck,the gas in his lower abdomen would accelerate its circulation, helping him break through the barriers ofhis strength.

He was also curious about how this gas was produced, for he didn’t even know the cultivation methodof internal martial arts before, let alone how to cultivate internal energy. No matter how much he rackedhis brain, he couldn’t figure out the origin of this gas. Well, its existence can’t be a bad thing. I shouldseize this opportunity to break through to the Profound level.

Ring! Ring!

Just as he was preparing to break through the barrier with all his might, an urgent ringing of the phoneinterrupted his cultivation.

He took out his phone and saw that it was from Olivia. “Hello, Olivia, what’s up?”

“Thomas, are you done with your stuff? It’s almost lunchtime. Come and have lunch with me.”

When Thomas heard that, he smiled helplessly. Ever since Olivia was deceived by Harrison and sent toCapitalis, she had become highly reliant on him, like a clingy little cat.

“Okay, wait for me. I’ll be back soon.”novelbin

Yet, he didn’t find it annoying at all. On the contrary, he felt a hint of joy in his heart. I’ll have to put mycultivation on hold and accompany Olivia for lunch first.

As he stood up, he felt the current state of his body and was instantly filled with excitement. It was anunprecedented feeling. The internal energy in his body flowed like blood, nourishing his meridians.


He clenched his fist and tried to mobilize 10% of his internal energy. As he threw a punch, there was animmediate, faint sound of air vibration. Based on that, his current strength was the same as during hispeak period.

With darkness came light. He felt like he had entered a whole new world, a world belonging to martialartists.

Prior to this experience, he had been unaware of everything about martial artists. Quincy, John, andSamuel knew, but they had witnessed Thomas’ terrifying skills and instinctively assumed that he wasalso a skilled internal martial artist. Therefore, they never mentioned this aspect to him.

Before long, he arrived at Keyshire Property and, upon Olivia’s suggestion, went to the company’semployee cafeteria and found an empty seat to have lunch.

“Did you see that? Mr. Clifford and Miss Pearson are having lunch together.”

“What’s so special about that? Mr. Clifford is also an employee, and he’s close with Miss Pearson.What’s wrong with them having lunch together?”

“Oh, that’s so yesterday. Almost the entire company knows now that the real decision-maker inKeyshire Property is Mr. Clifford.”

“How is that possible? It’s clearly Miss Pearson.”

“Tsk! According to reliable sources, Miss Pearson is Mr. Clifford’s wife. They have already registered.Even she belongs to him, so isn’t Keyshire Property also his?”

“Oh, my! They’re already married? I always thought they were just dating, but they have alreadyregistered?”

The employees were buzzing with discussion. In a relatively dull and monotonous workplace like acompany, gossip was always the hottest topic. Moreover, as a goddess-level figure in Irieson, anygossip about Olivia naturally attracted attention.

Thomas, however, had no interest in listening. He had been figuring out the power levels of the peoplehe knew in his mind. John and Samuel should be at Yellow Tier Seven, and Quincy is slightly weaker,around Yellow Tier Six. According to the information from Quincy, the six old monsters’ strengths arebeyond the Yellow level. They have reached Profound Tier Two.

In the city, most martial artists were at the Yellow level, which meant that the strength of a Yellow TierNine expert was enough to dominate the city. This was why Thomas had been invincible, relying solelyon his physical strength. He had an ordinary body but had 12,000 pounds of power.

Beings like the six old monsters, who hove olreody surpossed the Yellow level, won’t eosily oppeor inthe city. It looks like my progress is still too slow. I must quickly odvonce to the Profound level. Onlythen will I hove the quolificotions to fight ogoinst those six old monsters.

If others knew thot he wos dissotisfied with the speed of his cultivotion, they would probobly be drivento deoth by onger. Dude, you’re olreody oheod of the gome. Whot more do you wont?

Unlike Thomos, Olivio hod been corefully listening to the discussions of the surrounding employees.

Whether they were soying thot she wos doting Thomos or speculoting thot they were morried, it didn’tmotter. The foct thot the entire Keyshire Property knew thot Thomos wos her mon wos oll thotmottered.

At this thought, hoppiness surged in her heort. Even her exquisite foce couldn’t help but reveol o smileof hoppiness.

After lunch, they returned to the office. Initiolly, Thomos hod plonned to toke o short breok ond continuehis cultivotion ot Northpine Villo. After oll, the situotion wos urgent, ond time wos of the essence. Yet,os soon os he sot on the office couch, his phone rong.

“Hello?” Though the coller ID showed on unfomilior number, he onswered the coll ond went to thecorridor.

“Hello, Mr. Clifford. This is Colby from the Trovis Fomily of Copitolis. Hove you returned to Irieson?”

“Oh, Mr. Trovis. Yes, I’ve returned to Irieson. Is there something you need me for?”

“It’s like this, Mr. Clifford. You left in o hurry, so we forgot to tell you something obout Miss Peorson’sfrost poison. You hod Theodore give us o prescription ond osk us to help prepore the medicine for MissPeorson to drink, right? We didn’t give her the medicine. To be exoct, we didn’t give her the medicinewritten on your prescription. Insteod, we gove her the Toxin Expulsion Pill. Now, oll she needs to do istoke onother Toxin Expulsion Pill, ond the toxins in her body will be completely expelled,” Colby colmlyexploined, os if he were tolking obout o triviol motter.

However, those words hit like o thunderbolt in Thomos’ heort.

Beings like the six old monsters, who have already surpassed the Yellow level, won’t easily appear inthe city. It looks like my progress is still too slow. I must quickly advance to the Profound level. Onlythen will I have the qualifications to fight against those six old monsters.

If others knew that he was dissatisfied with the speed of his cultivation, they would probably be drivento death by anger. Dude, you’re already ahead of the game. What more do you want?

Unlike Thomas, Olivia had been carefully listening to the discussions of the surrounding employees.

Whether they were saying that she was dating Thomas or speculating that they were married, it didn’tmatter. The fact that the entire Keyshire Property knew that Thomas was her man was all thatmattered.

At this thought, happiness surged in her heart. Even her exquisite face couldn’t help but reveal a smileof happiness.

After lunch, they returned to the office. Initially, Thomas had planned to take a short break and continuehis cultivation at Northpine Villa. After all, the situation was urgent, and time was of the essence. Yet,as soon as he sat on the office couch, his phone rang.

“Hello?” Though the caller ID showed an unfamiliar number, he answered the call and went to thecorridor.

“Hello, Mr. Clifford. This is Colby from the Travis Family of Capitalis. Have you returned to Irieson?”

“Oh, Mr. Travis. Yes, I’ve returned to Irieson. Is there something you need me for?”

“It’s like this, Mr. Clifford. You left in a hurry, so we forgot to tell you something about Miss Pearson’sfrost poison. You had Theodore give us a prescription and ask us to help prepare the medicine for MissPearson to drink, right? We didn’t give her the medicine. To be exact, we didn’t give her the medicine

written on your prescription. Instead, we gave her the Toxin Expulsion Pill. Now, all she needs to do istake another Toxin Expulsion Pill, and the toxins in her body will be completely expelled,” Colby calmlyexplained, as if he were talking about a trivial matter.

However, those words hit like a thunderbolt in Thomas’ heart.

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