I'm Someone Else

Chapter 33
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Chapter 33

Izzy crossed her arms in front of her chest as she spoke in a harsh tone. “If I were you, I would neverreturn to Irieson. You’re nothing but a piece of scum!” she uttered.

“Is he… Is he that guy… Thomas?” someone asked.

“That’s right. That’s him! I only realized it now that Izzy mentioned it. That explains why he looks sofamiliar!” another person commented.

“Sh*t! That’s him? He sure is impressive. Did you guys know that Irieson’s University of Technologystopped offering places to students from Irieson First High School to study with them after thatincident? They were worried that they would be stood up again!” one said.

“The current students of Irieson First High School know about him as well. What’s he doing here?”someone asked.

“Didn’t you know? He’s one of our company drivers! He’s President Pearson’s personal driver!” Izzysaid.

“Are you saying that the SAT top scorer is now our company driver?” Izzy’s words left the crowd inshock. Many of the people in the crowd had graduated from Irieson First High School, and they allrecalled how huge the news had been when Thomas first rejected the invitation to Irieson’s Universityof Technology!

“So, you’re that guy, Thomas! You must have no shame! Aren’t you embarrassed to be here?” Curtislaughed. He had heard of this matter in the past, but he hadn’t expected to bump into such a ‘famous’figure here. Well, I’m sorry, young man. I don’t care who you are, but my beloved lady says that youstole something, so I’ll have to deal with you regardless if my lady is telling the truth! Curtis thought.“Mr. Sedaris!” Curtis noticed a man who was in his forties in the crowd and waved at him. “Hurry and

get the security to pat him down! I want to know where he hid the diamond necklace. That piece isworth 28,000!”

“Yeah! We should run a check on this guy since he seems to be a man who doesn’t stick to his word.We never know what we might find!” someone else said.novelbin

“We’re all colleagues, so I don’t think it’s nice to pat him down without any evidence, right?Furthermore, don’t we have CCTVs around here? We’ll know the truth after looking at the securityfootage. It’s too disrespectful to do this to him! What if he isn’t the thief?” Right when everyone hadagreed to search Thomas, a gorgeous lady stepped forward to protest this.

Thomas had just put his cigarette out and was about to teach Izzy a lesson. This woman is way tooannoying. She has been targeting me a few times now. If I don’t teach her a lesson this time, I’m notsure if she’s ever going to stop causing me more trouble! To his surprise, someone spoke up for himbefore he said anything. He turned around to see the pretty lady who had been around on his first dayof work. She was Molly from the HR department.

“Molly, how are you sure that Thomas didn’t steal the necklace?” Izzy was furious. In the past, Mollyhad disobeyed her when she brought her brother over for a job application. Now, Molly was evenspeaking up for Thomas. Does she even have any respect for me?!

“I… I’ll just take a look at the security footage. It’s not right to accuse someone of something they mightnot have done, right?” Deep down, Molly was filled with hatred for Izzy. Molly despised women like Izzy,who acted like she was above everyone else. She’s always demanding others to do things! What’s sogreat about her? Isn’t she just the head of the sales department?

Izzy’s next response caught everyone by surprise. She sent a fierce slap across Molly’s face beforeshouting at Molly. “This isn’t the first or second time you’ve talked back at me, Molly. What is this? Doyou think you’re that great? Let me tell you this—I only kept you around because I’m a kind person.

Otherwise, I would’ve definitely fired someone as useless as you! Are you trying to take advantage ofmy kindness right now?”

Molly pressed her hand against the spot that was burning after Izzy slapped her. Molly was fuming too.Sure, she was just a subordinate, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t have pride. It also didn’t give Izzythe right to step all over her just like that! I’m just sharing my views on this matter, and I didn’t doanything wrong! Who are you to hit me? “I’m just speaking the truth, Izzy. How could you hit me? Doyou think you can bully me just because you’ve been in this company for a longer time than I have?”Molly winced at the pain on her face as she tried to share her point of view.

“How dare you argue with Izzy again?” Curtis was triggered at this point. He wanted to give Molly a fewmore slaps on the face. Who does she think she is? How dare she question my beloved lady’sactions?! Curtis had just taken a few steps toward Molly when he felt someone grabbing his arm.Before he knew what was going on, he felt his whole world spinning. He was slammed down onto theground, and pain shot through his entire body moments later.

“Ouch!” Curtis felt as if all the bones in his body had been dislocated! “F*ck… His strength… Is he evenhuman?” Curtis didn’t get a proper view of what just happened, but the rest of the crowd saw the wholeprocess. Thomas had single-handedly grabbed Curtis by his arm before flipping Curtis over and downto the ground!

Curtis was a six-foot tall man with a huge build—he definitely weighed more than 160 pounds. Howmuch strength would one need in order to overthrow Curtis? “You b*stard! Who do you think you are?”Thomas hissed as he shot Curtis a glare. Is he trying to assert dominance when he barely has anystrength in him? Who does he think he is? Does he think he’s related to God or something? Is he notafraid of death?

“F*ck you!” Curtis was raging at this point. He had just been thrown down to the ground by another manin front of the woman he liked. Any man in his situation would feel utterly embarrassed, and thatembarrassment turned into rage as Curtis’ testosterone levels peaked in his body. He ignored the painhe felt in his body as he stood up and charged toward Thomas with his fist in the air.

Thomas grabbed and stopped Curtis’ fist without any effort. Then, Thomas twisted his hand upwardwhich created a crisp sound that was Curtis’ bones breaking. Everyone’s gazes were filled with shockas they watched this happening. That was his wrist! Did it break just like that? Isn’t Thomas a little toocruel?

Before Curtis had the time to cry out in pain, Thomas threw a solid punch. The next moment, Curtisfound himself on the ground. His mouth was filled with blood, so he had to spit it out. If one lookedclosely at the pool of blood, they’d spot a few white solids in it—those were his teeth!

He made Curtis lose a few teeth with just a single punch… Thomas seemed almost like a devil ineveryone’s eyes right then. Everyone instinctively shuffled a few steps back as they were terrified ofThomas. They didn’t want to get on Thomas’ bad side.

Once Thomas was done with Curtis, he turned to look at Izzy. I’m going to teach this woman a lessontoday! She has caused me so many problems in the past. I might not hold her accountable forwhatever happened in the past, but since she’s here to falsely accuse me again today, then sheshouldn’t blame me for being cruel to her!

“What are you doing? Don’t you dare do anything! We’re at Pearson Group!” Izzy stumbled backwardwhen she saw Thomas walking toward her. She had witnessed Thomas’ skills twice by then. If Thomascould defeat a man so easily, how could a weak lady like her stand a chance against him?

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