I'm Someone Else

Chapter 313
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Chapter 313

“Tsk, tsk. How very imperious of you. Two martial arts experts bullying a couple of weak women! Youmust think of yourselves as being so great!”


The two men turned around and saw eight middle-aged men slowly making their way over. The duowere experienced enough to tell from one look that the eight newcomers weren’t ordinary people.

“Come on. Let’s see just how great you are.”

As soon as those words were said, eight silhouettes shot out at the same time and rushed toward thetwo men.

Thump. Thud.

The two men raised their arms to fend off the eight men.

Five minutes later, the two men in charge of protecting Chloe were kneeling on the ground. Blood wastrickling out of their mouths.

They were in bad shape. Their faces and bodies were littered with wounds and bruises.

“Oh, my! You’re on your knees! What happened to your high and mighty stance from earlier?”

The two men looked up without saying anything. They were breathing heavily.

Chloe was scared stiff. The fight she had just witnessed was too far beyond anything she had everknown. In her eyes, it didn’t look like a fight between ordinary people. It was a scene that would onlyappear in superhero movies!

The Dickens sisters were just as thunderstruck. At last, they realized just how foolish it was for them tobring those four so-called experts over to try and mess with Chloe. The two men protecting Chloehadn’t even been fighting at full strength earlier!

Alas, they couldn’t figure out how Chloe managed to find such powerful people to protect her, and whowere these eight newcomers who wanted to cause trouble for Chloe?

Fanny was the more quick-witted of the two. She nudged Lilac and muttered, “Stop staring, Sis. Let’sleave while they’re too distracted to pay any attention to us. None of them are people we can afford tooffend.”

“Oh! You’re right!” Lilac quickly nodded in agreement and snuck off with her sister. She didn’t evenbother to care about the four men she had brought. They were still lying on the ground and groaning inpain!

The leader of the eight men flicked his hand at the others. “Take that old fogey and that chick away!”

“Don’t you dare!”

The two men who were in charge of protecting Chloe mustered up the strength to get back on their feetand shield Chloe and Adam. “Go on! Let’s fight! Don’t even think about touching them, not when we’restill alive!”

They were under strict orders from their master to keep those that Thomas wanted to protect safe, andthey weren’t going to let anyone take the Hahns away, not when they still had any breath left in them!Not only would that be humiliating for their master, but for themselves as well!

The leader of the eight men was startled. He didn’t expect to find such loyal and determined men in thisday and age!

Despite knowing that they couldn’t win, they were still going to fight to their deaths to protect theHahns. Such courage alone deserved respect.

“As a fellow martial arts practitioner, I know just how hard it has been for you two to train up to yourcurrent level of expertise. If I were you, I would choose to walk away now. After all, your lives belong tono one but yourselves.”

“Cut the crap! Do you think I’m afraid of death? I told you. If you want to take them away, you’re goingto have to do it over our dead bodies!”

The leader of the eight chuckled. They don’t appreciate my gesture of goodwill. Oh, well. We’ll kill themfirst and then we’ll take those two!

“Kill them!”

The men surged forward and unleashed a furious onslaught against the two men protecting the Hahns.

The two had already been severely injured. There was no way they could withstand being ganged uplike that.

Soon, both men fell to the ground. They could no longer move.

“F*ckers. He gave you guys a chance to save your own skin, but since you refuse to accept it, youmight as well die now!”

One of the men raised his foot and moved to stomp down on the throats of the two men. The momenthe did so, the two men were bound to die.

Swoosh. Swoosh. Swoosh.

Right at that pivotal moment, three swooshing sounds were heard as three elderly men dressed inrobes appeared and saved the two men.

Seconds later, Samuel, John, and Raymond arrived with a crowd of bodyguards in tow.

“My, my. The Six Greatest Families have been making such progress,” Raymond scoffed derisively ashe eyed the eight men.

They recognized the eight men. These were the most senior disciples of the old monsters behind theSix Greatest Families. The people of Irieson were used to calling them the Warriors Eight. Whowould’ve thought that the Six Greatest Families were willing to go to such lengths just to kidnap ahelpless young woman and a frail old man? They even mobilized the Warriors Eight! Aren’t they afraidof becoming a laughingstock if the other families of Irieson found out about this?

Samuel stood with his hands behind his back as he spat out, “How shameless and disgraceful!”

John didn’t waste any time. He cupped his hands toward one of the elderly men. “I shall have to troubleyou!”

The elderly man, who was the Mortons’ martial arts expert, smiled faintly and waved his hand. “We’refamily, John. You don’t need to be so courteous with me.”

Raymond, John, and Samuel had been tracking every single move the Six Greatest Families made.The Six Greatest Families had gotten the word out that they wanted to move up the sacrifice, andnaturally, the three men knew that the Six Greatest Families were doing this to target their friendThomas!

Before Thomas began the process of toning up his body, he asked Samuel to help him look afterChloe. Therefore, the Peralta Family had planted their people outside the residential neighborhood tokeep an eye on things. In anticipation of unexpected situations, Samuel even informed his family’s

martial arts expert about this and requested that the elderly man stay with the family instead of headingout somewhere. He needed the help of the elderly man in case he couldn’t handle the situation himself.

After hearing about Samuel’s arrangements, John and Raymond followed suit. They invited theirfamilies’ martial arts experts over too, and true enough, just as Samuel predicted, the Six GreatestFamilies decided to target Chloe after failing to locate Thomas!

John waved his hand. “Go and guard the Hahns. Let me see what the so-called Six Greatest Familiesare capable of!”

“Yes, Old Mr. Morton!”novelbin

John’s bodyguards immediately surrounded the Hahns and brought them to the side to keep them safe.

For the first time, Chloe felt like her brain wasn’t working properly. Who are these people? Why arethey trying to protect me? The earlier fight had been terrifying enough, but these three elderly menwere even more terrifying! They popped up in front of me as if they had been blown in by the wind! Dothey have some kind of superpower?

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