I'm Someone Else

Chapter 304
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Chapter 304

Then, the beam of white light entered Thomas’ body, and his body seemed to be a colorful light stripthat alternated between red and white.

In addition to the steam coming off the hot water in the tub, the room resembled a fairyland.

Thomas’ sensation shifted from unbearable heat to feeling hot and cold.

Cold, like being in the icy tundra of the Arctic.

Hot, as uncomfortable as being roasted by fire!

“Urgh!” Thomas involuntarily let out a muffled groan. This sensation was almost driving him to the brinkof collapse. He clenched his teeth tightly to forcibly suppress the urge to escape from the tub.

He finally understood why the old man had told him not to resort to this method unless absolutelynecessary!

The suffering is simply unbearable!

Even with his mental preparation, Thomas was still tormented beyond measure!

There was no way around it. The Six Greatest Families and the six old monsters behind them were justtoo formidable that he couldn’t confront them head-on. Therefore, he had to resort to the forbiddentechnique left by the old man.

On an unknown small island in the Pacific, there stood a magnificent golden palace-like structure.Anyone who saw it would think it was the king’s palace.

In the hall of the building, a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes stood with his handsbehind his back. Behind him was a young man in his twenties holding a document. The young man

respectfully said to the middle-aged man, “Captain, these are the recent shooting incidents that haveoccurred worldwide.”

The middle-aged man closed his eyes, seemingly pondering something. The young man dared notinterrupt, afraid of disturbing his captain’s thoughts.

After a while, the middle-aged man asked, “In your opinion, among all these shooting incidents, whichone requires the highest marksmanship skills?”

At this, the young man furrowed his brow. He had just reported more than 30 shooting incidents to hiscaptain! Whether they were recorded by the local police or went unnoticed, he had mentioned them all.It was not a simple task to identify the one with the highest technical skills among all these shootingincidents.

Seeing that the young man remained silent for a long time, the middle-aged man continued, “Let meask you this: why do we spend such immense manpower and resources monitoring global shootingincidents?”

Obviously, this question was much simpler than the previous one. The young man blurted out, “Ofcourse, it’s to find the King of Marksman.”

“That’s right!” The middle-aged man nodded. “We haven’t received any news of his appearance for halfa year. According to the intelligence we received from our undercover agents in Droycore’s military, themarksman should have retired!”novelbin

Realization hit the young man. “Captain, are you saying… the shooting incident in Irieson was done bythe marksman?”

“If my guess is correct, it should be him! 37 people, all killed by a single shot, and each shot hitting thecenter of their foreheads. This clearly demands high marksmanship skills from the shooter! I believe

there are few people in this world other than the marksman who can accomplish that. Most importantly,the marksman is Droycorian! Based on common sense, if he truly retired, he would prefer to stay in hishometown!” The middle-aged man paused for a moment.

“However, Droycore has always been a mysterious country, and there may be other skilled peoplethere as well. Moreover, the marksman himself is extraordinary. If we act recklessly, he will surelynotice us.”

“So, Captain, what do you suggest?”

“Continuing to monitor every inch of Irieson. Let’s confirm if the marksman himself is there first!”

“Understood!” the young man replied. “I will give the orders and designate Irieson in Droycore as apriority surveillance target!”

After saying that, the young man turned and left, leaving the middle-aged man alone in the spacioushall.

“Brother, rest assured, the marksman can’t escape. Even if he hides at the ends of the earth, I will findhim and kill him! You will rest in peace!”

Similar scenes were playing out not only on this unknown small island but also in various locationssuch as the Middle East, Africa, and Northern Europe. News of the shooting incident at Green LakeManor had reached those places.

This was also the reason why Thomas had been reluctant to use firearms easily. After being in themilitary for eight years, he had made numerous enemies. If he were still in the military, everythingwould be manageable, as no private armed forces would dare to act recklessly against him. After all,he had the powerful Droycore military behind him. However, once he retired and his whereaboutsbecame known, it would undoubtedly attract those people to him.

Inside a presidential suite of a five-star hotel in Irieson, Leah and her grandson sat on the couch withgloomy expressions.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“Grandma, it’s already 10.30AM.”

“When will Gunnar land?”

“At 12.30PM.”

Leah sighed in relief. If Gunnar couldn’t find Olivia after landing, who knew what kind of rage theGenius of Capitalis would fly into?

That damn Quincy! Would he really come out of seclusion just for Olivia?

It was impossible. The sacrifice was going to happen soon. If he emerged, it would undoubtedly attractthe attention of those hidden forces. When that happened, his own safety would be in jeopardy!

“Grandma, I think we should change our strategy!” Leyton’s eyes flickered with a hint of coldness.

“Oh? What do you suggest?” Leah became interested. She wanted to see what ideas her belovedgrandson had.

“Last time, when Gunnar returned to Capitalis, I spoke to him. He is dissatisfied with Quincy butrefrains from speaking out due to Quincy’s reputation. Most importantly, he’s interested in Olivia. Itmakes sense. As the Genius of Capitalis, he has been pursued by girls ever since he was young. It’srare for him to encounter a beauty who doesn’t buy into his charm. He definitely wants to conquerOlivia. For a man, that’s a pleasurable thing!”

Although Leyton was a playboy, he wasn’t an idiot. Otherwise, Leah wouldn’t have put in the effort toraise him.

Leah was somewhat surprised. Was Gunnar really attracted to Olivia? It seemed unlikely.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Grandma, don’t you trust me? It’s absolutely true!”

“Haha! Good!”

Leah’s anxious mood vanished. She no longer needed to fear him since Gunnar had set his sights onOlivia. The initiative had returned to her hands!

“We won’t go to the airport to pick him up. Let Gunnar come to us after he lands!”

Leah made a decisive decision with a wave of her hand.

She had been extremely frustrated during this period since she had been humiliated by the FlynnFamily when she sought cooperation with them.

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