I'm Someone Else

Chapter 292
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Chapter 292

Shaking her head, Olivia said, “How could I do that? With all the things I have to deal with at thecompany, I’ll be holding up a lot of work if I’m absent for a day.”

“You can work any time you want. I just want you to be happy.” Thomas continued to persuade her.

At his words, a sweet smile bloomed on Olivia’s face, resembling a blossom at the break of dawn. “I’mhappy when I’m working. Keyshire Property is a present from you, so I feel really accomplished when Ido a good job at running it!”

Unable to say anything in return, Thomas buried his head in his breakfast instead. However, with all thethoughts weighing on his mind, it was impossible for him to whet his appetite at all, and he only toyedwith the food on his plate without sending it into his mouth.

Olivia, who keenly sensed his change in behavior, placed some food on his plate. “Hurry up and eat.Food is for eating, not for you to play with. By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask, but what is up withyou? Did something happen?”

Since the day before, she had noticed that something was off with him, and he wasn’t acting like hisusual self. Although she wanted to ask him, she was too embarrassed to, but she could tell that therewas something on his mind.

“Huh? It’s nothing. Why would anything happen to me? Haha!” Thomas could only play dumb, notwanting her to find out about the sacrifice as it would only add to her troubles.

After finishing their breakfast, the two drove toward Keyshire Property. At 10.30AM, Thomas badeOlivia adieu before making his way to Prescott Hospital alone, where he had already agreed to meetQuincy so that they could head to the hotel to see Leah together.

Currently, Leah had long arrived at the agreed room and was waiting for them there. This time, she hadonly brought her grandson along on her trip to Irieson.

Back then, it was in this very same room where Quincy told her not to intervene in Olivia’s duty, and heeven told her that many other people wielded influence and power in the world, and she was not theonly one who had the ability to solve Olivia’s troubles. And yet, the current turn of events proved thatthe man who was once the top doctor of Droycore was nothing but talk.

“Grandma, how confident are you this time?” her grandson asked, his face filled with curiosity. He hadheard about Leah’s previous defeat in Irieson, and the main reason behind it was Quincy’sinterference. He couldn’t quite understand—if Quincy didn’t allow her to take Olivia away back then,why would he agree obediently this time? Shaking her head, Olivia said, “How could I do that? With allthe things I have to deal with at the company, I’ll be holding up a lot of work if I’m absent for a day.”

Leah chuckled in return, exuding an unusual amount of confidence. “I’m absolutely confident!”

Leah chuckled in return, exuding an unusual amount of confidence. “I’m absolutely confident!”

From the way things were playing out, it was clear that only she could resolve the problem Olivia wasfacing. Besides, taking her away meant that she would arrange for her to marry Gunnar, the mosttalented individual in Capitalis, which was certainly a way better outcome than death. Quincy was asmart man, and she believed he would make the right choice.

As for Thomas, he was nothing but a foolish clown. So what if he was better than the average Joe? Hewasn’t worthy of Olivia in the slightest, much less when compared with the exceptional Gunnar. Eventhe thought of it alone made her laugh!


Just then, the door was pushed open with a creak, revealing Quincy and Thomas who entered theroom.

“Grandma, they’re here!”

Even without her grandson’s reminder, she had seen them as well. However, she had no intention ofrising to her feet to greet them and remained rooted in her seat, as firm as a rock.

If it were in the past, she would have stood up and greeted Quincy with a smile piled on her face longago. After all, his power was not to be underestimated. Now, however, there was no need for that at all—the tides had turned, and Thomas and Quincy were the ones who were bending over themselves toask for her favor instead.

Quincy and Thomas took a seat by the table and looked at Leah, who had her nose in the air haughtilyand refused to even greet them.

In the end, it was Quincy who spoke up first. “Madam Wilkerson, just tell us why you called us here. Didsomething happen?”

Leah’s grandson scoffed coldly and berated, “Nonsense! Of course, something is up, or why would wecall you over for no reason? To eat my meal while looking at that wrinkled face of yours? Don’t beridiculous! I’m losing my appetite just from looking at you!”

Does Quincy have a screw loose? Is there any reason for him to ask such a simple question? How didhe even get to his status with that intellect? Or is it because he’s turning senile from old age?


Quincy inhaled deeply, forcefully suppressing the boiling anger within him. This was the first time in hislife that he had been berated by an insolent brat! But for the sake of helping Thomas, he had no choice

but to bear with it.

Thomas’ eyebrows furrowed slightly as well, and he cast a deep gaze at Leah’s grandson. He was trulyangry at the lack of respect shown to his friend right in his face, but he chose to remain silent, wantingto see what kind of scheme Leah was plotting in that devious mind of hers.

As Leah glanced at the two, she could tell that the two were going through the roof with fury, but neitherof them dared to say anything in rebuttal, and this nearly caused her to burst out in laughter.

Oh, Quincy, so this day has come for you. Weren’t you all high and mighty the last time we were in thisroom? Where did all that arrogance go?

As for you, Thomas, just you wait. When I take Olivia back to Capitalis, just wait and see how I’m goingto teach you a lesson. Don’t think that you can do whatever you want just because you’re a littlecapable. I’ll let you live for a few days longer, and when the time comes, I’ll give you a taste of your ownmedicine.

“Quincy, I won’t beat around the bush anymore. Olivia’s situation is dire, and in ten days at most, shewill be offered as a sacrifice. I came to Irieson for this very reason. If you want to save her life, there isonly one way—let her leave with me!”

At this point, Leah had even discarded Quincy’s title and called him by his name as she announced herultimatum. As for Thomas, she did not have the slightest interest in acknowledging his presence. Justallowing him to sit with them and listen to their conversation was already a tremendous act ofbenevolence on her part; he had absolutely no right to decide whether Olivia was to stay or leave.

Quincy’s eyes flickered with flames of fury. He had guessed that Leah did not bear any good intentionswhen she decided to take a trip here long ago, but he never expected that she was still hung up on her

plan to marry Olivia into the Flynn Family. How were her actions any different from preying on themwhile they were too weak to fight back?

Yes, Olivia’s life would be temporarily spared if she joined the Flynns, but what then? Who couldensure that she wouldn’t be abandoned by them? After all, there was no such thing as affection when itcame to wealthy families, only profit.

“Leah, do you think that I won’t be able to solve this problem without you?”

“Of course, you won’t!” Leah did not hesitate to reply. If they had a solution, they wouldn’t have madeTheodore come all the way to Irieson overnight! Did they take her for a fool?

“Leah, don’t go too far!” Quincy barked.

Even until this moment, there was no response from Theodore, and he understood that he could nolonger count on the Duncan Family.

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