I'm Someone Else

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29

It was true that Thomas was an orphan. He had grown up alongside a rather crazy old man whom heused to think was his grandfather. However, as Thomas started understanding the world around him alittle more, the old man told him that they weren’t related to each other at all. Thomas was just a kidthat the old man had picked up by the side of the road. Thomas had always taken pride in his strength,and he hated the idea of telling others about his past just to be pitied by them. So, there were only afew people who truly knew about Thomas’ upbringing.

Unfortunately, Felice was one of those people. Thomas hadn’t expected Felice to expose his oldwounds, especially since she had publicly claimed that Walt was just a man she was fooling aroundwith. Chloe froze when she heard Felice’s words—this was the first time Chloe had ever heard of thefact that Thomas was an orphan.

However, Felice showed zero interest in anyone else’s feelings or thoughts. She simply shoved Chloeaside before turning to leave. “Ah!” In a bout of fury, Thomas pulled out a glass bottle from his grocerybag before throwing it at Felice. The bottle hit Felice on the leg, and she let out a cry as she fell ontoher knees. Thomas wasn’t mad about the fact that Felice had exposed his childhood. After all, therewasn’t much more she could do to hurt him after she lied to him for eight years just for the sake of hismoney.

“How could you leave after hitting Chloe? Do you think I’m going to let you off just like that?” Thomaswalked over and glared at the woman who was on her knees. Felice barely had the chance to gaugethe situation—all she understood was that there had been a sharp pain in her leg, and that she hadfallen onto her knees. She gritted her teeth and tried to stand up, but she felt as if her legs no longerbelonged to her. She couldn’t seem to summon the strength to move her legs. When she looked up tomeet Thomas’ cold glare, she felt chills running down her spine.

“W-What do you want from me?” Felice stuttered while asking.

“What do you think I want? You slapped my sister once, so you deserve to be slapped 100 times inreturn!” he growled. Does she really think I’m a pushover? She just happened to get herself attached tosome gangster; does she really think that she’s undefeatable? Why doesn’t she use her brain for once?Does she think she can scare me when I’ve already broken both of her boyfriend’s legs? She cheatedon me, and I tolerated it. She asked me for money, and I gave it to her. I can even pretend that shedidn’t just bring up my dark history, but… I’m not going to let her go now that she laid hands on Chloe.novelbin

With that said, Thomas lifted his hand up and sent it directly toward Felice’s face. Thomas had only hitthe woman a few times, but blood was already starting to trickle down the corner of her lips. Felice’spretty face looked as if she had been stung by thousands of bees!

“Thomas!” Chloe was worried that Thomas’ behavior might escalate the situation, so she quickly heldhim back. “Forget it. You’re only dirtying your hands by hitting a woman like her. I’m sure she learnedher lesson.” In the past, Thomas’ good friend, Zachary, often praised Chloe for her good temper. Afterspending more time with Chloe for the past few days, Thomas realized the truth in Zachary’s words.

Chloe never had much of a temper. Whatever curse words Chloe had used earlier were probably theharshest words she had ever uttered in her whole life. It was clear that Chloe was furious about howFelice had cheated on Thomas. Thomas is such a great guy, yet you didn’t know how to cherish him.You must be blind!

Thomas wanted to continue hitting Felice, but Chloe’s grip felt oddly strong against his wrist, so he hadno choice but to give up. “I’m going to make sure you suffer if this happens again,” Thomas hissed. Atone point, Felice thought that she would end up a cripple like her boyfriend. To her surprise, Chloe wasthe one who spoke up for her this time. Fine. One of us will overpower the other in the end. We’ll seewhat happens! Since you guys set me free today, I’m going to make sure that you guys regret thatdecision!

Chloe walked over and picked up the glass bottle on the ground. She took a good look at it beforeholding it up in Thomas’ face. “We can still use this, Thomas!” she cried excitedly. Thomas respondedwith a bitter smile. Chloe was too used to being a thrifty person—she had instinctively picked up aglass bottle that was thrown out even after Thomas had given her 2.8 million. She even seemedgenuinely happy when she saw that the glass bottle wasn’t broken…

Both of them entered the house to start preparing a meal. After a while, Felice finally felt somesensation in her legs. She forced herself to her feet before staring at the front door and letting out ascoff. She endured the pain as she shuffled her way out of the building.

After dinner, Chloe packed some of the food into containers before she got ready to head out and sendthe meal to her father. Before she left, she took a long glance at Thomas. “Thomas…”

“Yes? What is it?” he asked. Chloe had intended to ask him about his childhood, but she didn’t knowhow to start the conversation after calling his name. “Don’t be sad. That woman was blind to havecheated on you. I’m sure you’ll find happiness someday. You’ll find a woman who truly loves you,” shesaid in the end.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m way past it,” Thomas said with a smile. A girlfriend, huh? I’ve had noshortage of women around me in the past few years. I’ll just start dating when the time is right, hefigured. Furthermore, Thomas no longer felt much drive to find love after Zachary’s death. He felt likehis main purpose for being alive was to repay his sins.

At that thought of Zachary, Thomas felt a pang of sadness in his chest. He headed back to his roomand pulled out the jade pendant before clutching it tightly in his hand. Before he knew it, fat tears werealready rolling down his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Zachary…”

Thomas’ holiday lasted for three days. Every morning, he would head to the hospital to check on Oliviasince she was his boss. He felt like it was only right that he paid her a visit each day. Furthermore, thisallowed him to check on her condition and her whereabouts—he didn’t want to still be on holiday afterOlivia was discharged. He was worried that his pay would be deducted.

Olivia would have been annoyed if she knew what he was actually thinking. Do I seem like I’m thatstingy of a person? she would think. Thomas was glad to watch Olivia’s pathway to recovery. He was aman who had to be kept busy, and he felt guilty to continue taking the Pearson Group’s salary when hewas just resting at home.

Olivia seemed to be in a good mood as well. She no longer looked as tired and anxious as she did inthe past, and all she did was sip her tea and read the news every day. “It’s great to be injured! I’mtreating this as a holiday!” she claimed.

One day, Thomas had just stepped foot into the ward when he saw Norman standing by the edge ofthe bed.

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