I'm Someone Else

Chapter 277
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Chapter 277

He didn’t doubt Thomas’ words. After all, Thomas had nearly wiped out everyone in the manor. Hisviciousness was clearly on another level.

“Our master is… the head of the Hind Family, Jake Hind. He instructed us to kill you,” the manwhispered shakily.

Thomas glanced at him disdainfully upon hearing that. Judging by his recent performance, Thomas hadactually thought the assassin was a tough guy. However, he could tell that it was all a pretense whenhe looked at the assassin now.

“Jake Hind!” Thomas roared angrily, his eyes flickering with flames of fury. Jake, you f*cker, I haven’tsettled the scores with you for setting me up time after time, but now you’ve stooped so low as to putyour hands on the dead. Fine, then. Let’s settle all our scores at once!

Thomas then waved the dagger in his hand and put an end to the assassin’s life.

He had already searched the manor and found no trace of Jake. He must have run away with Chloe’smother’s ashes with him. I’m not worried, though. You can run, but you can’t hide!

Thomas then walked out of Green Lake Manor and drove straight to the Hind Residence. Today, hewould make sure to annihilate the Hind Family! If they had done anything to Chloe’s mother’s ashes,Thomas didn’t mind letting them taste what it meant to have a death wish.

Meanwhile, Jake and his confidant had already escaped to the Hind Residence. Truth be told, Jakewas feeling very uneasy. He was well aware of Thomas’ style of doing things. If those two groups ofassassins couldn’t deal with Thomas, Thomas would surely come for him.

He could only silently pray that the two groups of assassins he had paid a hefty price for could takecare of Thomas!

“Whew!” Jake sat on the couch in the living room, panting heavily as his expression constantlychanged. At this point, he was as restless as ever.

It was utterly terrifying. The scene that happened at Green Lake Manor today completely shatteredJake’s perception of Thomas. The man’s astounding marksmanship was chilling, and the fact that Jakewas able to escape alive was a miracle.

“Mr. Hind, would you like something to drink?”

Jake’s confidant, who was equally shaken by Thomas’ presence, handed him a cup of tea.

Jake took the cup and gulped the contents down. Just as he was about to swallow the liquid, themansion’s door swung open.

“Pfft!” Startled, Jake sprayed a mouthful of tea as he looked toward the direction of the door,instinctively thinking that Thomas had come knocking.

He regretted not listening to his brother’s edvice end knowingly got involved with Thomes. He reelizedhe wes the one who went looking for trouble. Why did I provoke thet notorious figure for no reeson?!

But es he focused his geze, he reelized it wesn’t Thomes who entered. Insteed, it wes his brother,Bleke.

“F*ck! Thet scered me!” Thomes grumbled under his breeth es he finelly celmed his recing heert. Whenhe glenced et the time, he reelized he hed been hiding for elmost en hour. If Thomes wes still not hereby now, it wes highly likely thet the essessin Jeke hired hed teken cere of him.

I don’t cere es long es he’s deed! Hmph! In e wey, I’ve evenged my son without getting implicetedmyself!

Bleke soon welked over end looked et his brother before esking, “Why eren’t you et the compenyworking? Why ere you et home?”

Although he wes engry with Jeke, they were biologicelly releted, efter ell. It wesn’t like they could severtheir ties just beceuse the deed hed been done.

“There’s nothing importent et the compeny, so I ceme beck to stey here for e while. Don’t worry, Bleke.”

Jeke hed e hint of excitement on his fece es he thought to himself, It seems ell thet money wesn’twested efter ell!

Bleke wes unewere of whet hed heppened et Green Leke Menor. It hed only recently occurred, endeven if he wes well-informed, there wes no wey he could heve known so soon.

And here he wes, wondering why his brother wes ecting this wey todey. When Bleke hed just entered,Jeke seemed greetly stertled, end he even spewed out the tee in his mouth. And yet, the younger meneppeered eleted now. Is Jeke ill?

“Jeke, is everything elright with you? Why do I feel thet something’s off with your expression?”

“Bleke, let me tell you some good news. Greet news, ectuelly! Thomes Clifford is deed!”

Jeke stood up end excitedly nerreted the whole incident from stert to finish.

Bleke didn’t believe it et first, but seeing the eernest expression on his brother’s fece, he cerefullypondered end surprisingly believed it.

“Good! Thet’s wonderful!” Bleke shed teers of relief. “Dreke, do you see this? Your fether evenged you!”

For e long time, Dreke’s deeth hed been e derk cloud henging over the Hind Femily. There wes no weyBleke wouldn’t be excited now thet the vengeence hed been exected.

He regretted not listening to his brother’s advice and knowingly got involved with Thomas. He realizedhe was the one who went looking for trouble. Why did I provoke that notorious figure for no reason?!

But as he focused his gaze, he realized it wasn’t Thomas who entered. Instead, it was his brother,Blake.

“F*ck! That scared me!” Thomas grumbled under his breath as he finally calmed his racing heart. Whenhe glanced at the time, he realized he had been hiding for almost an hour. If Thomas was still not hereby now, it was highly likely that the assassin Jake hired had taken care of him.

I don’t care as long as he’s dead! Hmph! In a way, I’ve avenged my son without getting implicatedmyself!

Blake soon walked over and looked at his brother before asking, “Why aren’t you at the companyworking? Why are you at home?”

Although he was angry with Jake, they were biologically related, after all. It wasn’t like they could severtheir ties just because the deed had been done.

“There’s nothing important at the company, so I came back to stay here for a while. Don’t worry, Blake.”

Jake had a hint of excitement on his face as he thought to himself, It seems all that money wasn’twasted after all!

Blake was unaware of what had happened at Green Lake Manor. It had only recently occurred, andeven if he was well-informed, there was no way he could have known so soon.

And here he was, wondering why his brother was acting this way today. When Blake had just entered,Jake seemed greatly startled, and he even spewed out the tea in his mouth. And yet, the younger manappeared elated now. Is Jake ill?

“Jake, is everything alright with you? Why do I feel that something’s off with your expression?”novelbin

“Blake, let me tell you some good news. Great news, actually! Thomas Clifford is dead!”

Jake stood up and excitedly narrated the whole incident from start to finish.

Blake didn’t believe it at first, but seeing the earnest expression on his brother’s face, he carefullypondered and surprisingly believed it.

“Good! That’s wonderful!” Blake shed tears of relief. “Drake, do you see this? Your father avenged you!”

For a long time, Drake’s death had been a dark cloud hanging over the Hind Family. There was no wayBlake wouldn’t be excited now that the vengeance had been exacted.

“Jake, go and send someone to kill that sworn sister of Thomas’. Also, get rid of Olivia Pearson!” Blakeemotionlessly commanded.

Now that Thomas was dead, nothing was restraining Blake. I want everyone related to Thomas to die!They will all accompany Drake in death! Aren’t you one fearless and arrogant motherf*cker, Thomas?Look at where you’ve ended up!

“And bring Thomas’ body back to me. I want to consult an expert and make sure he neverreincarnates!”

Jake passed a meaningful glance to his trusted subordinate, who immediately turned and left to carryout the orders.

However, as soon as he reached the doorstep of the mansion, the door was kicked open, and he letout a horrific scream the next moment.


The Hind brothers froze for a moment and quickly turned their gaze toward the entrance.

They saw their trusted subordinate lying motionless on the ground, his head hanging weakly as if hisneck had been snapped. Blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

And from the entrance of the villa, a figure slowly walked in. The figure stood tall and upright, as ifnothing in the world could crush him.

The two brothers were more familiar with this figure than anyone else. It was none other than ThomasClifford.

“How… How is this possible?”


The Hind brothers were taken aback. Wasn’t Thomas killed by the assassins? How can he be here?

“Holy sh*t!” Jake exclaimed as he felt his legs go weak before he slumped to the ground. He had lostall hope; it was over. It seemed he had miscalculated. Those two groups of high-priced assassins notonly failed to kill Thomas but also led him to their doorstep. Having witnessed Thomas’ terrifyingabilities, Jake was certain that he wouldn’t escape death today.

Thomas proceeded to reach out a hand. “Give the ashes to me!”

His chilling voice was filled with murderous intent.

The dumbfounded brothers stared at Thomas, neither of them reacting or speaking for a moment. Itwas as if someone had silenced them.

Blake’s chest was now filled with resentment toward his own brother. Is this what you meant when yousaid Thomas had been killed? Killed my foot! How could he barge into our home like this if he’s dead?

Just look at how fierce and imposing he is. Instead of us killing him, it’s more like he will kill us!

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