I'm Someone Else

Chapter 26
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Chapter 26

Bam! Thomas had used all his strength in his punch. Poor Nate, who had believed that Thomas wouldset him free and was even planning out his revenge just moments ago, found himself flying backwardalong with the chair he was tied to. His entire being slammed onto the ground, and he passed outbefore he could even let out a cry. “Send him out!” Thomas growled.

The punch Thomas gave Nate was enough to send Nate into a coma. He can stay bedridden for therest of his life! Thomas thought. “It’s getting late, Thomas. Why don’t we go take a look at the villa thatwe bought for you?” Sean suggested.

Thomas shook his head. “It’s fine. I have a place to stay,” he replied.novelbin

“But Thomas…”

Thomas waved his hand. “I appreciate the kind gesture, guys. I’ll definitely reach out for help if I everend up homeless,” he uttered.

“But… Ah…” Sean and William exchanged glances before smiling at each other helplessly. It was justas they had predicted—they had prepared a villa and a luxurious car for Thomas, but a part of themalso knew that Thomas wouldn’t be receptive to these gifts. Both of them knew how stubborn Thomascould be, and they knew that they couldn’t do anything if Thomas didn’t want to change his mind. Theycouldn’t force Thomas into the house, could they? They wouldn’t have the guts even if they had theability to do such a thing. Of course, they didn’t have the ability, either.

Thomas rejected the two men’s kind offer to send him home. It was past 1.00AM by the time everythinghad been settled, and Thomas felt bad to get the two men to send him home. Sean parted his lips tospeak as he watched Thomas walking away. “What should we do now that Thomas rejected our gift,William?”

William rolled his eyes. “What else can we do? We’ll have to keep it and wait for the day that Thomaschanges his mind. Perhaps we can give it to him when he’s in a good mood,” he replied.

“I guess that’s the only thing we can do,” Sean uttered with a nod.

When Thomas got back to the place he had rented, he saw that the lights in the hall were still on. Chloewas sitting on the couch and hugging a pillow against her chest. She had been taking a short nap, butshe leaped out of the couch the moment she heard Thomas returning. “Are you back, Thomas?”

Thomas greeted her with a smile. “Why aren’t you asleep?”

“I… I’m not sleepy!” she insisted. Thomas sighed. She was clearly falling asleep on the couch when Ifirst walked in. How can she say that she isn’t sleepy? She’s clearly waiting for me because she’sworried. He reached his hand out to ruffle the girl’s hair. “How was your first day at Pearson Group? Didyour colleagues bully you?” he asked.

A look flashed across Chloe’s eyes the moment she heard his question, but she quickly put on a smileas she responded to him. “It was pretty good.” Thomas didn’t seem to notice anything. “That’s great,”he replied. Then, he pulled the bank card and the slip of paper with the password out from his pocketbefore placing it in Chloe’s hands. “This is for you. You can hold on to it,” he said.

“This is…”

“There’s about 2.8 million in there. You can use all of it,” Thomas uttered casually. He had never beenone to care much about money. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have given his eight years’ worth of allowanceall to Felice. If anything, he felt like the money he was offering Chloe wasn’t enough to wash off theguilt he felt toward her.

“2.8 million?” Chloe parted her lips in shock. She felt like she couldn’t comprehend the situation at all.Thomas and I were just fretting over the rental and medical fees a while ago. It has only been a day!

How did Thomas come up with 2.8 million? I can’t believe this. Did he rob a bank? At that thought,Chloe couldn’t help but take a longer look at Thomas. He’s back home late, and he seems rathertired… Could it be…

“Where did you get this money from, Thomas?” she asked.

He could immediately tell what was on her mind. “Don’t worry. It’s not dirty money,” he said. Chloe felt alittle more secure after hearing his words. She felt better knowing that the money wasn’t obtainedthrough illegal tactics. “No, no! I can’t take this. It’s too much!” She shook her head vigorously. Thiswasn’t 2,800 dollars; this was 2.8 million! The typical person wouldn’t even have that much money intheir lifetime!

Thomas’ face hardened when he heard her words. “Just take the money. I’m your brother, aren’t I? Itold you that we’ll both care for the family from now on. If you don’t take the money, it means that youdon’t treat me as your brother!” he uttered.

“But…” Chloe was conflicted. She knew that she would hurt Thomas if she rejected his money, but shefelt bad for taking such a huge sum. She didn’t know what to do for a while. She lifted her head andtook a glance at the man’s stern face before she decided that she would have to take the money. Ishould take it since I know he has good intentions, she figured. He beamed when he saw Chloekeeping the card away. “Goodnight,” he said.

After showering, Thomas headed into the bedroom and settled in the large bed. He fell asleep within amatter of minutes. While he was fast asleep, Chloe felt too excited to even shut her eyes. She tossedand turned in bed, and she could picture Thomas in her head whenever she tried closing her eyes tosleep. His handsome face and muscular figure surfaced in her thoughts, along with the words he haduttered earlier. “We’ll both care for the family together!”

“Thomas is such a great man! If only my future boyfriend could be as manly as him… Ah… What am Ithinking about? I’m so… embarrassed!” Chloe threw the sheets over her face to hide her flushedcheeks. The next morning, Thomas realized that he had an issue after having breakfast with Chloe andwatching her leave the house.

I’m Olivia’s driver, but she’s injured and hospitalized. Who am I supposed to drive today? “Ah! Forget it.I’ll go visit her at the hospital, I guess. She’s my boss, after all!” He left home and made his way toPrescott Hospital in Irieson. The moment he arrived at Olivia’s ward, he heard a loud gasp. “It’s youagain! What are you doing here?”

Thomas turned around to see who the voice belonged to. It was Olivia’s sister, Ophelie Pearson. Hereyes were bulging wide as she scanned Thomas from head to toe. “Hey, why do your clothes lookrather familiar?” she asked. Thomas couldn’t be bothered to speak to her, so he simply reached hishand out to push the door open.

“No! You’re not allowed in there!” Ophelie immediately wedged herself between Thomas and the door.She didn’t like the man at all. Even though he had saved her sister, he was also the first man to haveever scolded Ophelie! It doesn’t matter even if my dad sets you free. I’m not going to let you slip!Ophelie thought.

Thomas frowned. “Why are you blocking the way?” he asked.

“Did you just ask me that question? Do you know who’s lying in there? It’s the most well-known,gorgeous CEO in Irieson, Olivia Pearson. Do you understand how huge of a gap there is between youand her? Do you think Olivia would want to meet every single stranger that comes knocking on herdoor?” Ophelie hissed.

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