I'm Someone Else

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

A branch company’s president was on par with a VP from headquarters. Eugene was rising through theranks quickly. I’m honored she’s valuing me this much. I’ll work even harder to prove that she didn’tchoose the wrong person.

Noticing Eugene’s response, Olivia chuckled. “Is that a no?”

“It’s a yes! It’s a yes!” Eugene thumped his chest. “Don’t you worry, Miss Pearson. I’ll do everything tomake this company greater.”

Olivia held back her laughter and nodded. “Good. Go back to work. I trust that you’ll deal witheverything perfectly, including the matter at hand.”

“Of course, Miss Pearson.” Eugene left, his heart leaping with joy. A few moments ago, he was justfilled with respect and approval for Olivia, but now he felt a sense of loyalty for her.

Olivia saw him off, a smile curling her lips. She was the Most Beautiful Female Entrepreneur of Irieson,and even someone like Rafael called her a business genius. She knew how to run a company, ofcourse, and that was evident from her management of Pearson Group. She knew how to utilize herhuman resources. Carrot and a stick was the name of the game. It was how she could make suresomeone stayed loyal to her.

If the leaders of the companies Olivia was targeting knew about this, they would probably scream. Theywould never believe a gentle woman like her could be this iron-fisted. This wasn’t the Olivia they knew.

Should they get on Thomas’ bad side, at most, they would be beaten up and get themselves a longhospital stay. However, they had also crossed Olivia. Insulting the man she loved right in front of herwarranted a heavy price. She would make sure they went out of business and get deep into debt.

Olivia looked up to check the time. It’s almost noon, so why is he not back yet? Maybe I should make acall. She took out her phone, but she didn’t dare to make the call because she was worried thatThomas might think she was too clingy and start disliking her. “Maybe I should wait. He’s probably onhis way back,” she told herself.

She refused to be away from Thomas for even a second. Going even for a moment without seeing himmade her feel empty inside. She didn’t even feel like working, and she rested her chin on her hand,reliving the memories of her and Thomas.

The rascal took my first kiss away and saw me stark naked. I’m not letting him off the hook. Yeah, that’sright. I’m going to stick to him forever. That first kiss came out of left field. Before she knew what washappening, her first kiss was gone. That time back in the hospital went by in a flash too. She didn’teven notice what a kiss felt like. I really want to do it again, and this time, I’m going to feel it properly.

Suddenly, she turned red. Fortunately, Thomas wasn’t there, or he would be shocked by the sight ofher. She looked like she had a high fever.

The ringing of Olivia’s phone snapped her back to reality, and she picked it up. “Hello?”

“Olivia? It’s me, your grandma. I’d like to see you.” Leah was the one who called. The Genius ofCapitalis was arriving soon, and she wanted Olivia to meet him. He could also confirm the financialpower of the Pearsons himself. If things were to go as Leah had planned, then the marriage would beall but confirmed.

Olivia frowned. She had nothing but impatience and annoyance for Leah. Coldly, she said, “You mighthave dementia, woman. How many times do I have to tell you that I am not your granddaughter, andyou are not my grandma? We’re not as close as you think. Now leave and never disturb me again.”

“You can’t take that tone with— Hello? Hello?” Leah wanted to say something, but she only heardbeeps. Olivia had hung up.

Furious, the old lady gnashed her teeth, but she couldn’t do anything. She was humble enough, andyet Olivia still wouldn’t acknowledge that she was her grandmother. Fine, I don’t mind, but at least sayyes to the marriage. I can’t believe you’re not interested in him at all. “I won’t let this happen. Thefamily’s fate hangs on this marriage. I must have her married off to them,” she hissed, her eyes filledwith venom.

Leah was someone who would do anything to achieve her goal. She had spent too much time andeffort building up the marriage between Olivia and the Genius of Capitalis, and she would not let thatplan fail at this crucial moment. Her rage was understandable, of course. For one, Olivia was cold anddistant toward her. For another, she too had heard of the attack on Pearson Group’s companies, andLeah was no fool. After a little digging around, she knew Olivia was behind this.

She thought she would deal with both matters at once after she met up with Olivia, but the girl wouldn’teven give her a chance. Still, she had no choice but to make another call.novelbin

Olivia was on her way to a meeting when her phone rang again. She checked who the caller was, andit was still Leah, but she took the call again. “What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?”

She hung up, but Leah called again. Olivia hung up, but the phone kept ringing. In the end, she wasirate. “Are you mad or something? Stay away from me! Try pulling any stupid tricks and you’re donefor.”

After she hung up this time, Olivia blocked Leah’s number.

Leah’s face was as black as thunder. Only two out of the dozen calls she made were picked up byOlivia, and she didn’t even get to speak before Olivia told her to shut up. Did she just threaten me aswell?

Furious, Leah hurled her phone away, and it was smashed into shards. It was the latest model too.How dare she take that attitude with me? No one talks like that to me. “I tried to be nice, girl, but youjust had to spit in my face. Fine. You made me do this.”

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