I'm Someone Else

Chapter 234
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Chapter 234

“If you reveal the mastermind behind all this, I’ll let you go. Judging by your skills, you must be quitewealthy, right? You can easily afford a top-notch doctor to treat your injuries and ensure a full recovery,but things will be different if you refuse to speak. Oh, and let me remind you that what just transpiredwas merely the beginning. Do you know how many bones are in the human body? A total of 206! Otherthan your finger and waist, that leaves 204! It’s up to you to decide what happens next!”

Gulp! The man swallowed hard, finally understanding Thomas’ intentions. Is he going to break eachand every bone in my body? At this thought, he felt an overwhelming sense of panic. He wasn’t afraidof death, but that didn’t mean he could withstand inhumane torture. When his finger was crushed, hefelt excruciating pain radiating throughout his body. If he didn’t reveal the mastermind, that moment ofpain would only be the beginning of a long and terrifying nightmare.

He had no doubt about the credibility of Thomas’ words. He could sense an aura of death emanatingfrom Thomas, believing that if he remained silent, Thomas would not hesitate to kill him. It wouldn’t bean ordinary death but rather a sadistic one.

Seeing the hesitation on the man’s face, Thomas knew he had to push him further and break throughhis last line of defense. Hence, Thomas lifted his foot once again.


“Ah!” The man’s scream was audible throughout the entire neighborhood.

Another one of his fingers was gruesomely crushed by Thomas’ relentless force.

Meanwhile, Molly and Chloe, standing bewildered in the living room, trembled involuntarily uponhearing the agonizing cry. Chloe, in particular, instinctively thought it was Thomas, so she prepared todash to the kitchen without hesitation.

“Wait!” Molly, still relatively composed, grabbed hold of her. “Don’t disturb him. Trust me, that screamwasn’t his.”

After hearing this, Chloe relented.

“D-Do you intend to let me go?” the man stuttered as he began to tremble, and his forehead wasdripping with cold sweat, which resulted from both the pain and the fear.

“Of course!” Thomas smiled faintly, knowing that the man had taken the bait.

“Really? You’re not deceiving me?”

Then, Thomas declared solemnly, “I’m a man of my word. I never deceive anyone.”

The man gritted his teeth and said, “Fine. I’ll let you know who sent us, but once I do, you must let mego.” Following this, he revealed the collaboration between three of the Six Greatest Families that haddispatched assassins to kill Chloe.

A fire of rage appeared to be lit within Thomas at the man’s words. He had suspected the Hind, Yam,or Xalmar Families sent the three burly men. Moreover, he even doubted the Saunder and ZaneFamilies, despite Quincy’s reassurances that they wouldn’t interfere. Still, who could guaranteeanything? After all, Quincy had previously assured him that the Yam Family would no longer botherhim! Nevertheless, what surprised Thomas was the revelation that it was a joint effort from threefamilies to assassinate Chloe. They were clearly aiming to eliminate him completely!

“Hind Family, Yam Family, Xalmar Family. Well, well. You’ve outdone yourselves! Since you’veinstigated this conflict, prepare to face my wrath!” Thomas’ expression turned icy cold, and his killingintent was palpable. These words seemed to seep out through clenched teeth. Since you three familieshave shamelessly united to kill a young girl, there’s nothing more to say. I’ve already fought the

Pearson Family alone, and I know what your so-called Six Greatest Families are worth. Now, I’ll takeon all three of you. What have I got to fear?

Chloe would likely be a lifeless corpse if I didn’t return home today! I’ve decided that leaving hervulnerable all the time is not an option and that I should take the initiative and wipe out the threefamilies to end any potential danger. Only then would I be able to let go of my worries, and she wouldbe completely safe.

“Call an ambulance; take me to the hospital.” The man lying on the ground demanded. Since he hadrevealed the mastermind behind it all, it was now up to Thomas to keep his word.

“Take you to the hospital?” Thomas sneered, squatting down and gripping the man’s collar to lift himup. “No need for all that trouble.”novelbin

“W-What do you mean?” The man suddenly felt foreboding, especially when he saw the disdainfulcurve of Thomas’ lips, and it sent shivers down his spine.

“I’ll send you straight to hell!” Thomas roared coldly.

“You! You deceiving scoundrel! You lied to me! Didn’t you say you never deceive people?” The manseethed with anger, feeling deeply humiliated for being played by Thomas. Then, he cursed Thomasvehemently.

However, Thomas shook his head and explained, “First of all, I never deceive people, but you don’teven qualify as a person. Secondly, yes, I lied to you. So, what? What are you gonna do to me?”Following that, he couldn’t be bothered to waste more words on the man. He tightened his grip on theman’s neck, and with a crisp cracking sound, he snapped it.

Integrity? What integrity could he have when dealing with people from the three major families?Moreover, he was never a man of integrity; if he had been foolhardy enough to maintain his integrity, he

would have died in a foreign land long ago.

Every person has their bottom line. Cross it, and one shall pay the price!

For Thomas, Chloe was his bottom line! Anyone plotting against her would be mercilessly killed! Sincethe three families dared to send assassins to target her, nothing was left to say. So, let the war begin!

Afterward, he tossed the lifeless body aside, took out his phone, and called Sean. “Sean, come to therental house. Bring a few men with you. We’ve got some bodies that need handling.”

“All right!” Although filled with curiosity, Sean didn’t question further. According to his tone, the deadbodies should all belong to the opponent, so I’ll ask him about it when we meet later.

On the other hand, Thomas didn’t even glance at the three corpses on the ground. He simply pushedthe door open and walked out of the kitchen. Then, he embraced Chloe, whose face was pale, andpatted her gently on the shoulder as he whispered, “Chloe, it’s fine now. Don’t be afraid.”

How could she not be afraid? The sharp blade of the knife was just inches away from her neck! Shehad almost bid farewell to this world!

Resting in his warm embrace, she couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into tears.

Thomas sighed after seeing this. After such a chaotic occurrence, I believe she will react this way, andif it’s Olivia, she will respond similarly.

Molly, on the other hand, remained relatively composed. First, no one had threatened her, and second,she had witnessed Thomas’ brutality before.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Sean entered with several bodyguards in tow. “Thomas!”

Then, Thomas pointed toward the kitchen door with his hand. “They’re in the kitchen.”

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