I'm Someone Else

Chapter 232
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Chapter 232

On the other hand, Leah did not feel any remorse for Olivia and instead thought that Olivia owed her adebt of gratitude.

If it weren’t for me, she would be facing certain death. Who cares about her happiness? After all, shewill marry the Genius of Capitalis, so what more could she want? Does she know how many girls inCapitalis dream of marrying that genius? Moreover, what would become of her if I didn’t intervene? Shewould become a sacrifice for those higher-level individuals, subjected to humiliation before a brutaldeath. In other words, I ended up helping her rather than hurting her.

If there is anyone I should feel sorry for, it is Terrence. He is, after all, my first love, and I fell deeply inlove with him when I lost my memories.

“Terrence, I’m sorry. Although I’m giving away the Pearson Family as a gift, rest assured, I will doeverything in my power to protect your descendants. I don’t have a choice, and I can’t stand by andwatch the Wilkersons suffer. Furthermore, your family will benefit from this because aligning with theforces behind that genius may even elevate the Pearson Family’s power to new levels. Your family hasundergone significant changes and a severe loss of strength, and if I do not proceed according to myplan, your descendants may be wiped out. After all, your family holds such a significant position in thebusiness world. You understand, don’t you?”

Meanwhile, Leah justified everything she did because she saw herself as Olivia and the PearsonFamily’s savior. While she did have a backup plan to save Olivia, she insisted on having Olivia marrysome self-proclaimed genius, and if Olivia complied, she would become a different type of “sacrifice.” Ina nutshell, Leah was an egotistical, shameless woman who never hesitated to put her own needsbefore those of others. It was evident that she only cared about her own family’s interests and wasunwilling to make any sacrifices, which prompted her to target the Pearson Family with the intention ofgifting them to others. Therefore, what else could one call it besides shameless?

Ring! Ring! Her phone suddenly rang, and she quickly answered it.

“Madam Wilkerson, the four individuals have been taken care of.”

“No evidence was left behind, right?”

“Rest assured. We were clean in our actions.”

“That’s good.” Leah breathed a sigh of relief. As long as those four are gone, there will be no obstaclesin my way of taking over the Pearson Family forcibly.

It was hard to believe that it had only been a short while since Terrence’s passing, and yet this woman,whom he had loved so profoundly throughout his entire life, had already devised plans to take controlof the Pearson Family.

Meanwhile, in the hospital, Thomas told Olivia, “Stay here. I’m going out for a while but I’ll return withintwo hours.” Earlier, he had received a call from Chloe inviting him to dinner, and he would never refuseher invitation.

After hearing this, she nodded and smiled sweetly at him. “Go ahead. Drive safely.”

“Okay.” After uttering these words, he turned around and left. He could feel his body rapidly recovering,and although he was still far from his peak condition, it was good enough to handle someone likeBlake.

It was already 8.00PM when he returned to his rented house, and as soon as he walked in, he noticedMolly sitting on the couch in the living room.

“Thomas!” When she saw him, she jumped from the couch and rushed to him in a few strides.

Then, Thomas fixed his gaze on her. It’s no surprise that Chloe unexpectedly called me back for dinner.She’s attempting to play matchmaker between me and Molly, but haven’t I clarified that I have nofeelings for this woman? What is the point of Chloe’s constant meddling in my affair?

On the other hand, he had misunderstood his sister because it was Molly herself who wanted to playmatchmaker, not Chloe. Molly couldn’t stand seeing him missing from work at Keyshire Property for twodays, so she approached Chloe and asked for her assistance.

In contrast, Chloe also had feelings for him and naturally did not want him to end up with anotherwoman. Nonetheless, she had no valid reason to deny Molly’s request, so she called and asked him tocome home for dinner.

Meanwhile, Chloe was busy in the kitchen, but she whipped her head around to stare at Thomasanxiously when she heard his voice. “Thomas, stay strong and not let Molly’s sweet charms sway you!You can do it!” she murmured under her breath. I can only pray that he will not be attracted to Molly. Ifear I will have nowhere to vent my sorrows if they end up together.

While cooking, she occasionally glanced at them in the living room. Thankfully, he acts just as henormally does while watching TV, completely oblivious to the stunning woman beside him. He remindsme of a block of wood when he is with women, but it may not be such a bad thing after all.

Despite this, Molly was restless and certain she was in love with Thomas. Today, I mustered thecourage to ask Chloe for assistance, hoping for an opportunity to confess my feelings to this man sothat even if he rejects me, I can put my heart at ease. “Thomas, stop watching the TV… Look at me,please,” she said, her voice trembling with excitement.

After hearing this, he paused, turned his head, and gazed at her. She is undeniably a rare beauty, withher delicate features, fair skin, and rosy lips.

However, she became visibly red-faced and felt as though butterflies were frantically fluttering aroundin her stomach. Molly, can’t you be a bit more composed? Just because he is glancing at you, you’reacting like this? How can you expect to confess to him like this? Don’t forget why you’re here today!“Phew!” Finally, after multiple self-affirmations, she regained her composure. “Thomas, there’ssomething I want to tell you,” she said, her voice slightly trembling from the excitement.

In the meantime, Thomas found her to be quite amusing. What is going on with her? What does shewant to tell me? Why is her voice shaking like that? Then, he nodded and said, “Go ahead.”

“Well, during our first meeting, I—”

Crack! Crash! The kitchen was suddenly filled with the sound of glass shattering.

“Ah!” Immediately after, Chloe let out a scream of terror.

On the other hand, Molly had no idea what had happened because she saw a flash of somethingpassing in front of her eyes, and she later realized that Thomas had “disappeared” from the couch!novelbin

A second later, he was standing in the kitchen, where he confronted three burly men who had enteredthrough a broken window. One of them had a dagger aimed at Chloe, and she would have been killed ifThomas hadn’t arrived in time.

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