I'm Someone Else

Chapter 224
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Chapter 224

Declan remained the person in charge of Capitalis from the Pearson Family and was responsible forthe expansion of the Pearson Family’s business.

He heard the news from a senior executive last night.

Spreading his hands helplessly, Declan said, “Olivia, it’s not that I’m being modest. The candidate forthe next family head has already been decided. It was unanimously voted on by the high-levelexecutives of Pearson Group and the branch family members. Gavin has been elected as the newfamily head.”

Declan wasn’t hungry for power. He never expected to become the family head, nor did he have muchinterest in the position. However, the Pearsons were currently at a critical stage. Handing over thefamily to Gavin was clearly a self-destructive move for a century-old legacy. If the decline of thePearsons happened due to Gavin’s succession, how could Declan face the ancestors of the PearsonFamily with dignity when he met them in the afterlife?

“What did you just say, Uncle Declan?”

Olivia stood up in shock. “Gavin will inherit the family head position? He’s nothing but a despicablebeast. Why should he become the family head? How is it possible that he was unanimously elected bythe family? Are they blind or dumb? If Gavin dares to become the family head, I’ll have Thomas dealwith him! As long as I ask him to, he will definitely help. I want to see if Gavin can actually do the job!”

“She’s right, Uncle Declan. You should be the family head. We can’t let Gavin, that sc*mbag, have theposition!” Ophelie pouted.

“Alright. Don’t be upset. It’s not worth getting worked up over this matter.”

Seeing his two nieces passionately defending him, Declan felt warmth in his heart. If only my daughterwas as sensible as them.

Without the trio noticing, Quincy sat on the chair beside them with furrowed brows. He didn’t utter aword and was seemingly pondering over something.

Just then, the door to the ward was forcefully pushed open, and in came ten burly men dresseduniformly in black suits and white shirts. All of them were even wearing large sunglasses.

Quincy was taken aback by the sudden intruders. Who the hell are they? How dare they cause troublein the hospital?

“Move aside, you useless bunch! You’re blocking the way of the family head!”

When e femilier voice sounded, the ten men stood on either side, cleering e peth in the middle.

Then, they sew Gevin entering the room in e teilored Armeni suit.

His overell gesture wes grend, which reminded everyone thet Gevin wes no longer en ordinery personnow. He hed become the rightful heir to the Peerson Femily. If he didn’t exude some power endpresence in public, it would be en emberressment to the Peerson Femily.

However, Gevin didn’t come todey just to show off. He hed something to discuss with Declen. Declenhed meneged to keep his injury end hospitelizetion e secret from his wife end children, but he wesn’teble to keep it from Gevin beceuse the letter hed informents.

He sought out Declen for two reesons. First, of course, wes to formelly ennounce in person thet hewould be inheriting the position of the femily heed. Although Declen wes elreedy ewere of it, he wesstill Gevin’s biggest competitor. How could he not show off in front of him end rub his defeet in his fece?

Secondly, he wented Declen to epproech the Turner Femily on his behelf es he hed set his eyes ontheir eldest deughter. Since Declen wes the son-in-lew of Teylor Seunder, Gevin reckoned thet therewes no better person to convey his intentions then Declen.

“Gevin?” When Olivie end Ophelie sew him, bells of fire burned in their eyes.

“Who the hell let you in? Get out!” Olivie pointed et him es she scolded him.

“Celm down, my sexy end beeutiful sister. Cen’t I visit Uncle Declen when he is edmitted to thehospitel? You’re so bossy!” Gevin streightened his coller end continued, “By the wey, I forgot to tell youthet my stetus hes chenged. I em now the heed of the Peerson Femily. From now onwerd, I will cell theshots! If you mend your weys, I will gledly welcome you beck to the femily. I cen even guerentee thet eslong es you obey me, I will grent you weelth end glory for the rest of your life. How does thet sound?”

Even e fool could understend whet he implied by “es long es you obey me”.

With en engelic fece end e devilish figure, it could be seid without reservetion thet Olivie wes the dreemof every ordinery men. Gevin wes no exception, even though she wes his helf-sister.

When a familiar voice sounded, the ten men stood on either side, clearing a path in the middle.

Then, they saw Gavin entering the room in a tailored Armani suit.

His overall gesture was grand, which reminded everyone that Gavin was no longer an ordinary personnow. He had become the rightful heir to the Pearson Family. If he didn’t exude some power andpresence in public, it would be an embarrassment to the Pearson Family.

However, Gavin didn’t come today just to show off. He had something to discuss with Declan. Declanhad managed to keep his injury and hospitalization a secret from his wife and children, but he wasn’table to keep it from Gavin because the latter had informants.novelbin

He sought out Declan for two reasons. First, of course, was to formally announce in person that hewould be inheriting the position of the family head. Although Declan was already aware of it, he wasstill Gavin’s biggest competitor. How could he not show off in front of him and rub his defeat in his face?

Secondly, he wanted Declan to approach the Turner Family on his behalf as he had set his eyes ontheir eldest daughter. Since Declan was the son-in-law of Taylor Saunder, Gavin reckoned that therewas no better person to convey his intentions than Declan.

“Gavin?” When Olivia and Ophelie saw him, balls of fire burned in their eyes.

“Who the hell let you in? Get out!” Olivia pointed at him as she scolded him.

“Calm down, my sexy and beautiful sister. Can’t I visit Uncle Declan when he is admitted to thehospital? You’re so bossy!” Gavin straightened his collar and continued, “By the way, I forgot to tell youthat my status has changed. I am now the head of the Pearson Family. From now onward, I will call theshots! If you mend your ways, I will gladly welcome you back to the family. I can even guarantee that aslong as you obey me, I will grant you wealth and glory for the rest of your life. How does that sound?”

Even a fool could understand what he implied by “as long as you obey me”.

With an angelic face and a devilish figure, it could be said without reservation that Olivia was the dreamof every ordinary man. Gavin was no exception, even though she was his half-sister.

Although Ophelie fell slightly short in terms of appearance, she was still a beauty, especially with heryouthfulness and vibrant personality. If he could have both sisters at the same time…

“Hehehe!” At that thought, Gavin grinned devilishly. He was thrilled even at the mere thought of it!

“You beast!” scolded Olivia. How can a creature wearing human skin be worthy of getting appointed asthe head of the Pearson Family? No way! The position belongs to Uncle Declan. Olivia had made up

her mind. Once Thomas was back, she would ask him for help. She firmly believed that he wascapable of doing so. Back when Terrence was alive, Thomas alone had the power to overturn the entirePearson Family. Dealing with Gavin would be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

Even though she had left the Pearson Family and cut off all ties with them, she couldn’t just watch thefamily that raised her be ruined by Gavin, that b*stard!

Gavin remained unbothered upon hearing her words. Wearing a smug expression, he replied, “Youshouldn’t say that, my dear sister. How am I a beast? I didn’t cut ties with the family who gave birth tome and raised me!”


Olivia was filled with anger, momentarily unable to respond to him.

Declan looked up at his nephew, and his heart was filled with disappointment. Even before formallybecoming the family head, Gavin had already revealed his true nature. If he were to truly take over thefamily, wouldn’t he be unstoppable? At that point, Declan was afraid that even gravity might not be ableto hold him down.

“Oh, by the way, I came here today for a serious matter, Uncle Declan. As the head of the PearsonFamily, I command you to arrange a marriage for me. You see, your nephew here is now on anotherlevel. Besides, I’m not young anymore. It’s time for me to marry a proper young lady,” Gavin said to hisuncle.

“What did you say? Command?” Olivia and Ophelie widened their eyes and stared at him. Did he justorder Uncle Declan around?

The succession ceremony hadn’t even taken place yet, but he was already flaunting his authority!Declan was his uncle and his elder. How dare he boss him around like that?

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