I'm Someone Else

Chapter 222
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Chapter 222

The nine individuals dispatched by the three families were incredibly unlucky. As soon as they enteredthe residential area, they were mercilessly eliminated by an unidentified assailant. Not only did they failto assassinate Chloe, but they didn’t even catch a glimpse of their attacker, with the closest groupbarely reaching the building’s entrance before meeting their end.

These individuals held prominent positions within the three major families, commanding respectwherever they went in this frigid city. However, their deaths were gruesome, epitomizing the adage ofthriving in life, but being thwarted in the end.

The man in the car drove directly to the hospital and knocked on the hospital director’s office door.From inside, Quincy’s voice beckoned, “Come in.”

He had remained at the hospital for the past few days since he wanted to stay by Thomas’ side.

The man noticed Quincy sitting upright in his office chair upon entering, engrossed in an ancient bookhe held. The book happened to be the book, ‘The Imperial Acupuncture’, which Thomas gifted him.This book immensely benefited Quincy, as it contained the profound wisdom of acupuncture’s inventor,the great Shian; even a superficial understanding of its contents would be enough to gain widespreadrecognition in the city.

Quincy’s medical skills had taken a significant leap after receiving such a gift, allowing him toeffortlessly treat numerous challenging and complex ailments. While he hadn’t yet acquired the powerto resurrect the dead, his expertise positioned him at the pinnacle of the medical field, surpassing hisprevious status in Droycore’s medical community.

He set the book aside when he noticed the man enter and gestured to the chair in front of him, saying,“Please have a seat.”

The man sat down and began to say respectfully, “Mr. Hofstead, tonight, nine assassins were sent tokill Miss Chloe. They were all eliminated, and the bodies and cars have been taken care of. However,we do not know who sent them.”

Quincy’s mouth curled into a cold smile upon hearing those words. It was clear to anyone, even a blindman, that the identities of the nine assassins were the Yam Family, Hind Family, and Xalmar Family.Regardless, it was impossible for the Zane Family to be involved, as the Turner Family had secretlyallied with Quincy. The Zane Family, known for always following the Turner Family’s lead, would neverassociate themselves with the other three families without Taylor’s agreement.

Furthermore, Taylor had already contacted him personally and informed him of the three families’ planto collaborate against Thomas.

Indeed, Blake’s worst fear had become a reality. Taylor had actually disclosed the information tooutsiders!

Quincy’s voice turned icy, “You don’t need to concern yourselves with who sent those individuals with illintentions toward Chloe and her father. Just take down every single one of them! If anything happens,I’ll take full responsibility. You can proceed with your tasks boldly and without hesitation. Keepsafeguarding Chloe.”

Quincy understood that Chloe was Thomas’ only family member’ in this world. If anything were tohappen to her, Thomas would lose his mind. For that reason, he would ensure her safety no matter thecosts. It seemed like their decision back then was absolutely correct; if there hadn’t been someonespecifically dedicated to protecting Chloe, today might have ended up becoming a day of mourning.novelbin

“Mr. Hofstead, rest assured, I understand. We will do everything in our power to keep Miss Chloe safe.”The man wasn’t foolish. Since Quincy spoke in such a manner, it signified the utmost importance ofChloe’s life, so he immediately gave his assurance.

Once he was done with his report, he stood up and prepared to leave. Just as he made it to the officedoorway, Quincy called out to him, “Wait!”

“Mr. Hofstead, is there anything else?”

“We cannot allow the assassins to enter the residential area any longer. Kill anyone at the communityentrance!” Quincy issued a solemn order. His team had already installed surveillance at the communityentrance and once they identified anyone suspicious, they would eliminate them on the spot. Theycouldn’t afford to let the assassins enter the residential area anymore, harming innocents, so this wouldbe a safer approach.

What if Chloe and her father went downstairs for a stroll? It would be problematic if they encounteredanything within the community.

The man displayed a troubled expression. It was true that they had surveillance at the communityentrance, and they could indeed prevent any suspicious individuals from entering. Still, they mightmake a mistake in identification.

“Mr. Hofstead, this might pose some difficulties.”

Quincy waved his hand dismissively. “There are no difficulties. I understand your concerns. At thiscritical moment, it’s better to kill the wrong person than to let the right one escape!”

“Yes!” The man nodded immediately and left the office.

Then, Quincy savored a sip of tea and muttered to himself, “Hind Family, Yam Family, Xalmar Family, ifyou want to mess with me, I’ll gladly join you for a good fight!”

He knew the Yam Family wouldn’t back down so easily; they were never ones to suffer losses silently.

Taylor’s show of respect was undeniable. Although he was part of the Six Greatest Families, he madethe choice to refrain from supporting the other three families and instead stood by Quincy’s side,disclosing valuable information. His primary focus now was to protect Chloe and her father since therewas no need to worry about Thomas’ safety, given his extraordinary abilities. He had single-handedlydismantled the entire Pearson Family, even beheading Duban, the highly revered worshiper of theirlineage. Such unparalleled capabilities were possessed by none other than Thomas in the entire city.

As Quincy was fully aware of Thomas’ character and temperament, he had no intention of informinghim about the assassination attempt on Chloe. If Thomas were to find out, he would undoubtedlycharge into the gates of the three major families without a moment’s hesitation. Instead, it would bemore beneficial to let Thomas concentrate on handling Olivia’s affairs. Besides, with the return of Leah,that cunning old woman, it wouldn’t be long before the talented individual from Capitalis arrived. Therewas also no doubt that they would begin targeting Olivia once they had settled down here.

Leah had already arranged an engagement for Olivia without her consent, and that talented individualwould certainly investigate her thoroughly. Not to mention, Olivia’s stunning beauty alone would beenough to captivate the so-called genius. When that time came, Thomas would be occupied withfrontline matters whereas Quincy would handle the logistics and support.

It had to be acknowledged that having a true friend like Quincy was a blessing Thomas cultivated in hispast life.

The following morning, Thomas arrived at Quincy’s office. “Thomas, you’ve come at the right time.There’s something I don’t understand, and I’d like to ask you about it.” Quincy took out the “TheImperial Acupuncture” book and motioned to Thomas.

Thomas accepted the book, sat on the couch, and skimmed through its pages. “The book mentionsthat the death acupuncture point can save lives, but I don’t understand such a claim at all. Aren’t thosemeant to kill? How is it possible that triggering it could save lives? It simply doesn’t make sense!”

Thomas smiled. “Let me provide you with an example. This particular acupoint is considered a deathpoint because when stimulated, it temporarily halts the flow of blood in the body, resulting in insufficientblood supply to the heart and brain, ultimately causing sudden death. However, if one understands thecharacteristics of this death point and times it correctly, it can effectively halt bleeding and save lives,particularly in cases of severe arterial bleeding. Of course, this is purely theoretical. The actualoutcome depends on the practitioner’s skill.”

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