I'm Someone Else

Chapter 205
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Chapter 205

It pained Quentin to see the agony written all over Harley’s face. In an effort to comfort his son, he hadno choice but to say, “Just hang on a bit longer, okay? The doctor said you’ll be fine after some time.”In reality, only he understood what the renowned doctor had actually said. It was true that Harley’sbroken backbone had been repaired, but whether or not he could stand up again depended entirely onhis luck.

If there’s someone else in Irieson who could heal Harley, it’d be none other than Quincy. His reputationas a preeminent figure in the field of medicine is no exaggeration. That being said, I can’t beg him forhelp. After all, Harley has gone after his friend. If I beg him to save my son right now, he surely won’t doanything. But what else can I do if I don’t beg him for help? Can I just sit by and watch my son spendthe rest of his life confined to a wheelchair?

Harley started to cry. “Dad, don’t lie to me anymore. I know what’s going on with my own body. Even ifI’m healed, I may not be able to fully recover. Most probably, I’ll end up a cripple.” If my bodily sufferingcan be overcome by gritting my teeth, what about my mental suffering? I’m still young, only in myforties, with dozens of years to fritter away. There’s no way I can resign myself to living the rest of mylife either in bed or in a wheelchair like a cripple!

“Look at you! You look like a good-for-nothing! What are you crying for? All men in our family sweat andbleed, but we never weep!” Quentin scolded his son, his eyes bulging with anger despite his heartache.“Hold back your tears!”

Harley hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, not daring to cry anymore.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to help you. All you have to do now is recuperate. Don’t put so muchpressure on yourself,” said Quentin before leaving Harley’s bedroom. Then, he strode into his grandsonLeslie’s room. “Come over here, you brat!” He raised his foot and kicked Leslie out of bed right away.

“Ouch!” Leslie was sent rolling by the kick. Falling onto the floor, he looked at his grandfather pitifully.“What are you doing, Grandpa?” How can you kick me like this without warning? Can’t you talk nicely?

“Tell me what the hell happened!” Quentin was still confused as to how his grandson got beaten up byThomas all of a sudden. Getting beaten up is one thing, but my son went seeking revenge for this, onlyto get beaten into a cripple instead! I’ve been busy getting Harley’s injuries treated these days. Today, Imust get the answers. “Spill it now, and don’t you ever try to bluff your way out of this! It’s not possible!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Stop playing dumb with me! Why did that Thomas guy beat you up?” Quentin knew this grandson ofhis better than anyone else. If nothing else, Leslie was an expert at troublemaking. He didn’t believeThomas had beaten Leslie up out of sheer displeasure. This good-for-nothing grandson of mine haslikely messed with him, to begin with!novelbin

“I… Uh…” Leslie was stumped. He hung his head, not daring to meet Quentin’s eyes. If it were Harleywho asked him, he wouldn’t have been afraid in the slightest. All he had to do was act spoiled and playthe victim, and he would get away with it. However, this wouldn’t work on his grandfather, who nevertolerated even the slightest wrongdoing.

Most importantly, he seems to have supernatural powers. He can detect even the most perfect lie.Should I tell the truth, then? No way! If I do that, I’ll get smacked even more severely. What should I do,then? I’ll get smacked no matter if I tell the truth or not. Why do you have to ask me about this,Grandpa? You don’t have to know the ins and outs of this! All you need to know is that a son of a b*tchnamed Thomas Clifford smacked your grandson and beat your son into a cripple. Don’t you get tired ofbeing so inquisitive?

Quentin’s eyes were blazing. “What’s the matter? Do you want me to use some special techniques onyou to get you to speak?” He didn’t even need Leslie to fess up. Seeing the look on his grandson’s

face, he knew he had guessed it right—it had to be this little b*stard who caused the trouble!

His words sent a shudder of fear through Leslie. At first, he had made up a story in his mind, but now,he dared not lie anymore. In the end, he made a clean breast of everything that had happened.

“Scoundrel! You’re nothing but a scoundrel!”


Quentin slapped Leslie hard across the face while trembling all over with rage. All they did was blockyour way! Did you have to go so far as to kick them? What the hell is wrong with you? You think you’respecial because you have legs? What’s more, the person you kicked was a lady! Are you even a man?What did the Yam Family do wrong to end up having a scum like you! If possible, I wish I never had thisgrandson! What the f*ck! “Get out! Get out of my face—now!” The sight of this useless grandson alonedrove him mad. It’s all Harley’s fault for spoiling him!

So, it’s not unjustified for that Thomas guy to hit Leslie. And now, what bothers me is this: what is sogreat about Thomas that made Quincy defend him like this? Even if he’s a skilled fighter, it may not beenough for him to get in Quincy’s good books.

Meanwhile, Thomas was having the most awkward dinner of his life in his rented home. Chloe andAdam sat together, the former eating quietly with her head down, whereas sitting on Thomas’ left andright were Olivia and Molly, respectively.

In fact, when Thomas and Olivia first returned to his rented home, it was Molly who had volunteered toanswer the door. She had wanted to give the man a surprise, but she never thought Olivia would bestanding next to him. I wanted to make use of this opportunity to spend more time with Thomas, butnow the opportunity is gone. The surprise has turned into a shock instead.

Olivia was startled, too. She couldn’t figure out why Molly was also here. Isn’t here the home of Chloe,Thomas’ sworn sister? Considering the occasion, however, she refrained from asking the question thenand there.

Chloe was also shocked by Olivia’s arrival. She knew Thomas was Olivia’s chauffeur and seemed to beon good terms with her, but she never thought he would bring her home directly. Seriously, why didn’tThomas tell me beforehand that he’d bring an outsider with him? What annoyed her most was the wayOlivia looked at Thomas. The look in her eyes was so tender and loving. As a woman, Chloe waspositive that Olivia also had feelings for Thomas. Wouldn’t this become a love triangle with Mollyincluded? No, it’s a love quadrangle with me included!

Only now did she understand why Thomas had looked reluctant when she had tried to set him up withMolly back then. Turns out it’s because he has the Most Beautiful Female Entrepreneur in Iriesonaround him. No wonder he was reluctant at the time. Molly is also pretty, but she can’t hold a candle toOlivia. What about me, then? What choice will he make between Olivia and me?

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