I'm Someone Else

Chapter 201
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Chapter 201

Seeing the enormous pile of documents, Thomas knew they must be weighing a ton. And besides,what kind of company would have its boss deliver documents in person like an errand boy? This isn’tappropriate!novelbin

Olivia rolled her eyes coquettishly at his words. “Oh, come on, I know you better than anyone else. Youknow only two places in this Keyshire Property building, the first being this office of mine and thesecond being the basement parking lot. How are you gonna deliver these? Can you even find wherethey’re supposed to be delivered?”

“Uh…” A wave of embarrassment came over Thomas. Can’t you cut me some slack when you speak,Olivia? It’s true that I can’t find the place, but I have a mouth under my nose! “It’s true that I don’t knowmy way around here, but I can ask for directions.” Can’t I get somebody to tell me which department iswhere? We’re all under the same company, anyway!

Seeing the sincerity in his eyes, Olivia couldn’t say anything else. Taking out a pen and a piece ofpaper, she wrote down the numbers of the offices where each document was supposed to bedelivered. After that, she handed the documents to him.

In the end, it took Thomas until 9.30AM to finish delivering these documents. However, he wasn’t alonewhen he returned to the president’s office; instead, he had a female employee from the administrativedepartment with him. He had called her over from the department while delivering documents just now.Since Molly was absent, she would be assuming the role of secretary to the company president for thetime being.

He let Olivia know about this before leaving the office.

Olivia didn’t ask him where he was going. Who cares? In any case, he’s seen everything about me—both what he’s supposed to see and what he isn’t. I am his responsibility, so there’s no way he can just

turn his back on me and run away. Even if he ran away, I’d pursue him to the ends of the earth to bringhim back. I’ve made up my mind to stick with him for the rest of my life, anyway.

Thomas drove back to his rental home. Come to think of it, he hadn’t come back here for a while. Hehad lived here when he first returned to Irieson. After that, he moved directly into Northpine Villa inorder to protect Olivia.

He was greeted warmly by Adam, with whom he had a pleasant chat in the living room. Shortly afterthat, Chloe’s bedroom door opened, and she came out clad in a white princess dress.

Thomas was awestruck the moment he turned subconsciously to look at Chloe. He couldn’t tear hiseyes away; she looked just like Snow White from the classic fairy tale, her smile radiating a captivatingcharm that few men could resist. “Dad, Thomas and I are going to the wedding. Can you eat lunch byyourself at home? The meal is ready, so you just have to heat it up.”

“Uh-huh, just go and don’t worry about me. I won’t be starved to death or anything,” joked Adam with alaugh.

After getting into the car, Chloe turned to ask Thomas. “Thomas, do I look pretty in this?”

Thomas replied with a smile, “Yeah, you look fabulous. It’s like you’re gonna steal the show instead ofbeing a wedding guest.”

“Steal the show, you say? What makes you say that?” asked Chloe puzzledly, her eyes twinkling asthough they could speak.

“You’re gonna steal the bride’s thunder, that’s why!” Thomas wasn’t lying about this. He had seendozens of pretty women; both Zoe and Rose were of peerless beauty, not to mention Olivia.Nevertheless, when she was all dressed up, Chloe looked no less gorgeous than the three of them.

She had neither Olivia’s noble grace nor Zoe’s frosty elegance, but her beauty had the easygoing andadorable qualities of a girl next door.

A sweet smile spread across Chloe’s face at his compliment. What could be more delightful than to becomplimented by the man I love for my good looks? In fact, I carefully picked this dress out for today. Awoman dresses up only for the man she loves. If Thomas can’t attend today’s wedding with me, Iwouldn’t have bothered to spend so much time dolling myself up.

They headed straight to the hotel where the wedding took place. It wasn’t a small hotel; though not asluxurious as those five-star hotels, it was really nice.

As Thomas went looking for a parking spot, Chloe came first to the hotel’s entrance. To her completedismay, as soon as she arrived, she ran into a couple of familiar faces. They were none other than herex-university friend Lilac and her sister Fanny!

In an instant, the color drained from Chloe’s face. She never thought she would actually run into thesetwo women here.

Actually, it wasn’t surprising for Lilac and Fanny to be here. This hotel was their father’s property, and itwas now handed over to them to manage.

Lilac let out a snort at the sight of Chloe. Her sister Fanny had been severely beaten up by Thomasand had only been discharged from the hospital a couple of days ago. Not only that, the man hadknocked out all of her teeth, leaving her completely toothless. Had I not been on good terms with Chloebefore, I would’ve called the police to have that Thomas guy jailed for the rest of his life! What he didwas a real crime of aggravated assault!

Chloe shook her head without saying a word. Knowing Thomas’ character, she knew he wasn’t anunreasonable person. This Fanny girl must’ve said something rude in the first place. That’s why

Thomas taught her a lesson.

Just when she was standing in a daze at the hotel’s entrance, a familiar voice rang. “Chloe? Whatbrings you here?”

Chloe turned to look in the voice’s direction. It was none other than Molly. “I’m here to attend thewedding. Why are you here, Molly?”

Molly’s lips parted in surprise. What a small world, huh? she thought with a sigh of emotion. “I’m hereas bridesmaid to my bestie, who is the bride today. What about you, Chloe?”

“Today’s groom, Lester, is my ex-colleague. By the way, Thomas came with me. He should be arrivingany minute now.”

The light in Molly’s eyes dimmed somewhat at Chloe’s mention of Thomas. After bumping into him andOlivia in the president’s office the other day, she couldn’t help but think that something wasn’t rightabout it. Neither Thomas nor Miss Pearson look like the kind of person who could do something likethat in the office. Could I have been mistaken?

Subsequently, she had asked Olivia in a roundabout way about the incident; only then did she learnthat nothing had happened between the two. Although this filled her with joy, she felt uneasy at thethought of competing with Olivia for the same guy. She wasn’t as knowledgeable as Olivia, nor was sheas pretty as the latter. She’s Keyshire Property’s president, but what about me? I’m just a pettysecretary. Even an idiot would know how to choose. “Chloe, let’s talk later, okay? I’ve got to get busy inthere.” She said goodbye to Chloe before entering the hotel.

No sooner had she left than Lilac and Fanny came in front of Chloe. “Why are you blocking theentrance to our hotel, Chloe? I’d say either you stay away from here or you go inside. A poor countrybumpkin like you would only spoil our hotel’s image!” mocked Lilac.

Chloe had wanted to wait a while for Thomas at the hotel’s entrance. After hearing Lilac say that, sheentered the hotel and sat down in a random spot without making a sound.

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