I'm Someone Else

Chapter 179
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Chapter 179

Olivia would probably scream if she knew that Gavin was healed. He was hurt a lot worse than shewas, but she didn’t even get healed. She was left in the hospital alone. Besides that, her father andgrandfather never asked how she was doing, but when it came to Gavin, they did their utmost best toheal him.

Olivia looked at Lilith and went upstairs without saying a word. Lilith then pouted. “Your preciousdaughter wouldn’t even say hi to me.”novelbin

“Ignore her. She’s just an ingrate.” Norman harrumphed. We raised you, and now you’re cutting tieswith us? You’re an ungrateful b*tch just like your dead mother. Arrogant and selfish. I can’t wait for thatday to come so she can die. That’ll make me feel better. Also, how dare Thomas hit my son?! I’ll makehim pay sooner or later.

Olivia went to Terrence’s bedroom. In the room, Declan was by the bed while Terrence was on the bed,coughing. It was obvious he was sickly. “You’re back.” He opened his eyes and looked at Olivia, thenhe tried to get up.

“Take it slow. I’ll help.”

Just that little movement drenched Terrence’s forehead with sweat, and it broke Olivia’s heart. Terrencemight have mistreated her, but he was still family, and seeing him sick made Olivia upset. Terrence hadalways been invincible, but now he was a dying old man. “What happened, Grandpa? What illness areyou down with?” She called him Grandpa even though she was reluctant to.

“Just some old people’s disease. Anything saddening is enough to take us out.” Terrence shook hishead, though he didn’t answer the question.

“Anything saddening?” Olivia mused on the matter. I see. He must’ve fallen sick because of Jordan’sdeath. I can understand him. To see his own son die must be tormenting. “I’ll get Mr. Hofstead to check

on you. He’s a good doctor.” She blamed herself for not stopping Thomas more adamantly. If she did,Jordan might have lived, and Terrence wouldn’t have fallen ill.

Perhaps, I was too harsh. But then she was reminded of the treatment this family had given her, anddisappointment filled her heart.

“It’s alright. If death wants me, it can take me.” Terrence sipped on some water. “Now that you’re back,why don’t you stay with us?”

Olivia shook her head. She had made up her mind to leave the family, so she would never come back.Besides, she did tell Thomas to pick her up at five. There was no need to stay. She was already kindenough to come back and see Terrence.

Terrence apparently did not share her sentiments, and his face fell. He thought Olivia came backbecause she still saw him as her grandfather. He thought she still cared about the family, so she wouldstay if he just made that request, but to his surprise, she refused without even hesitating. “Fine. Helpme get out of bed. We’ll stroll around.”

Terrence held his fury back and a sneer curled his lips. You think you can leave? Who do you think youare? You don’t get to do whatever you want in this house, girl.

Olivia supported Terrence and left the bedroom.

“Declan, cook up something for lunch,” said Terrence. He did want Olivia to stay for lunch, and it wasalmost lunchtime. He had planned to get Yukine back for a reunion, but she refused. He couldunderstand that. Her relationship with Olivia was strained, and her coming over would just make thingsawkward. He wasn’t worried about Gavin. Boys should go around more. Once he took over the family,he would have no time to play anyway. Terrence was okay with anything as long as Gavin wasn’t hurt.

Olivia really didn’t want to stay. She was disgusted by the family, and she had no appetite, but thenleaving would be disrespectful to her grandfather. A while later, Olivia and Terrence came back, andfood was served thanks to the chef and servants.

Everyone dug into their food, but it was an awkward lunch. No one said anything, or to be precise, theyhad no idea what to say. The situation was a bit depressing.

“Go home, Declan. You don’t come back to this city every day. Spend some time with your family.”

“Very well. I shall be going now.”

Lilith left as well. She could guess what was going to happen, and her staying around would beinappropriate.

Norman placed a cup of tea on the coffee table, and Terrence smiled. “I went through a lot of hoops justto get this tea, Olivia. Have some.”

Olivia picked the cup up and took a sip, and then everything around her spun. Her eyelids felt heavy,and she tried to hold her head, but before she could even raise her arm, she blacked out. Normannodded at Terrence and picked Olivia up, then he left the villa.

Terrence saw Norman off, smiling. He thereafter whipped out some pills and popped it into his mouth.Immediately, his sickly appearance disappeared, replaced by a pink shade of health. As Oliviasuspected, Terrence was healthier than most young people, thanks to his constant practice of martialarts all year round. There was no way he could fall ill that easily. Jordan’s death was not good news,yes, but Terrence was a cruel, cold man to begin with. Jordan was useless anyway, so he couldn’t careless if he died. He didn’t feel sad at all, but he did feel rage toward Olivia and Thomas. You’re lookingdown on us too much!

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