I'm Someone Else

Chapter 167
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Chapter 167

Felice’s big eyes darted around. It wasn’t the first time Leslie had complained to her about taking overthe family affairs. Of course, there was no way she agreed with him. No matter how well Leslie treatedher now, he was still just the young master of the Xalmar Family. To put it simply, the money he spenton her came from his father. However, it would be a different case if he took over the place of the headof the family.

When that time came, she would become Mrs. Xalmar! She was well aware of her background anddidn’t dare to aspire to be Leslie’s legal wife. But even if she became a concubine, it would still bebetter than her current situation!

She could buy whatever she wanted and have fun anywhere she wanted to go. After all, she would bethe mistress of the family. Who would dare to say no to her?

“You have to go, honey. These are things you’ll have to face sooner or later,” she advised Leslie kindly.

“I don’t want to. It will definitely be boring.”

“Then what do you want to do, honey?”

Felice felt helpless about how disappointing her man was. Here he was, refusing to go because heclaimed it would be boring. He seemed to be ignorant to the fact that there were tons of people outthere who could only dream of taking over the family business.

“Just go, honey. Your father will get angry again if you don’t go. Promise me you’ll go tomorrow.”


The truth was Leslie would go even without Felice’s persuasion. He was just being dramatic. After all,his father had made it clear that Leslie wouldn’t get a single cent from the Xalmar Family in the future ifhe didn’t go as he should!novelbin

That would be equivalent to having Leslie dead! How was he supposed to live a life of debauchery if hedidn’t have a source of income?

Thomas and Olivia spent the rest of the night not saying another word. When the next morning came,the man turned to Olivia who looked much better now after her cheeks regained their healthy color.

He had been worried about Olivia, especially after the scare she had the previous night. He eventhought about not going to the company today if she wasn’t feeling well.

It turned out that he had underestimated Olivia. Any other young lady would have been scared out oftheir wits. This was Olivia they were talking about. She was someone who had experienced countlessassassination attempts since childhood. It happened again and again even after she met Thomas. Atthis point, she had already gotten used to being targeted.

After the two of them had breakfast, they went to Keyshire Property.

Thomas, as usual, sat on the couch in the CEO’s office, playing with his phone.

Olivia, on the other hand, took Molly to the conference room for an internal meeting. It was supposedlya meeting to prepare for an important business negotiation later in the day.

When the two women emerged from the conference room and stood by the elevator, Olivia handed thedocuments in her hand to Molly.

“Molly, these are the relevant materials from Glorious Real Estate. Please bring them to the businessdepartment and have the related personnel study them. We must know them well in order to—”


Olivia didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence before she yelped.

A man had walked out of the elevator when the doors opened. He was walking so urgently that Oliviacried out in pain when he directly slammed against her.

“F*cking b*tch, are you blind?”


The brute of a man berated Olivia even though he was the one who ran into her.

It turned out that his scolding her wasn’t that big of a deal. As if cursing at her was not enough for himto vent his anger, he raised a foot and forcefully kicked Olivia’s stomach.

The sheer force of the kick immediately dropped Olivia to the floor.

The man was in a bad mood. He had only slept a little longer in the morning, but he ended up receivinga phone call from his father who proceeded to chastise him when the later somehow found out that hehadn’t reached the designated location yet. And it seemed that the more he was in a rush, the morelikely it was for there to be an idiot who dared to block his way. The woman was obviously trying to getherself killed!

This man was none other than Leslie, the eldest son of the Xalmar Family!

He had come to Keyshire Property today to conduct business negotiations as per his father’scommand!

“Damn woman, stay away from me.”

After saying that, he stormed off arrogantly.

Only then did Molly realize what kind of crazy thing had just happened. Someone actually dared to kickher boss. Molly would never have imagined something like this would happen, especially since they

were in Keyshire Property!

She only glared at Leslie’s departing figure, no longer caring who he was as she quickly squatted infront of Olivia and shouted, “Miss Pearson! Are you alright?”

Olivio’s foce wos pole, ond cold sweot rolled down her foreheod.

She hod no ideo whom she hod provoked to get scolded ond kicked when oll she did wos woit for theelevotor!

A piercing poin shot through her obdomen. Leslie’s kick hod knocked the wind out of her, leoving herunoble to speok.

“Someone! Quick! Help!”

Molly didn’t woste onother second os she colled severol employees from the compony over. “Toke MissPeorson to the breok room to rest!”

Even though Olivio struggled, she monoged to stond up with everyone’s ossistonce. The lorge footprinton her obdomen wos conspicuously visible ogoinst her pristine white shirt.

Not only Molly, but even the other employees wore shocked expressions.

Whot hoppened to Miss Peorson? Did someone kick her?

Kicking the president of Keyshire Property ot Keyshire Property? Which lunotic would do something likethot? Are they sick of living?

Molly, who grew increosingly ongry, took out her phone ond dioled Thomos’ number to osk him to comedown. Thomos needed to exomine Olivio’s injuries ond determine if she needed to go to the hospitol.

Other thon thot, Molly couldn’t let the mon who kicked Olivio go unpunished! Thot lunotic definitelycrossed the line!

Thomos wos dozing off in his office when he received Molly’s coll.

He froze for o whole second when he heord whot Molly soid. Someone hurt Olivio? Inside the componybuilding? Who the hell wos it?

The surprise only losted for o second before Thomos rushed out of the office without o word. He didn’teven toke the elevotor becouse it wos too slow. Like o streok of light, he pushed his speed to the limitond doshed down the stoirs.


Thomos pushed the door open ond immediotely sow Molly toking core of Olivio. He quickly opproochedthem.

“Thomos…” Teors welled up in Olivio’s eyes os she felt both hurt ond wronged.

Thomos’ eyes turned bloodshot, ond o pervosive killing intent emonoted from him, cousing thetemperoture in the breok room to drop.

“Ho…” Thomos took o deep breoth ond forcefully held his erupting onger in. His priority now wos tocheck Olivio’s injuries.

After o thorough exominotion, Thomos finolly let out o sigh of relief. Fortunotely, there were no internolinjuries, ond she wos just winded from the kick. She should be fine ofter toking some rest.

“Find o towel ond bring some hot woter.”

Olivia’s face was pale, and cold sweat rolled down her forehead.

She had no idea whom she had provoked to get scolded and kicked when all she did was wait for theelevator!

A piercing pain shot through her abdomen. Leslie’s kick had knocked the wind out of her, leaving herunable to speak.

“Someone! Quick! Help!”

Molly didn’t waste another second as she called several employees from the company over. “Take MissPearson to the break room to rest!”

Even though Olivia struggled, she managed to stand up with everyone’s assistance. The large footprinton her abdomen was conspicuously visible against her pristine white shirt.

Not only Molly, but even the other employees wore shocked expressions.

What happened to Miss Pearson? Did someone kick her?

Kicking the president of Keyshire Property at Keyshire Property? Which lunatic would do something likethat? Are they sick of living?

Molly, who grew increasingly angry, took out her phone and dialed Thomas’ number to ask him to comedown. Thomas needed to examine Olivia’s injuries and determine if she needed to go to the hospital.Other than that, Molly couldn’t let the man who kicked Olivia go unpunished! That lunatic definitelycrossed the line!

Thomas was dozing off in his office when he received Molly’s call.

He froze for a whole second when he heard what Molly said. Someone hurt Olivia? Inside the companybuilding? Who the hell was it?

The surprise only lasted for a second before Thomas rushed out of the office without a word. He didn’teven take the elevator because it was too slow. Like a streak of light, he pushed his speed to the limitand dashed down the stairs.


Thomas pushed the door open and immediately saw Molly taking care of Olivia. He quickly approachedthem.

“Thomas…” Tears welled up in Olivia’s eyes as she felt both hurt and wronged.

Thomas’ eyes turned bloodshot, and a pervasive killing intent emanated from him, causing thetemperature in the break room to drop.

“Ha…” Thomas took a deep breath and forcefully held his erupting anger in. His priority now was tocheck Olivia’s injuries.

After a thorough examination, Thomas finally let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there were no internalinjuries, and she was just winded from the kick. She should be fine after taking some rest.

“Find a towel and bring some hot water.”

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