I'm Someone Else

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163

How could he still think of finding an excuse for Olivia? The Pearson Family would face destruction ifthey could not present her before the others on that day!

“Uhm…” Declan bowed his head, afraid to say anything else. He was terrified of his father because heknew and had experienced how ruthless his father could be. At the same time, he could understandhim because this was how large families were. The benefit of the family always came first, and theycould even sacrifice their blood in times of need.

“Oh, Declan, you’re such a disappointment! It’s Olivia’s destiny to be sacrificed, so she has no choice inthis situation. What’s more, our family gave her life and raised her to adulthood. Is it too much to askthat she make some sacrifices for her family? I can’t believe she refuses to come home at such acritical moment! Isn’t that just taking our kindness for granted?”

Regarding his father’s opinion, Declan dared not concur. Olivia did not even know she was the‘sacrifice,’ so how could his father say she was taking things for granted? Moreover, the Pearsons werethe ones who forced her to leave. She would not have decided to sever ties with them if they had beennicer to her.

“Declan, I don’t care what you do, but you must bring her home! I don’t want to hear crap like ‘lettingher be happy’ or whatnot. Is her happiness more important than our family’s benefits? She wouldgreatly help us if she came home now!”

Declan was confused to hear that. “What do you mean, Dad?” Isn’t Olivia’s ‘sacrifice’ her greatestcontribution to the family? But that won’t happen until half a year later, so why would she be of greathelp if she came home now?

“Pfft. Do you know who she is now? She’s the president of Keyshire Property! You must’ve heard ofthat company, right? That’s the largest real estate agency in Irieson, and if Olivia returns home, it will

mean she has re-acknowledged herself to be a Pearson. Once she dies, Keyshire Property willnaturally belong to us!”

Once Terrence finished, he took a deep breath and continued, “I’m sure you don’t need me to elaborateon how badly Pearson Group is doing. If we take in Keyshire Property, we can restore our family to itsformer glory and even reach a new height!”

After listening to his elaboration, Declan gnashed his teeth. It was already pitiful enough that Oliviacould not live her young and exciting life because she was about to be ‘sacrificed.’ She did not havelong to live, yet Terrence already had his eyes set on her real estate agency! Was that how agrandfather should behave? Was he even worthy of being called one?

Keyshire Property was indeed an excellent company. It almost monopolized the entire Irieson realestate industry and had strong financial resources, so it was reasonable to say they were as rich as acountry. However, what did that have to do with the Pearson Family? That was Thomas’ gift to Olivia!

Declan shook his head. Never would he have imagined his father would change so much while he wasaway for years. The kind and gentle man from before had disappeared entirely, now replaced with aheartless shell!

In actuality, Terrence had set his sights on Keyshire Property long ago. After all, the real estate industrywas highly profitable, and Keyshire Property was the best in Irieson. Therefore, its ability to generateprofit was something Pearson Group could never reach.

Now that news of Olivia’s relationship was widely spread in the community, he could take this chanceto coax her into returning as a Pearson. That way, he could not only shut up the other great families butalso gain Keyshire Property. By then, no one in Irieson would dare to go against them and might evenfight each other to please them!

Meanwhile, Declan felt disheartened because he suddenly understood why Olivia was so adamantabout returning to the Pearsons and why she felt disappointed. What was the point, truly? Even hecould not bear to live here, let alone her. How could one stoop so low?

At first, he was sincerely hoping to convince Olivia to come home. They were family, so it wasoutrageous to think she wanted to sever ties with them, but now… Was he still willing to persuade her?How would his deceased sister-in-law feel if he did such a thing? What would the Denvers think? Howcould his father do such a thing in the name of family benefits? Was he not afraid he would become thelaughingstock of Irieson?

“Dad, I can’t do it. You should find someone else.” Declan was still a kind soul who could not go againsthis morals to trick his niece. He did not care what the others would do, but he could not do such athing!

When Terrence heard that, his eyes widened, asking, “Who else can I send but you? You’re the onlyone in our entire family closest to her. Are you expecting me to throw away my pride and beg her?”


“You what?” Terrence interrupted him. “To tell you the truth, you have no choice in this. You will do it nomatter what!”

He was abnormally domineering today, but he had no choice because the Pearson Family’s future wasin Olivia’s hands, so he could not let anything go south.

Later, Declan left the villa feeling dejected. His father had changed entirely, now a cold and ruthlessman. At the same time, he remained the same because he was as oppressive and dominant as ever.

After he turned on the car’s engine, he heard his phone ring. It was a call from his brother. “Norman?”

“You brat, why didn’t you tell me you came home? Do you still see me as your brother?” Norman joked,seeming to be in a good mood. It might be because his injuries had almost healed. “Come to my place.We’ll have a good drink together. Just the two of us.”

“Sure. I’ll head over now.” Declan wanted to reject the offer, but at the thought of their longdisconnection, he thought it would be inappropriate to refuse to meet his brother.

Soon, he arrived at Norman’s new villa. The brothers were happy to see each other, and the servantsoon brought them their meal.novelbin

Norman poured a glass of liquor for each of them, and they began drinking happily. Since his injurieswere almost healed, he could drink and enjoy some. After a few rounds, he gradually became chattier.“Declan, do you know? My life is so bitter.”

“Bitter?” Declan frowned. Norman was a talented man, so how could his life be bitter?

“That’s right. Olivia’s mother didn’t bear me a son, and both her daughters are ungrateful b*tches!”

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