I'm Someone Else

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124

“Here. I’ll feed you!”

Olivia speared a piece of meat with a fork and held it to Thomas’ lips.

“I’ll do it myself,” he said with a helpless smile.

His physical constitution was superior to others. Although he wasn’t quite at the peak of his health rightnow, he could still tend to his own needs.

“No! You just woke up, and your body’s still weak. It’s best if you move as little as possible! What’s thebig deal anyway? You took care of me like this too.”


Thomas had no choice but to open up and let her stuff food into his mouth.

Ten minutes later, he felt as if his stomach would burst at any second now, but Olivia kept feeding himanyway. He didn’t have the heart to say he couldn’t eat anymore and simply forced the food down histhroat.

Olivia did put all that effort into preparing the food for him. He didn’t want to make her upset by notfinishing it.

Meanwhile, Olivia’s cheeks were flushed the whole time. It was her first time taking care of a man likethat, and her heart was pounding wildly.

Will he figure out that I like him? I hope not! I don’t want to make it too obvious! I shouldn’t be tooforward.

At last, Thomas burped after polishing off the final mouthful. Olivia was exhausted too, so she had thenurse bring a foldable cot into the room. Soon, she fell asleep.

Late at night, Thomas sneaked out of his room and lit a cigarette. Thoughts began racing through hismind.

The other five members of the Minacia Oito Irieson weren’t at home. How strange. Where should I golooking for them? I guess I’ll have to rely on my connections to find them. Irieson’s huge; I can’tpossibly locate them all by myself.

He then pondered, As for those who called the hit on me today, they’ll have to remain on the backburner for now. I need to avenge Dominic first. Those who killed my buddy won’t be getting awayunscathed!

“You only just started getting better, Thomas! Why did you run out here to smoke a cigarette? It’s notgood for your recovery!”

All of a sudden, Quincy appeared and chided Thomas.

He picked up the box of cigarettes and checked inside. My goodness! Is Thomas even human? Hisbody has got to be made up of smoke by now! There are only a few cigarettes left in here!

Quincy took a good look at Thomas. “By the way, Olivia came in before I could finish what I wanted tosay, so let me continue the conversation now. I found a young lady who might be a good match for you.Why don’t you meet her? It would be good if the sparks fly between you two, but even if it doesn’t workout, you can just think of it as making a new friend. You’re both about the same age, so I’m sure you’llhave a lot in common.”

Thomas shook his head. “I understand your kind gesture, Dr. Hofstead, but I’m really not interested indating anyone right now.”

He knew full well what Quincy was up to. On one hand, Quincy wanted to strengthen the bond betweenthem, but more importantly, the doctor was afraid that he and Olivia would become romanticallyinvolved. Either way, he’s doing it for my sake, Thomas thought.

“You would hurt my reputation if you don’t go, Thomas. I’ve already set things up with the young lady.How can I possibly hold my head up high if you don’t even meet her?”

Thomas looked into Quincy’s hopeful eyes. Who was Quincy? Only one of the most highly-respectedindividuals in Irieson. Now that Quincy had put it this way, it wouldn’t be right for Thomas to refuse anylonger when the doctor went through all that effort to arrange a blind date for him.

“Alright. I’ll go,” Thomas finally said.

“Hahaha! That’s more like it! It’ll be at 7.30PM. I’ll tell you the location later. Oh, right. Pay moreattention when you get ready for it, okay? Make sure it looks like you’re taking it seriously, got it? Don’tdress too casually. It would reflect badly on me, too.”

Quincy gave Thomas a few reminders. He sincerely hoped that Thomas and that young lady would turnout to be compatible. That way, he wouldn’t need to be afraid about something happening betweenThomas and Olivia. This was the best solution for this situation that Quincy could think of. If Thomasisn’t interested in this young lady, I’ll have to carry on finding someone suitable for him. No matter whathappens, I can’t let him develop even the barest glimmer of feelings for Olivia!

Thomas nodded. “I need your help with something, Dr. Hofstead. I plan on leaving the hospital at dawn.Can you help me find out the approximate location of the remaining five members of Minacia Oito? It’llbe a problem if they remain alive.”

Quincy’s brows furrowed at once. He’s only been in the hospital for one day! How can he think ofleaving so soon after succumbing to such a toxic poison?! Isn’t he being a bit too impatient? He shouldat least wait until he’s fully recovered.

Nevertheless, the look of resolve in Thomas’ eyes made it clear to Quincy that there was no way hecould change the young man’s mind.

“Okay. Give me two hours. I’ll give you their approximate location by then. I’ll be able to locate them ifthey’re still in Irieson.”

Quincy walked off after saying that.

Thomas went back into the hospital room. His clothes were all at his house, and he couldn’t head backthere in his current state. After all, his clothes were soaked with blood; Chloe would get a huge fright ifshe saw that. Since Olivia was sound asleep, Thomas didn’t want to disturb her. Thus, he got hisphone and sent Sean a text telling him to bring some clothes over once the sun had risen.

As soon as the sky began to lighten, Sean appeared in the hospital room with a set of clothes.


Thomas quickly made a shushing gesture. Olivia was still asleep, and he didn’t want to wake her. Hedragged Sean out of the room and headed into a restroom to get changed.

“Is everything alright at Twilight Bar? Did anyone mess with Zoe?”

“Don’t worry. Will and I are guarding Twilight Bar. No one has the guts to touch Zoe. That being said, afew strangers started tailing her around lately. I’ve sent a few bodyguards over to keep her safe.”

Thomas narrowed his eyes. A bunch of people are tracking Zoe’s movements, huh? He didn’t evenneed to think twice to know it was the work of the five Minacia Oito members who were still alive. Lookslike I’ll have to kill them off as soon as possible.

“How many of them?”

“Four of them in a Nissan sedan.”

Thomas nodded and went back into the room. He lay down in bed and waited for Olivia to wake up.novelbin

Half an hour later, Olivia’s eyes opened. She had a silly grin on her face when she spotted Thomas.

How wonderful it is to be greeted by the sight of him in the morning! If only I could have this everymorning. He makes me feel so safe.

“You’re up. Let’s go!” Thomas got out of bed and helped her into her jacket. He gathered their thingsand left the hospital.

As soon as they returned to the villa, he prepared the medicine for her.

Once she finished it off, she asked him, “When are we heading to Keyshire Property?”

He thought about it for a moment. “Let’s do it tomorrow.”

He was busy today. Quincy had sent him a text with information on the whereabouts of the fiveremaining members of Minacia Oito. They’ll be making a one-way trip to the afterlife today!

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