I'm Someone Else

Chapter 120
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Chapter 120

After Quincy drank some tea, he got straight to the point and filled Raymond in on the reason theycame.novelbin

Raymond’s brows furrowed. The Elliotts were indeed in possession of a Myria Herbal Pill. They won itat one of Unicus Hall’s auctions and put it away for safekeeping this whole time. It was a cure for allpoisons and could be used in a life-and-death situation.

“Why do you want it?”

“We need it to cure someone of poison!” Quincy cupped his hands and addressed Raymond, “I won’thide it from you. We have no other options left, so that’s why we came to ask this of you. Do you stillhave the Myria Herbal Pill? If you do, go ahead and name your price. We’re willing to pay whatever youask, no matter how much it is.”

Quincy wasn’t just saying it. He alone had wealth beyond imagination while both the Mortons and thePeralta Family were abundantly wealthy families too. Money was nothing more than a number to them.They didn’t care about how much they spent if it meant they could save Thomas.

Raymond gasped.

Who’s been poisoned? How is it that the acclaimed Dr. Hofstead is at his wit’s end too? Just who is thisperson? It’s already a huge deal that Quincy Hofstead is here seeking my help, but he’s not the onlyone. John Morton and Samuel Peralta, these two old blokes, have come in person too! The patientcan’t be an ordinary person!

Does that mean I’ll be offending three powerful people if I don’t hand over the Myria Herbal Pill?

Apart from getting rid of various types of poison, the pill could also be used to heal a multitude ofinjuries, especially internal ones.

Money wasn’t the issue. He couldn’t let them have it no matter how much they offered!

“I won’t beat around the bush. We haven’t used it yet so it’s still with us, but I apologize. It is veryimportant to our family. We can’t let you have it.”

Quincy and two other men looked among themselves with expressions of utmost disappointment.

Raymond had been very clear. He couldn’t let them have it, so what could they do? They couldn’tpossibly take it by force.

Just then, Olivia kneeled in front of Raymond with a thump and begged, “Please let us have it, Old Mr.Elliott. I need to save him. I can’t let him die! Please! I’m begging you!”

As she spoke, she kept bowing so hard that her head smacked against the floor with loud thuds eachtime. Everyone was thunderstruck!

Olivia was the Pearsons’ eldest daughter and the Most Beautiful Female Entrepreneur in Irieson! Shewas truly one of the most outstanding young women around!

Yet, despite her lofty status in society, she was kneeling at someone else’s feet and bowing so humbly!

No one would’ve thought it possible unless they saw it for themselves.

Raymond was the first to snap out of his shock. He quickly instructed his son Timothy to help Olivia up.He couldn’t possibly allow her to prostrate herself in front of him.

Is it one of the Pearsons who has been poisoned? If not, why else would Olivia disregard her dignityand behave this way?

“It’s not that I don’t want to do you this favor, Miss Pearson, but I’m sorry. The Myria Herbal Pill is fartoo important to our family. You could say that it’s the foundation of our family’s existence. I


If it hadn’t been that important to the Elliotts, Raymond would have handed it over on a silver platterright away, and for free too! He wouldn’t have accepted any payment for it. After all, the gratitude of thethree prominent people in front of him was even more valuable than any amount of money.

Nevertheless, he truly couldn’t part with it!

Raymond’s words made Olivia lose all hope. She shuffled out of the house looking like her soul hadbeen sucked out of her.

Am I just going to stand by and watch Thomas die? Am I not going to do anything about it?

He was only poisoned because he wanted to save me! If he dies, who will ever treat me this wellagain? What’s the point of living?

Her look of utter despair was heartbreaking for all who saw it. Samuel quickly walked over to Olivia. Imust console her and help her calm down. All hell will break loose if she spirals and does somethingirreversible.

At the same time, Olivia’s display set a fire in Quincy’s heart too. He became even more resolved.

Even a young woman was willing to kneel for the sake of saving Thomas. What’s there for me to fear?What sacrifice can’t I make? I won’t leave until I get the Myria Herbal Pill!

With that thought in mind, Quincy yanked off his tie and threw his jacket on the couch. He unbuttonedthe top two buttons of his shirt and said to Raymond, “I’m telling you now, Raymond. I’m not taking nofor an answer! You’re going to hand over the Myria Herbal Pill today whether you like it or not! I swearon my honor that if you hand the pill over today, it will bring nothing but benefits to your family. Youwon’t suffer in any way! Even if someone in your family has a terminal illness, they can still be cured!

However, if you don’t hand it over, then I’m sorry, but I’m not stepping foot out of this house! It’s up toyou!”

Raymond was staggered. He had never seen this side of Quincy before. He has always been a refinedand sophisticated gentleman. Why is he acting like a street thug now? It looks as if he’s determined toget the pill no matter what! Who is this person that he’s willing to sacrifice everything to save?

“The Mortons too! We must get this pill!”

John threw all caution to the wind and voiced his stance. Although it did seem like they were throwingtheir weight around to take the pill by force, they had no choice. Time waited for no man. If they wastedany more time on this, they might not get to save Thomas even if they managed to get the pill.

“You’re all…” Raymond’s lips were trembling a little. The Elliotts can’t go up against the both of you…

Samuel, who was at the door, also spoke up, “Count the Peralta Family in! If you’re willing to hand overthe pill, the Peralta Family are willing to maintain a strong bond with the Elliotts for generations tocome! You are free to ask anything of us and we will do our best to fulfill it! If not, then what’s in storefor you is our vengeance!”


Quincy alone was hard enough for Raymond to handle, but now, both the Mortons and the PeraltaFamily were involved too. It seemed as if the Elliotts were doomed if they didn’t hand over the pilltoday…

But, I can’t give it to them! We need to use it soon…

Just then, Rose came into the living room.

“Olivia? What are you doing here?”

“Rose!” Olivia quickly stopped her crying and said, “You have to help me! Please! I’m begging you.”

“W-What happened?”

The two women weren’t extremely close but Rose did know about Olivia’s reputation as the MostBeautiful Female Entrepreneur in Irieson. She never thought of Olivia as someone who would cry andbeg for someone else’s help.

Olivia quickly filled Rose in.

Rose was taken aback. Who was poisoned? Why is Olivia so upset about it? Is it her boyfriend?

“Who was poisoned, Olivia?”

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