I'm Someone Else

Chapter 115
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Chapter 115

Blake only shot him a cold look, and Jake quickly made the arrangements.

The next morning, Blake got into an expensive car and went to a manor owned by his family. The chefswere already making a lot of food for breakfast, and even from a mile away, he could smell the scent ofbreakfast and tea. Blake smiled to himself as he already had a perfect plan in his mind. This plan couldget rid of both Thomas and the Pearsons. I can hit two birds with one stone. Delightful.

Blake told the chefs to make a feast and prepare a bottle of expensive wine. Now, we wait for Norman.We’ve been fighting for decades, and yet now we’re going to have breakfast together. How ironic. Inever thought this day would come. Bet he never thought that either.

Someone from the Pearson Family came, but it was not Norman. Instead, it was his father, Terrence.Terrence wouldn’t have come, but he was the only one who could. Norman was still recovering, andGavin couldn’t even get out of bed. He was the only one with enough prestige to meet up with Blake,so he came.

Terrence was more than miffed. His son got his right hand broken, and his grandson had his legsbroken. Even his granddaughter had a falling out with the family. Damn you, Thomas. Just because ofyou, my family’s breaking apart at the seams. If you hadn’t shown up, none of this would havehappened. Why did you back Olivia so adamantly? Do you really love her?

Terrence only tried to make Thomas his ally because Norman said Thomas was a calm and collectedman. And now look at what happened. He’s going against the whole family. I shouldn’t have tried tomake him my ally.

However, he could do nothing about it except grumble in silence. There was no way he could takeThomas in a fight, not when someone like Blake lost out to him in an instant. More importantly, hewondered why Blake wanted to see his son. I thought our families were sworn enemies. And why did

they want to meet in this manor? Only the most important members of the Hinds are allowed here. I’mprobably the first outsider to be here.

A man in a black suit drove Terrence to a villa. Once he got out of the car, a pair of bodyguards cameup to him, holding metal detectors. “Sorry.”

Terrence didn’t object. It was par for the course, to be honest. He wasn’t exactly a friend of the Hinds,so of course Blake had to be careful. After a lot of checks, he was finally allowed entrance into the villa.

Blake didn’t seem surprised to see Terrence. He had gotten the news from the moment Terrenceshowed up at the gates. Of course, he was surprised at first, but now he was calm and collected. Hmm,I can see why. He’s the only one who’s powerful enough to make it. Everyone else is… crippled. “Havea seat, Mr. Pearson.”

Breakfast was ready and waiting for Terrence. Terrence took his seat and looked at the wine beforehim. “I assume you didn’t ask for a meetup just to drink wine?” Terrence took the glass and downed thewine. He wasn’t worried that the wine might be spiked. If Blake did that, the whole of Irieson’s uppersociety would isolate him and his family.

“Of course not.” Blake popped some food into his mouth and looked at Terrence. He respected thisman, but because of their standing, they could never be friends. “I wanted to talk to Norman, but sinceyou’re here, I’ll talk to you instead. I would like to work with your family.”

“I beg your pardon?” Terrence’s eyes went wide, and he wondered if he was hearing things. What’swrong with him?

Blake nodded. “We have a common enemy now. If I’m right, you hate Thomas too, don’t you?”

“What are you trying to say?” Terrence stared at Blake. He wasn’t surprised that Blake knew of theevents that happened in his family. The upper society of Irieson was a small circle. Anyone could find

out about anything if they wanted to.novelbin

“You know how powerful Thomas is. He killed my niece and ruined your grandson. I know you want toget back at him, especially what he did with your granddaughter. She’s your treasure, and she means alot to you and your family,” said Blake.

The enemy of my enemy was a friend, or so the old adage said. The Hinds or the Pearsons alonecouldn’t take on someone like Thomas. They had to work together for a chance of victory.

“So, what’s the plan?”

Blake smiled confidently. He knew there was no way the Pearsons could resist the offer of an alliance.He took a sip and told Terrence of his plan. “So, what do you think?” He smiled.

Terrence mused over it. He’s being serious. I can’t believe he’s using their trump card. I bet he tried toget back at Thomas and failed, or he wouldn’t have made this move. “I can work with that.” Terrencegot up.

“You guys at least have to send in a group on the same level as the one I’m sending in.”

Terrence scoffed. “We will.” Then, he strode away.

Blake saw him off and sneered. Not even a goodbye. My, you think so lowly of me, huh? But it’s fine. Iwon’t get mad at a family that’s about to die. Once Olivia is dead, you people are done for. “Jake!”

“So, he agreed?” Jake was waiting for the answer eagerly.

“Yes, so make the arrangements. We’ll be attacking today.”

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