Im -perfect

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2

My breathe hitched, My body screamed at me to turn the fuck around and never ever come in thevicinity of these four asshole ever again, since the last time didn't go oh too well .

But my pride ; my stupid fucking pride didn't agree ; I was the victim here , it was him that stupidasshole who was laughing at whatever shit his friend Conan Salvador told him the cause of all this shitthat was happening to me.I m not going to run away , my body screamed in protest but I willed it tomove inside the class , the moment I took those small baby steps , the laughter stopped , cue mynervous sweaty hands.

They should have continued on but instead I felt four glares aimed at my direction especially one ofthem seemed to be much more dangerous than the others .Instinctively, I wanted to run away but allthe same time I didn't want to let them know that they were getting to me.

Thus, I straightened my back a little and kept walking only to be stopped by strong muscular chest.+Holy mother of God.Jacob Knight was standing front of me with his famous smirk , his hands crossedin front .

"Hey , Waddington , nice to see you here ."

If not for that cursed name ; I would have believed even so slightly that this guy was actually greetingme , his voice was even and even held some warmth in it but I wasn't some stupid girl who was readyto jump in his arms with a mere glimpse of his eyes

I knew what Jacob Knight was.Past his perfect demeanour laid something sinister ; he wasn't thegolden boy nor was he a prince and not a knight either .And I knew that ; I have seen his perniciousways when he declared me off the charts made me the school's punching bag with just a few words ofhis.

Gorgeous or not what he did was sexual harassment but he made me pay for his fuckery .

I don't trust him and that jerk knows it .

"Hey ; QB" I answered him in the exact jolly tone that he used .

Jacob brows shot up in surprise , he must have expected me to atleast stammer a little while facing himbut then again this asshole had done his worst by throwing me against his minions , I believed hecouldn't get any worse than that .

Oh boy , I was so wrong .Once the shock of me answering him passed ,he stepped forward and thiswas something I didn't expect from him , he should have sneered like others called m ea few name ,worst come push me down but never did I expect Jacob fucking Knight to violate my personal space .

On instinct I took a few steps back only to be block by another asshole , Luis Kelly was standing behindme with his shit eating grin as if were the best of friends and he was just playing another prank on me.

"Let me go " I kept my voice calm even though my insides were shaking like crazy .

: Nah ; Bella , Knight wants to have a little chat , act like a good girl just the way you are and nothingwill go wrong "novelbin

I didn't believe him , neither of them was worth it .I turned around trying to get way from him and Jacobbut Conan Salvador with his long legs blocked my path.

"Just talk ; Hamilton" growled Conan his voice sharper than usual .

I didn't want to talk not to Jacob nor to anyone else who have given me this pain , I wanted to screamat them to leave me the fuck alone but I knew they won't, this was all a game to them .My freedom , mywill didn't matter to them , they have taken everything from me ; my peace, my social life everythingthat could be considered important to a seventeen year old teenage gir] but it didn't matter to them , if Ipushed them anymore maybe they themselve will replace their minions who did their bidding .

"Do your worst " resigning to my fate , I looked at those stormy gray eyes that fascinated me evenwhen they shouldn't .I should be dreaming about a nice cozy man but instead I find myself imaginingthe one kiss that this jerk gave to me , dreaming about things that should never happen between meand him.

Jacob smiled as he narrowed the gap between us right now he was so close to me that we werebreathing the same air , my legs were nearly shaking from the terror that he was inciting but somehow Imade myself force to meet his eyes.

"Ah ; that's where you are wrong Hamilton, when you see a predator you turn around and run with yourtail in between your legs , you do not charge right up to your predator or you're gonna get hunted " hestill had his stupid smirk on that Iso much wanted to wipe it off him but a single slap was enough to ruinmy school life , I wasn't going to take my chances about what the other might bring .

But before I could give another scathing retort ; Luis pushed m e and before I knew it I fell face first inJacob's arms .Terror clawed inside me when Jacob tightened his grip on me instead of pushing me offand calling me a ‘fat whore' , I could have digested it ;

I always did but this ...this waa getting out of hands .I pushed against his chest trying to get away fromhim but he simply locked my arms behind my back as he looked at me.

"You don't learn sweetheart ; you need to run when I come for you" Jacob remarked.

"Get your fucking hands off me, Knight"My voice was breaking for the first time in my entire high schoollife, I had faced so much but never let myself cry but being with Jacob in such a sudden close proximityI knew that he wasn't joking around , whatever he has planned will not bode well for me.

"No" he replies all to calmly , then he nods at Luis behind my back "didn't you hear Kelly? Act like agood girl and everything will be alright"

But I only struggled harder trying to free myself from his grip , wasn't going to act like a good girl notright now, not in front of these assholes .But terror started to run rampant when Jacob groped mybreast kneading it harder then he should.

"Please" trying to pull back from his horrifying touch

"Don't do this to me please" I wished Jacob felt something with my soft whimpers of pleading but evenif he did , he didn't stop instead he dragged his lips around my neck; his mouth ravenous. I flinchedwhen his teeth pierce through my skin and later his tongue started making small circles around the bitemark as if trying to soothe me off my pain.His hand that was caressing my left breast finally let go butonly to slip inside of pants , he is this close from touching my core.

It was absolutely terrifying , I felt my body freeze in terror, m y insides were quaking .I wanted this tostop .

"Please , please let me go" and this time I break I sob my tears let loose and I didn't stop them. Finally,Jacob pulls back , his lips , hands altogether .

"Good Girl, you are a fast learner aren't you sweetheart " he spoke alomst soothingly I'm not hissweetheart never will be , in front of these assholes , Jacob Knight has violated me liken o one else didbefore but I can't even retort to him it will only make him act even worse.

"look up, I wanna see your tears princess"

I looked up not even wanting to fight him off .

"Mhmm,; sweetheart that's the way" he caressed my cheek approvingly .

He leans closer once again and kissed my tears away like he have every fucking right too .

"Fuck" he murmured looking down at me as if my tears made him contented , he looked as if hewanted to give everything u p and do whatever the fuck he wanted to in his sick psychotic mind butConan stopped him.

"That's enough , people are gonna see " Conan said.

Jacob nodded but his stromy eyes remained locked at me "You're gonna keep that pretty mouth shutfor me sweetheart , if you think you have seen worse of me then you are damn wrong there"

He knows I won't tell a soul , I didn't do it the last time nor Will I do it now but he just wanted to let meknow ;to show me who he was .I nod wordlessly not trusting my mouth to be able to speak up afterwhat I just went through .

"Good luck for the class sweetheart "

And with those parting words the four assholes turned back to their seats as if neither of themhumiliated me , leaving me alone to silently cry in a class full of students

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