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Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Chapter Ninety novelbin


Sydney’s POV

“Welcome to this world, Aiden Mommy loves you so much, I whispered into his tiny cars and hesquinted at me before closing his eyes again. And I wondered if he heard me. I wondered if hecould feel and tell that he was in his mother’s arms

My eyes watered, filled with tears of joy as I stroked the decks of my son just the dought that hewas mine made my heart swell with so much love and happiness God the booked an innocent. Toopure for this world.

Without any complications, I had successfully given birth to a bouncy baby boy in the same hospitalwhere I had found out that I was pregnant.

I smiled. The past few months had been a lot, it was a m*uth that was filled with a rollercoaster ofemotions, a month where I had received support and love, even from people I hadn’t expected itfrom. Infact, these past few months have been one of my favorites..

Grace sighed again, her gaze glued to Aiden in my hands as if he had hypnotized her. “Thes goingto grow into a handsome hunk”

I laughed, Aiden shook in my hands as my shoulder moved, “Already?

“I can already see it, she murmured back, absentmindedly, her gaze trained on Aiden. He would bestunning

After she was allowed in, Grace had been silent. She just hugged me and stared at Aiden as if hewas unreal, as though if she touched him, he would disappear into the air. After minutes hadpassed, she finally moved closer and touched his fists, gasping as her hands came in contact withmy son’s flesh. You would think she had never seen or touched a baby before.

She touched Aiden’s hands then gently tried to stick her pinky finger in–between his small clenchedfists.

“You should stop doing that before he decides to never let go? I smiled. She had been doing thatsince she touched him.

“It’s so cute,” she cooed. She drew back from him and looked at me, her eyes gleaming withrestrained tears, “Aiden is so cute that I want to just scream and cry at his beauty

I couldn’t help but laugh. I slightly winced when I felt a sharp pain in my perineal area and I brieflywondered if it was okay for me to laugh so much after going through the strenuousness ofchildbirth.

Childbirth is scary. After Aiden, I don’t think I want to go through that process anymore. Atleast, notanytime soon.

I was terrified and tired and on the verge of giving up. I thought I would never be able to push mychild out and that I would die with him in my stomach but the doctor and nurses edged me on andMark was there.

His hands gripped mine, silently passing across that he would never let go. I had blurry. memoriesof me shouting for him to go away; I hit and bit him whenever he got closer but he still remained bymy side, cheering me on even though there was nothing to cheer on. You can do it, Sydney. Comeon, you’re strong and your baby can’t wait to meet you.

He was by my side until Aiden let out his first sound an ear piercing cry. I had never been so happyto hear a cry.

Mark, that man, had been more supportive than I would have imagined in a thousand years. In thepast months, he was there for me through thick and thin.

Instead of laughing, I settled for grinning. “Have some dignity, will you? You’re his godmother. “Ican’t help it,” she cooed and looked at Aiden again, her l*ps stretching into a wider smile. “You’recrying just by touching him now. If you keep this up, when he grows up, he’ll think

you’re a strange aunt who only cries when you see him.”

Grace laughter filled the room. When shebsovered up, she took Aiden from me and gently swayedhim. Holding his tiny fists, she said, “Then I have a lot of practice to do so I can get used to hisbeauty. I must familiarize myself with him. I can’t bear to let him think I’m a strange aunt in thefuture.”

I shook my head at her dramatics. I watched the two of them, Aiden’s eyes were closed and Grace’sfull attention was on him. My heart warmed at the sight of the both of them. I can already tell thatAiden will have so much support and love in his life. He would be surrounded by it; I would makesure of that.

My grin slowly faded and my l*ps twisted unpleasantly as he crossed my mind. I said to Grace. I’mthinking of going to Italy.”

Grace paused then she sighed and continued to sway Aiden in her arms. “To do what, Sydney?”She asked exasperatedly.

I knew she knew what I wanted to go there for but since she asked, I was going to answer too.

To find Lucas.”

I was disheartened and shocked when after a month, Lucas didn’t come back or even contact me.Weeks of me waiting stretched into months and still no word from the bastard.

“Are you kidding me right now?” She turned to me, sl*pping on her scolding face. “You just gavebirth. I won’t let you go anywhere now and I’m sure Mark wouldn’t allow it to.”

I rolled my eyes, “I won’t go now. Surely, I’m not fit for that stress now. I’ll go after a month or so.When I feel very rested.”

Grace shook her head. She looked down at Aiden before facing me again, “With Aiden?” Shepouted, “I’ll miss him, you can’t do this to me, it’s too cruel.”

I smiled. I smiled at her drama, as usual. I also smiled at the fact that she wasn’t talking of stoppingme, she knew I had made my decision and she had accepted it.

I shook her head, “Of course not, I’m not going with Aiden. I will go alone. But, I’ll definitely comeback soon, I can’t bear to leave Aiden for that long. I don’t think I can ever.”

Grace’s eyes lit up in excitement and I knew that if she wasn’t holding Aiden, she would have.clapped in excitement.

“Then I had better start learning how to be a single mother now, it seems exciting and I can’t wait

I shook her head, “There’s no need to learn anything about being a single mom, I don’t intend toleave you alone with him forever. Besides, I’ll find you some help.”

‘I gave her a sidelong glance and teased, almost wiggling my brows, “After all, it’s not very

convenient to go on a date with a baby, right?”

Grace’s face turned red and her brows deeply drew down in an exaggerated frown. “Wh – what areyou saying?” She stuttered.

“Don’t think I don’t know about you and that handsome doctor. You guys are dating, aren’t you? Tellme the truth,” I held her gaze and looking me in the eye suddenly became an issue for Grace, “Doyou accompany me to the hospital every time just to see that handsome doctor?” “Whatttt,” shedrew back dramatically. When I didn’t budge she shrugged as much as she could while she heldAiden, “Well,” she elongated, “caring about you is true, and looking at the handsome doctor is alsotrue.”

I laughed at her inconvenience and she brightened, a big grin on her l*ps.

At that moment, Mark swaggered in. Seeing the expressions on our faces, he smiled and asked,“What are you two talking about looking so happy?”

“It’s none of your business, Grace said in a singy songy tone as she walked forward and handedAiden to Mark.

Mark readily took him from her. He held Aiden so gently and skillfully, that you’d think he had spenthis entire life either being a father or studying the art of being a father.

Chapter 90 Chapter Ninety,

He closed his eyes and placed a k*ss on his forehead. If there was an outsider amongst us, theywould have thought he was Aiden’s father.

A smile danced on Grace’s l*ps as she whispered to me. I’m going out, you two chat.”

I nodded. The room fell silent as I watched her leave the room while Mark focused on Aiden.

Chapter 90 Chapter Ninety c

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